Romantic Stories: They Gave Us Five Years by A.B.King
by Alfred King

Jenny and Leonard walked hand in hand through the beautiful streets of Paris. They were a lovely Christian couple who had just gotten married in America the day before and had flown into Paris early that morning for their honeymoon. They had enjoyed the wonders of Paris for hours now and where returning from a romantic restaurant. Leonard suggested that they walk to the hotel they were staying at as it was close by and also they could absolve the sights and sounds of Paris and inhale the appeal of the atmosphere.

Suddenly, Leonard and Jenny smell something different Something that ruined the romance in the air. It was fire. Something was burning.

They looked straight ahead a little far off and they saw smoke. They both ran towards it as they felt compelled and a little crowd was gathering and you could see people pulling out their smart phones to call the Paris fire department.

Leonard was contemplating leaving the scene and continuing his walk with his wife to the hotel but he saw a face behind the fire. Someone was trapped behind the fire. Jenny followed Leonard's glaze and saw the person too. It was a little girl. Words didn't have to communicate it, the little girl's face alone voiced her fears.

Leonard let go of his wife's hand and ran forward. The fire wasn't that strong looking to him for him not to be able to quickly run in, carry the girl, and run out.

As he scooped up the little girl and turned to run out, a large part of the ceiling fell in front of him blocking the door. It was clearly too heavy to be lifted and at his point the fire had begun to accelerate at an incredible speed.

Jenny stood frozen. She now saw the same scared look on her husband's face that she had seen on the little girl. Is this how it would all end? Is this how her perfect story would all end on the night it truly begins? Would she lose the man that shares the other half of her heart a day after the happiest day of her life?

Maybe it was pain, May be it was love, Maybe it was a mixture of both; but Jenny's intended cry of pain turned into a growl a lion's growl. It was like the lioness in her was standing up. Jenny started to run forward but just then a fire man appeared out of nowhere and blocked her path. Before he could say a word she pushed him to the side like he was a paper cartoon character and she rushed into the fire straight at her husband. She put her hand under the heavy part of the ceiling to lift it up with her eyes fixed like a magnet; unbreakable from the pull of her husband's eyes.

Leonard immediately understood. He put the little girl down beside him and he put both hands under the ceiling too. Together, they would try to lift it. They both gave it their best and started to lift it up. Just then a couple of firemen show up beside his wife and they join them in trying to lift it up.
A few seconds later they were running out of the fire with the firemen protecting them by wrapping fireproof clothes around them and the little girl that they had saved.

Lets just say that Leonard and Jenny reached their apartment a lot later than they expected.
The next morning, what happened was in the Paris newspaper. It wasn't on the front page but still; it was in the paper.

The journalist wrote of it as the singular most concrete example of true love he had ever heard of in a very long long while. He emphasized how Jenny had rushed into the fire to save Leonard. The journalist also seemed particularly interested in the fact that he had married a day earlier. After praising the couple for their love for each other within the article, he closed the article in a way he really shouldn't have. He wrote that love as strong as this has the flaw that all other love has and it is that it is not going to last. How many times do we see a newly wed that are crazy about each other, but after the years go by they don't even want to sleep in the same room and soon after they get a divorce.

The journalist said that he gives Jenny and Leonard 5 years; they wouldn't even want to hear the mention of the other's name by then.

Seeing that line in the Newspaper made Jenny's heart skip a beat. However, that line only made Leonard laugh and wonder how shallow some people can be. On seeing the brief look on Jenny's face, Leonard told her not to worry about it that it's just the words of a man with a broken heart who just believes that because something bad happened to him, then something bad must happen to everybody else too.

Somehow, Jenny didn't know if she could totally forget about it like her husband suggested she should. However, she went on to enjoy the rest of her honeymoon and soon that line from the journalist was tossed to the back corner of mind; in the area where her thoughts don't visit.
Almost a year later however, Jenny was going to be troubled by that line. Friends and relatives would occasionally make remarks that indirectly & subtly asked if they should be expecting a baby from them any time soon. With time it started getting to Jenny. Fear slowly wrapped itself around Jenny's heart. What if she wasn't going to ever have a baby? What if she couldn't have a baby? What would Leonard do if he finds out that she can't have a baby? Then that sentence from the journalist would probably come true. They won't make it to 5 years.

Jenny didn't tell her husband about her fears but she would go to church on non-service days and kneel before the altar and just pray and pray. She was praying for a baby.

Jenny prayed for months, until one day a pregnancy test made her scream and jump up and down in the bathroom for joy.

9 months later, when Jenny held the baby in her hands she had long abandoned the fear that what the journalist had said would come true. Her life returned to the normal splendor it had always been.
A few months after she gives birth, her fears return. Her husband has a new secretary that for some reason makes her feel jealous.

Jenny didn't confront her husband directly about this but she just started showing up unannounced at her husband's office. She never did find anything though. Nothing at all that could suggest that her husband was cheating on her. Leonard thought it was unusual but who is he to complain. Every time he saw his wife it he felt nourishment within his heart.

If only he knew what his wife thought he was doing.

In-spite of the fact that she found nothing, she kept on being afraid. However, at a point she figured that she might just be being paranoid and if she didn't do something to stop it she might just lose her mind.

Jenny prays to God to help her deal with her unnecessary jealousy. She even slyly asks her husband of what he thinks of his own secretary that he's had for quite some months now.

Leonard detected little hints of jealously and so he put all her fears to rest when he plainly told her the truth about how he feels about her; that nobody and no thing from the past, present or future could ever be able to take his eyes away from her She would always be the only woman in his sights.
The surprise romance dinner that followed that surely crushed all fears that what the journalist had said would come to pass.

Jenny's life returned to normal. It returned to just pure, plain fun and the giving & receiving of adoration between her and her husband.

A few years later, after noticing she wasn't quite as young as she used to be when she looked into the mirror, the fears returned. What if as she grew older she was no more visually appealing to her husband and her husband's eye now began to stray and desire someone who still had the beauty of youth?

This really got to her. It was like this time the sentence of the Journalist had wrapped a noose around her heart and it caused her great emotional pressure.

At this point, her husband cannot but notice that something is seriously wrong. After some major petting and pampering, Leonard pleaded to his wife to tell him everything and she did.

This was a serious matter. Leonard explained to Jenny that the reason a lot of couples break up is because they are bombarded with information from the world through the media that marriages don't last. The more people are bombarded with that kind of information, the more likely they are to believe it, and if the believe it it would certainly be made manifest in their lives because that fear is actually confidence in the expectation that the marriage won't last.

Leonard prayed with his wife. The problem all along was with his wife receiving an idea from the world.

Leonard helped to re-establish the fact to his wife that even though we are in this world, we are not of this world. We shouldn't receive ideas from the world because they do not apply to us.

30 years later, Leonard and Jenny stood together still wearing their wedding rings at their son's wedding. They look at their son and his bride and tell them that they shouldn't mind those people who say that love doesn't last long in marriage. They should know. They are living prove that those people don't know what they are talking about.

A.B.King is a noble Gentleman who believes that the answer to all human problems is Chivalry and the Gospel of Jesus. 
He writes fiction that doesn't shy away from his beliefs on his website: 

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