Dare to Dream
by Cate Russell-Cole

In five years time, all obstacles removed, where would you like to be? What is your big dream?

Without dreams, we have little reason or motivation for living. The human heart is built in such a way, that we need something ahead to aim for, something to pour our energy into. Often, the dreams I have had, turned out to be a gentle pushing of the Holy Spirit to move into an area I would thrive in. I thought I was being silly. He thought it was a great idea and He blessed me.

Through the media we are trained to view the world through a perspective of negativity and disaster. We're used to seeing problems rather than answers, defeat rather than hope. Subconsciously we watch the ruin in other's lives and prepare ourselves for financial collapse, marital breakdown and trouble with our own kids. If we are swayed by the problems in other's lives and don't realise our own individual potential, then our view of life will never grow to be much bigger than our own rut of self. We won't strive for a greater goal, because we can't visualise it happening. We won't expect a better quality of life, or to have our heart's desire fulfilled. We need to have a "postage stamp" attitude, choose a destination and then hang on until you get there, despite the bumps and the bruises.

In our society, most things are instantly or almost instantly available: food, finance, and access to worldwide information on the internet at any hour from our own homes. It's easy to forget the value and necessity of persistence, and not seeing what we want to happen occur immediately. Commitment is not necessarily a terrifying word, it can pay off great dividends.

We need to be dreamers, and to be around other positive dreamers, rather than the critics. We need to be able to expand our expectations and get a hold of a purpose and target greater than where we are now. Sure, some dreams can be unrealistic, however, the seemingly unattainable may be achievable by planning our goals in simpler steps. It is worth the extra effort to enhance our lives.

Switch off the news occasionally, unplug the television and let the daily paper line the bird's cage unread. Sit down and dare to dream. It may be a clich to stop and smell the roses, however, if we don't, we lose a very important aspect of the way we live our lives. We need to play, sing, enjoy nature, sit in the sunshine and dream... hope and plan for a future we value.

Have a plan, have a goal. Seek God for confirmation of His vision of your future. Don't ever forget to dream and take the risk to achieve.

This article by Cate Russell-Cole is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Written in Australian English. 

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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