Satan in The Pews
by Jennifer Champion

And no wonder! For Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
(2 Corinthians 11:14 HCSB)

I was recently invited to speak at a youth rally in a church a few miles down the road only to find out today the rally has been cancelled. It seems there was some discourse in the church among its members and some went their separate ways. Instead of pulling together and continuing on with the youth rally, the church made the decision to cancel it altogether. During my initial conversation with the organizer, I was told approximately two hundred youth would be in attendance. For me, this was exciting not because I would be one of several speakers sharing how God has worked and continues to work in my life but that two hundred young people could very possibly be led to the Lord. If even a small percent of the couple hundred in attendance accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, then not only would the church as a whole benefit but most importantly, the Kingdom of God would grow. This could have been a monumental event! Young people saved by the grace of God and then they in turn could lead others such as family and friends to the Lord as well; when a person is saved, it can be exponential.

I do not know all the details of who said what or why at this church and honestly it does not matter. What matters is that Satan infiltrated a church and caused so much confusion, disagreement, or misunderstanding that the church body decided not to have an event where young people could be led to Christ and the Kingdom of God. As a Vacation Bible School Director, I can say that I have been in their shoes. There was time when I wanted to throw in the towel and not have VBS another year. I wanted to quit. I didn't even want to try because it seemed so pointless. During meetings, someone would get their feelings hurt over a misunderstanding or our group became stuck in tradition so much and refused to change and try anything new. God doesn't want this in our churches but Satan does.

Satan can creep into a church slowly and take a seat in the pews. He can lead a class or be in the pulpit. He can sing in the choir or he can run the food pantry. He can be anywhere in the church and no one will even know until it is too late. Too late is when the church separates and members leave. Too late is when ten percent of the church us doing ninety percent of the work. Too late is when sin creeps in and is revealed in the form of thievery, adultery, or idolatry. Too late is win the church is in such a funk that it is no longer serving its purpose for the Lord. It is in that moment, that Satan has triumphed in the church. Satan's victory in a church doesn't have to be permanent but it can be. I drive all through my hometown and see churches boarded up with for sale signs in the parking lot or churches just barely hanging on that in a week they will fold. It doesn't have to be this way though. As a leader or member in a church when it comes time to make a decision on something, ask yourself why you feel the way you do. Is it a personal issue? Do you feel the way you do because of a person's race, social standing, or income? Do you find yourself wanting to do something that only makes you comfortable or where it doesn't require you do much or nothing of anything? If you are not making a decision based on leading another to Christ and furthering the Kingdom of God or to serve someone else in need then Satan has infiltrated your church. He has infiltrated you.

Dear Heavenly Father and Creator of all things, please humble me so that when it is time to make a decision in my church that it is not about me but about You and others. If Satan is in our church, please reveal him so that we do not have to suffer and fail You. Amen.

Jennifer Rubino Champion is actively involved in prison and jail ministry in Central and West Alabama. She and her husband Patrick have five children and a fur baby, Maggie. She is an author and artist and you can visit her website at

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