Muddy Waters
by Steve Countryman

Muddy waters can be very dangerous to swim in let alone tread through. If you have ever swam in muddy waters and tried to see underwater then you know how blind you are. You're lucky if you can see one foot in front of you with goggles on. There are many hazardous conditions that exist in muddy waters. Broken glass, rusty barbed wire, old fish lines and tackle, rusty nails and screws, seaweed and underwater vegetation just to name a few. Then there is the wildlife that lives there too. Water snakes, catfish with their barbed fin, jelly fish, sea urchins, alligators, crocodiles, piranha, sharks, eels, stingrays along with a host of others.

My reasoning for mentioning all of this is to point out the dangers of muddy waters. But that is how the majority of Christians choose to live their lives, in muddy waters. When a person becomes a "born again" believer the Holy Spirit helps them on their Christian walk. It is one of many jobs the Holy Spirit does in, to and with us, changing us from glory to glory. He takes our muddy waters and starts purifying us with the Living Water of the Word, the renewing of minds in the Word. He keeps adding the Living Water until the muddy waters of this life and sinful habits and routines are washed away. That is how the Waters in you become crystal clear. The truth of God's Word never changes and is rock solid. Therefore it is ALWAYS crystal clear. Yes there are times when we need clarification of His Word. But that is why the Bible says that we are to be students of His Word, meditating on it day and night.

John 4:10 and 14 10 Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water." 14 "but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." The Bible is the Word of the Lord and represents Jesus in written form. Jesus is the Living Water.

What causes the Living Water of God's Word to become muddy? Anytime the Word of God is diluted, omitted, ignored, reworded, called hate speech, denied or passed over as being only for the time of the disciples then the Water of the Word has become muddied. Today's average Christian lives and moves in those muddy waters by choice.

The Living Water should be clear in each Christian but soon becomes muddy as dirt and filth from the world is mixed in. That is when not only is the water muddy but also becomes polluted. Compromise is the biggest contributor and problem. Every time you except or side with worldly thinking and reasoning you compromise away the Word of God and muddy the waters. At first it may not be very noticeable but soon the Water starts to get more and more murky. Now it is becoming more difficult to see the bottom and where you are to step next.

Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." 1 Peter 1:14-15 "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do."

Some examples of compromise would be if you think that evolution picks up where God left off in creation. If you think that we are decedents from apes. If you think that saving mistreated animals is more important than the saving the life of the unborn. If you think that offending God is okay so long as you don't offend others. If you think that you can earn your way into heaven by "doing good". If you think that complaining is your God given right. If you think doing drugs or getting drunk is totally acceptable. If you think that running a business and doing as much "under the table" business as possible is a given. If you think that lying and cheating to get ahead or get that promotion is acceptable.

If you think that it is okay to live off of the government though you are an able body person of working age. If you think that the Constitution is an outdated worthless document. If you think that burning and desecrating the U.S. flag is okay. If you think that removing all Christian religious symbols and scriptures from government buildings is a good idea. If you think that trusting in the government and its leaders to "fix" our country is the right thing. If you think that schools should be allowed to teach alternate family lifestyles, promiscuous sex education, homosexual living and gender identity. If you think that its okay for schools to have the students study and practice Muslim living and religion including the reading and studying of the Koran.

If you think that all religions, "all roads", lead to the one and same God. If you think that different religions should be allowed to change our laws. If you think that Sharia law should be implemented though it treats women like property and calls for the killing of homosexuals. If you think that replacing Jehovah God or "blending" Him with false foreign gods is okay. If you think that going to church is a big waste of time. If you think that what you want is more important then what God wants. If you think that its important to keep your mouth shut instead of sharing God with others because you don't want to offend anyone.

If you think that everyone has the right to love and be loved and get married even if they are the same sex. If you think that its okay for couples to live together, "shacking up". If you think that bed hopping and one night stands is acceptable. If you think that its the modern thing to do when you allow your grown visiting children to share a bedroom with their boyfriend/girlfriend. If you think that having a child out of wedlock is normal. If you think that getting a divorce for any reason other than marital unfaithfulness is acceptable. If you think that internet porn is okay because you're only watching it not doing it.

There are many more ways that Christians compromise away the Word of God. But hopefully this sheds light on those areas that the world wants you to accept as normal. When God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah it wasn't because of their sexual fornication and homosexual activities in the streets. It was because all of the citizens there considered it normal! Clear Living Water affords you protection for you can see danger coming. When you travel in muddy waters you can't see where you are going. You leave yourself open and vulnerable to attacks of every kind.

Add enough dirt, filth, pollution, corruption, worldly wisdom, political correctness and stir in enough lies and deception will cause the Living Water to disappear. All you'll have left is thick, sticky and stinking polluted mud. Left untreated you then will be stuck in it and left to die. It is Satan's plan to pollute and corrupt your thinking so as to muddy the Word of God in your life. A worldly Christian is a worthless powerless Christian. As Christians we are set apart from the world, to be Christ-like and have the mind of Christ. What I don't understand is why do some people call themselves Christian when you can't tell them apart from the rest of the world?

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