The Power of Humility
by Carl Painter

We are told that God works in us to develop our character and that we will be filled with His love and clothed in His righteousness.

The dictionary defines the word righteousness as: "In accordance with virtue or morality" or more simply, as "virtuousness". There are "active" virtues, such as confidence, courage, assertiveness, nobility and dignity, as well as "passive" virtues, such as respect, patience, forgiveness, gentleness and consideration.

It is only with true humility, that we can experience all the virtues in absoluteness and perfect balance. It is the one virtue that God requires us to master, in order that He might clothe us in the divine majesty of all the virtues, in absoluteness. With absolute humility, absolute confidence is perfectly balanced with absolute courtesy, absolute assertiveness is perfectly balanced with absolute graciousness, for example. It is the key to walking in God's righteousness (majestic virtue).

When the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of His garment, Jesus said, "Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me." Luke 8:46.

This is what it is to surrender to God. Knowing that He is the creator of ALL that we are and are yet to be and that we have no power whatsoever to change our own inherent, sinful nature, let alone that of someone else.

God clothes us in the majestic virtue that is His inherent nature, full of graciousness, cooperation, courtesy, integrity, compassion, mercy, honesty and honor, etc. to the nth degree. That is the power that transforms us into the stature of a king.

When you experience the fullness of the character of absolute virtue (Christ) within you, it causes you to realise just how powerless you truly are and how far short you truly fall, so much further than you ever thought you were.
He reveals every speck of pride within you and shows you, that in order to dwell in His majestic presence and absolute peace, you must become truly humble. Nothing else will make you worthy or ready to receive the spirit of holiness, peace and grace (virtue). You can seek a world of knowledge or a position of authority, but that will not save your eternal soul or get you anywhere with God.

Unless you come to Him like a little child, open and full of humility, He will not be comfortable being present in your home (flesh). You will not find anyone more humble than the Lord. When He shows up, every eye will see, beyond the shadow of any doubt, that He is the son of God and all will bow down in absolute humility and repentance.

The true church is in the hearts and minds of those who truly believe and love God and seek His Kingdom, which IS the indwelling spirit of holiness, peace and virtue. God only gives grace to the humble and there is no true, brotherly love while there is any pride, as pride always causes contention.

The strength of true humility is greater than any armor. Pride will always be pricked and stab back, while humility can never be touched and never retaliates.

"Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:4

My friends call me Little John and I heard the audible voice of God on my 21st birthday in 1984 and sold all I had and after seven years of walking in absolute faith, in 1991, I experienced His supernatural, holy presence of absolute love.

Copyright 2015 Carl Painter

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