Planting Mishap Turns Out Well for Couple
by Greg Miller

By Greg Miller 2015

Peter enjoyed eating pears, plums and peaches.

"They are my favorite fruits," Peter told Petula, his wife.

Petula enjoyed doing things to please her husband. She knew his passion for homemade fruit pies, so every evening Peter enjoyed either a peach or pear pie.

Peter and Petula purchased a gigantic farm, dividing it into four equal sections. The couple reserved 1,000 acres for their new home and restaurant.

The three remaining parcels were going to be used to plant peach, plum and pear trees. Peter planted thousands of fruit trees. He prayed prayers of dedication over all the trees. "Heavenly Father, I ask that you help each of the trees to grow and produce lots of beautiful, tasty fruit. Amen!"

With the passage of time, Peter noticed only one section of the orchard was producing the proper fruit. All the trees were producing fruit, but apples were growing in all three sections.

Petula and Peter had planted all the seeds and had prayed a prayer of faith that the Sovereign Lord would bless the fruit trees. The couple continued to pray every morning and every afternoon for a good combination of sunshine and rain. Faithful to His obedient children, God answered those prayers.

Peter and Petula were perplexed. "I don't understand!" exclaimed Petula. "We've had just the right amounts of rain and sunshine, yet we have no peaches, pears and plums.

"I have an idea," said Peter. "Let's pray that God will release a special angel to help the plum, peach and pear trees to produce a super crop."

"Let's try it," sighed Petula. "We have nothing to lose."

"Father, we are asking you to bless the pear, peach and plum trees," Peter prayed. "Help them to multiply and produce a plentiful harvest. Amen."

Several weeks later, the couple prepared to hire a group of seasonal harvesters. Peter and Petula walked around their property before hiring those workers.

At just the right time, the Lord told Peter and Petula, "I want to tell you the reason your crops didn't grow the way you wanted them to."

"It's a mystery to us," said Petula. "We planted the seeds properly."

"Yes, we did," Peter agreed. "And we prayed in faith, believing you for a miracle. Why didn't you answer our prayers?"

"You made one mistake," replied the Lord. "You wanted peaches, plums and pears, but you accidentally planted apple seeds. My law of sowing and reaping declares you will reap what you sow."

"We fully understand," smiled Peter. "And that's okay, because the price of apples is very high this year. We'll be able to sell the apples for enough money to give tens of thousands of dollars to the church."

"That's just peachy," chuckled the Lord. "Just peachy."

To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements, including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry, please email [email protected] or [email protected].

By Greg Miller  2018

 Greg is retired from the Elizabethton STAR Newspaper, after working there for almost 23 years. He now freelances for the paper. Contact email address is [email protected], also Available for speaking engagements/other ministries. Jesus is Lord

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