Shiny Hearts: A Gift from God
by Hugh Houchin

Along with Junior, their only offspring, Papa and Mama Kodiak relaxed on the deck that unfurled behind their home. Their stomachs stretched after gorging one of Papa's colossal culinary delights.

A breeze whispered through the woods that meshed with the boundary on the west side of their backyard. Sunday evenings were for ritual-like feasts from Papa's prized charcoal- powered grill.

"As usual, my dear, delicious, think I'll make it to morning," said Mama. "If I were in charge, a week would have more than one Sunday evening; oh my, look at the sun settling over the woods. It's so peaceful."

"I, too, may burst," Junior said. "But, before I do, Papa, I have a question."

"Sure, we can talk while we clean up. Along with this steel pad to keep your hands moving to match your mouth, the podium is yours."

"Which side of the pad do I use?"

"Use either siwhat do you mean which side to use? Oh, wow, got me, gotta give you an "attabear" for that one.

"Oh, by the way, try the side that's down."

"Stop it, both of you. Do I need a referee's shirt?" Mama said.

"He started it," her males replied in unison.

"I can't take anymore; after I put these dishes in the dishwasher, I'm going catch up on some reading," Mama said. "So, keep your voices down."

"Yes, dearest, you wish is our command. Enjoy your book."

"I intend to," Mama Kodiak said as she went into the house with a tub of dirty dishes.

"Junior, you were saying?"

"Ya, Pop. In Sunday school, Mr. Grizzly said God gives us a shiny heart. I'm not sure what he means. He says he'll talk more about it, but I'm curious now. I don't remember the phrase 'shiny heart' in the Bible."

"You're right; it's not in the Bible. It's a reference to your spiritual life. 'Shiny heart' is a synonym for spiritual maturity.

"How come you know so much about it? I've never heard you mention it before."

"Lots of things I know that I don't tell you," Papa grinned. "Awhile back, Mr. Grizzly read a book about having a shiny heart for God. The book impressed him, and he gave it to me to read, which I did."

"Gee, I'm glad you and Mama don't read more than you do. I'd never get anything to eat."

"Ahem. The book is about a three step process that begins when God draws someone to Himself; you know, salvation. The next step is illumination; God shining into you, and the third step is sanctification; God shining from you.

"Why don't you run into the house and grab a Bible for us; please and thank you."

"Yepper, be right back."

"Don't forget Mama's reading, so be quiet."

"Ok, I'm back safe and sound," said Junior.

"Glad you're back in one piece; that means you didn't bother Mama. Look up Matthew 22: 36-39 and read it."

"Don't think she even knew I was in the house. I'm stealthy. That's why you two never know when I get home at night."

If Papa heard the remark he ignored it.

"It says," said Junior. 'Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? And He said to him, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, you shall love your neighbor as yourself."'

"Those verses describe a shiny heart; a mature Christian," Papa said. "Now, let's look at a shiny heart through the angles of salvation, illumination, and sanctification. Remember what they mean?"

"Sure," Junior said, "salvation is God drawing me to Him, illumination is God shining into me, and sanctification is God shining through me."

"I'm impressed. Speaking of remembering, remember when the three of us went for a walk in the woods and found some honey?"

"You bet that was a good time."

"Why did we go on that walk?" said Papa.

"I don't know. Maybe exercise, fresh air, or togetherness? Probably felt we needed something."

"Your right, we felt we needed something. It could've been those things you mentioned or anything else. But, instead, we found honey, and realized that's what we needed. We'd walked quite a ways and were pooped. The honey tasted good, energized us, and the taste and texture warmed our insides.

"That's how God initiates salvation; thru the Holy Spirit we realize it's something we need, and it fills a void. Now, if you would, read Romans 3:10-11.

"You bet this is interesting. In Romans it says, 'as it is written, there is none righteous, not even one; there is none who understands, there is none who seeks after God."'

"Junior, this is important, in your own words, what does God say in that verse?" Papa Kodiak said.

"Gee. God says that no one is righteous, understands Him, or looks for Him. The emphasis is no one. So, if no one seeks after God, then He must use other ways to draw people to Himself."

"And that He does. It's similar to us finding honey that day. We weren't looking for honey, but when it became available and we realized it's for our benefit it got our attention. Yes, it made sense."

The honey satisfied a physical need that gnawed at us. Likewise, on a much larger and eternal scale, God draws us to salvation because it satisfies an eternal need for redemption that spiritually gnaws at us

"That's awesome Papa; explain how God shines into and out of us?"

"Gladly, let's use our experience of finding honey to illustrate illumination and sanctification."

"Hurry, because I crave honey," said Junior. "We may have to go into the woods tonight and find some."

"By the time we get done with this, you'll have enough to think about inside the boundaries of our property. And, as for me, I'm sweet enough."

"Gimme a break Papa."

"Anyway," Papa winked, "through the Holy Spirit, God shines into us when we walk the path of learning about Him. He illumines us about Himself.

"The sensation of learning is similar to eating honey. As honey's taste and texture flows throughout our system, learning about God flows in the same pattern. Starting in our mind, knowledge flows into the spirituality of our heart. As our heart pumps knowledge throughout our spiritual system, its sweet aromatic richness permeates the very soul of our existence.

"Spiritually, learning about God is an experience that has no equal. After the first taste, the core of our being yearns for more. We make many trips to God's hive of knowledge because the experience never loses its flavor."

"Wow, Papa, I kinda feel that way now," said Young.

"Told ya you wouldn't need honey tonight."

"Then," said Junior, "as God shines in me with knowledge, it flows out through sanctification, right?"

"You're correct, as part of God's Church you're prompted to share your spiritual warmth and knowledge with others. As a result of this perpetual spiritual flow, God's Church experiences mature growth through salvation, illumination, and sanctification."

"You know, Papa, "these God-given gifts are like waking on a spring day from hibernation and not being hungry. The spiritual energy we receive satisfies, and we're never hungry or thirsty for holiness again. Our spiritual life is a world of honey; it's sweet, nourishing, and never ends."

"Well said, Junior."

To God be the glory for all He has done.

All scripture is from the NAS version of the Holy Bible.

Hugh Houchin is retired, but enjoys fulltime freelance writing. His publishing credits include articles and columns in western Nebraska newspapers and numerous websites.

 You may read more of Houchin's articles at:

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