The Glory Cloud
by Steve Countryman

I had a vision a few years ago of someone standing by them self. The odd part was that their head was totally engulfed in a white cloud of good size. I understood that it represented a Christian's walk but I didn't totally understand it. In prayer recently the rest of that vision became clear to me.

Exodus 16:10 "While Aaron was speaking to the whole Israelite community, they looked toward the desert, and there was the glory of the LORD appearing in the cloud." Exodus 40:34 "Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle." 1 Kings 8:11 "And the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled his temple." Mark 13:26 "At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory."

The cloud represents the Glory of the Lord, His presence. As born-again believers we have that Glory Cloud over us at all times, everywhere we go and everywhere we are. But if you want a deeper, more intimate and closer walk with Father God then you have to enter in. There is the regular Christian daily walk where we walk around with our heads down staring at all of our problems, troubles and cares of this life. Our eyes are not on Jesus but on the things of this world. Trying to figure out how to fix the mess we're in. You can't enter in the Glory Cloud of the Lord while your gaze is on your own daily life. It is a faith and yielding issue.

The fact is that you can never enter in until you have been filled with the Holy Spirit. For you to have the closest walk possible with Father God you first must be filled with His Holy Spirit. Then you can have a daily walk in the presence of His Glory Cloud. Yes, I'm talking about the same infilling of the Holy Spirit that the disciples experienced in the second chapter of Acts. The infilling of the Holy Spirit as evident with the manifestation of speaking in tongues. If you don't speak in tongues when you receive the Holy Spirit than you didn't receive the Holy Spirit! For it is only by faith and yielding to the Holy Spirit that the gift of tongues comes.

In the vision the body portion was standing, existing and living in the natural. The head from the neck up was covered by a large white cloud. It was so thick that you couldn't see the person's head, hair or any features at all. The body is cared for, protected, fed, healed and restored by God Almighty every day. The head doesn't have to watch out for it or worry about it for Jehovah jireh provides. Your gaze stays on the One who takes care of you. Your total trust and faith is in Him. No fear, no worries, no concerns just like Jesus. Matthew 8:24 "Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping."

By the infilling of the Holy Spirit you can enter in and put your eyes on Jesus as you lift your head into the Glory Cloud of His presence. For the glory of the LORD filled his temple. Your body is the temple of the Lord! This is not meant to be a Sunday only experience but a daily one. It is now the way you move by the Holy Spirit. It is the empowering, prompting and leading that the Holy Spirit does in you, for you, to you, with you and through you daily. This doesnt mean that you totally ignore what is going on around you. You dont have to worry, fret or be frustrated by this worlds problems. It means that whatever happens God will bring you through it for you are His Holy Spirit filled child!

The enemy's plan is to distract you any way he can so that you pull your gaze away from God. You no longer have your head in the Glory Cloud and now are prone to trip, stumble and fall. If he can cause you to fall then he can try to keep you down. A Christian who is more concerned with their own problems is less likely to be concerned with anyone else's. They become ineffective Christians who aren't impacting and influencing their surroundings for the kingdom of God.

You don't have to "see" the Glory Cloud to experience it and enter into the presence of God. It can come upon when you yield to it and allow the Holy Spirit to move in you. Faith in the God who can fill you with His Holy Spirit. Yielding to His Holy Spirit is allowing the Holy Spirit to be God in you. Trusting in Him to handle all of this world's cares instead of leaning on your own understanding. Yielding to the desires and will of the Holy Spirit for you life. It is a vital part of your Christian walk and it isn't just for those back in Biblical times.

I recently spoke to a Christian woman who told me that she thought that she was filled with the Holy Spirit but has never spoken in tongues. I told her that she wasn't Holy Spirit filled. I have spoken in tongues since being filled with the Holy Spirit as a child. I used to think that it was possible for a Christian to be filled with the Holy Spirit and not be able to speak in tongues, I was WRONG!

The evidence of speaking in tongues when you receive the Holy Spirit proves that you are filled! For the Holy Spirit to take up residence in you as a believer, you have to have faith that He will and you have to yield totally to the Spirit. If you can't yield to the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues then you have not yielded to the Holy Spirit to fill you.

Other gifts of the Holy Spirit will be manifested in and through you as you pray for them. Speaking in tongues with the gift of translating tongues is where prophesying begins. God wants to take you into His Glory Cloud of presence by taking you higher. It is a powerful and intimate closeness that awaits you if you are willing!

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