The Unlikeliest of Heroes (But Still the Greatest of All)
by James Webb

We have watched what God has done, and we stand ready to provide eyewitness testimonies to the reality that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. - 1 John 4:14 (The Voice)

When many of the world today think of a "hero," more than likely they probably think - on a fictional level - of that caped crusader who burst "onto the scene" just in time to "save the day!" Or maybe it is that mysterious "masked man" with a six-shooter 'strapped' to his side that comes along and "makes right" the injustices of the corrupted "powers that be". On a more realistic, non-fictional level, maybe it is that police officer who is injured in the line of duty for the sake of others. Or maybe it is that firefighter who sacrifices his own safety for the sake of the victims involved. Or maybe it is even that soldier that gives his life "for God and country." Yes, today in our world there are many heroes - fictional and non-fictional - that the world can look to and say in essence, "Yes, now there goes a hero!"

But what about a lowly carpenter? A carpenter who was born in poverty, lived most of his life in seclusion (in essence, out of the public eye), who mainly taught about love and compassion and goodwill towards all men? Who - at the height of his personal 'popularity' - was hung naked to a wooden cross for all to see? One that the Scriptures describe in such a manner as the following:

He grew up like a young plant, like a root growing in dry ground. There was nothing special or impressive about the way he looked, nothing we could see that would cause us to like him. People made fun of him, and even his friends left him. He was a man who suffered a lot of pain and sickness. We treated him like someone of no importance, like someone people will not even look at but turn away from in disgust. - Isaiah 53:2-3 (ERV)

Yes, what about this man? Do you think that the world would 'qualify' Him as a "hero" of sorts? In all honesty, more than likely, probably not. At the height of His popularity, the only thing that Jesus really received from others was a beating, mockery from the on-looking crowd, a crown of thorns, and nails in His hands and feet.

But the Scriptures continue on in this same passage of Isaiah and state this about Him as well:

But because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received. - Isaiah 53:5 (GNT)

When we think about one who truly comes in and "saves the day," who truly sacrifices his own personal well-being and safety for the lives of others, there is no greater 'hero' than Jesus Christ Himself - He is the 'epitome,' if you will, of what a true hero really is: I.e., brave, courageous, steadfast, self-sacrificing, etc. (As Christ stated Himself at one time, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends" [John 15:13]; and, "the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many" [Mark 10:45].) He is truly what a dying world needs - a true "Savior of the world."

James has served as a teacher, speaker and local church elder. He has an ongoing desire to encourage others by sharing the truly good news of Jesus Christ with them; ultimately bringing honor and glory to God. He may be personally contacted at: [email protected].

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