by linzy bruno

This excerpt is from chapter 3: The Letter & The Test

"Meanwhile, at Island City Christian Academy, Mrs. Anna Delfino stood in front of Katieïs class to make an important announcement: ïCan I have your attention please. I would like to inform you that the academy has decided that the fifth grade is the perfect time to begin teaching some early facts of life. I will be sending home a letter to all your parents asking their permission for you to view a filmstrip that will teach you about some changes that you will all go through, called puberty. Everyone goes through these changes at their own pace. Some of you may start next month, others not for a few years yet. We would like to educate you now; hopefully before these changes happen, which will, we hope, make you better prepared. These changes are very different for boys and girls, so we will be separating you. These films will teach some early sex education, so believe me, youïll all be glad for the separation.

"The whole class giggled when the teacher said, 'sex education'," was the first thing Katie told her mother when she got home from school and handed her the only slightly crinkled up letter...." 


 *****NOTE: I have unofficially stopped all sales on my Amazon Author Pages, as I am given up the plight of self-publishing and have prayfully choosen to simply give my PDFs freely via request. Therefore, "The Story of Marriage" and "The Truth About Babies" are also available. They go together as a series, but they are also work well as independent titles. Furthermore, the complete list of titles is still available for browsing purposes on "Linzy Bruno books Amazon.com." Just email me with your request and I will forward the PDF/s of your choice. Just email me at: [email protected]


Linzy has been writing for many years; seriously since her 3 kids were still young and inspirational. She has taken 2 courses in Bible studies and completed "Four Soils" Bible study course in a 26-month period; earning her certification in Bible Counselling.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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