If a person is rich, gifted, talented, educated, privileged, clever, successful, in a high position, artistic and even good looking; whatever the case may be, that person should not lose touch with his or her human frailty. (Gal.6:1)

Ultimately the glory of all these attributes should be in the humility of those that possess them; 1 We should not trust in them. They are like paper Mache dolls that fall apart when handled. All these attributes, gifts and talents are like candy floss that melts in the mouth.2

It's the Lords will for us to prosper but when we are prospering, we must remain grounded. I heard someone point out a real truth. He said that when God gave Abraham a vision, it involved the stars and it involved the sand. Gen 22:17, 18

Humility has so many fascists and it would be impossible for anyone to explore them all, but I think it is a good thing to know to some extent what humility is and what it isn't:

Humility is not dressing up or down or looking drab and unattractive.3

It is not what we eat and drink.4

It is not neglecting the body. 5

It is not looking glum and down in the mouth. (Ps.42:11)

It is not looking stern and unsmiling.

It is not the absence of confidence.6

It is not the hiding of achievements.7 (Matt.25:24)

It is not being weak and vacillating.8

It is not self-flagellation and bemoaning how unworthy we are; (we should rather stand up as Kings kids and boast in the Lord, shouting out , "He is Good, He is our Abba Father, He is Worthy.)"9

It is not thinking that one's place of worship (Christian church) is the only one that's of any true worth; the only one that has a ticket to heaven, the only one that pleases God, the only one that has full Light and revelation.10

"Humble men and women do not have a low opinion of themselves, they have no opinion of themselves, because Jesus said, "Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart" (Matt. 11:29) Brennan Manning.

True humility is realizing that we are human; we breathe the same air and inhabit the same earth. We are not better than anyone else.11

Humility is accepting Christ as the perfect sacrifice for our sin; nothing more nothing less.12

Humility is talking less and listening more. (Rev.3:6)

Humility is not trying to be something but being willing to be nothing in order to be something.

Humility is being a servant even if a king.13

Humility is realizing the full extent of our fallen and sinful state and being eternally grateful to our Redeemer, Jesus.14

Humility is a state of mind, not an outward advertisement of our piety. Like circumcision, it is not that of the outward, but of the heart.15

Humility is a fruit of the Spirit. It flows from the heart of God. It is automatically manifested in those who know that they are saved by Grace through faith alone. It is a garment they put.16

If we think we are humble, we are not. How repugnant it is to observe a person with false humility. It stinks of "Pharisee" and congers up a repugnance that makes one want to flee from their presence. They are scary. They don't draw you to Jesus; they make you want to run away from Him. Jesus experienced this first hand when it was manifested in the attitude of the Scribes and Pharisees.17

On the other-hand how attractive and refreshing it is when we hear sermons and testimonies from preachers and teachers who never preach down at you; who admit their own faults and failings. They have pity on the struggling saint and lost sinner alike. They empathize with them and point them to the Victor who has helped them out of many difficulties and trials. That's a person who draws you to Christ and makes you want to run into His loving arms.

That's why I admire and support pastors and teachers and like-minded co-workers; who identify with the people and direct them to the 'only' Source of grace and deliverance: Jesus Christ.

There is nothing worse than when preachers of the gospel put themselves on a pedestal of spiritual virtue; who give the impression they are above the stain of sin as well being spiritually superior to those who are struggling. You can't connect and identify with them; they seem to be on another planet far removed from what you are experiencing. Instead of picking you up, they drive you further into the pit of despair. They continually point out your sin instead of pointing you to Jesus, who is The Remedy for its disease.

It seems to me that pride (lack of humility) is a sure sign of self-righteousness. The Lord never got angry with the ordinary sinner, but there was one thing that riled Him, and that was the hardcore self-righteous, holier than thou demeanor of the Pharisee, Sadducee and Scribe. Jesus detested their attitude, calling them a brood of vipers. How bad was that?17

"Humble people are small in their own eyes, honest about their struggles, and open to constructive criticism." Brennan Manning.

Christ displayed the very essence and example of what it was to be humble. He showed us how to lose ourselves in Him, 'for others.'
"Wrap yourselves in humility and be servants of each other, because God refuses the proud and will always favor the humble" (1.Peter 5:5-6).

I am so acutely aware of my own lack of humility in so-many areas of my life. It blights and stains my garment and is the fruit of my flesh. 18 Fortunately I am not called to try and be humble; I am called to learn from Jesus. What happens when I do this? I find rest for my soul. (Matt.11:29) I should allow the Word of God to do its transforming work, so that I may be reprogrammed to show mercy and walk humbly before Him.19

If i'm trying to be humble in the flesh I waste my time, but if it is a fruit of the Spirit, it is not of my doing, but Christ in me. So who gets all the glory? Only Jesus! 20

"Upward falling Spirit souring
I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground"

Scripture references.
1. 1 Cor. 1:31
2. Ps.103:15
3. Gen.24:53; Is.61:10; Sng. 1:10; 1.Cor.11:15
4. Ro.14:7
5. Col.2:23
6. Eph.3:12; Eph.6:20; Acts 19:8;
7. Phil.4:19;Ps.34:2;Matt.25:24,25,28
8. Ja.1:8; Nu.12:3
9. Rev.5:12; Nah.1:7
10. Eph.4:5; 1.Co.8:6; 1.Co.1:9-13
11. Matt.5:45; Rom.2:11
12. Heb. 10:12; Acts 4:12
13. Rev.5:10; Jn.13:12; Matt.20:26
14. Rom.3:10; Jn.3:36
15. Rom.2:29; Luke.18:11, 13
16. Ga.5:23; Eph.2:8; 1 Pe.5:5
17. Matt.23:33,34,35
18. Jude.1:23
19. Mic.6:8; Ro.12:2
20. Eph.5:9; Phil.1:11

I have been a believer in Christ for many years. It has only been in the last  three or four years that I have received greater insight into the Grace of God. This has injected me with energy to tell others about the blessed "rest" we have in Christ. Grace is not a theology but is a Person-- Jesus.

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