Stand Firm And Not Let Satan Sift You
by Dr. Henderson Ward

If it is possible for Satan to rejoice, and I doubt there exists such a possibility for Satan has neither a soul nor a heart, but a sullied, shrunken persona, then he must be doing a grand fandango of the ages when he sees the utter foolishness swamping the world. In truth there seems to be a collective madness pervading humanity, the likes of which one has to reach back far into history; to a time of utter depravity like the antediluvian world.

In spite of what the mainstream media may want you to believe, it is incontestable true that normal, secular people aspire to decency, want to raise their family with love and morality, want to see their neighbours getting on okay, and would like their country to be seen as caring, decent and respected.

But there is a rising tide of people with a Satanic agenda, and sometimes this agenda is so well camouflaged and covert that the peddlers themselves aren't even aware of its true nature. These people, but mostly their clueless leaders, have chosen to inflict humanity with toxic trash while pretending that they are great humanitarians.

You cannot love humanity and at the same time undercut and erode the very foundation on which it stands. The hypocrisy, shamelessness and unconscionable arrogance emanating from these miserable leaders show how infatuated they are with their fetid agenda.

It was, is now at present, and always will be true that, "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34)

U.S.A President Barack Obama telephones a recently married gay man and congratulates him after a Supreme Court decision. Obama finally said: "Well we're really proud of you. And you know, just know that, you know, not only have you been a great example for people but you're also going to bring about lasting change in this country. And it's pretty rare where that happens. So I couldn't be prouder of you and your husband. God bless you."

Total madness. God bless a man and his husband? Have America, the so-called "leader of the free world" fallen so far and so fast that it is totally unable to distinguish the clean from the unclean, the good from the bad, wrong from right?

U.K Prime Minister David Cameron on his visit to Africa pushed the LGBT agenda forcefully like his comments about his desire to "export" same-sex marriage around the world now that Britain has legalized it, and his threat to withhold aid from any country not falling in line.

Utter, total, insufferable madness.

Thank God that the Satanic agenda of the West is forcefully resisted by true believers, and especially people of colour and the developing world; especially Africa. There is something laudable about the dark continent after all.

So why is the Satanic agenda, as represented by the LGBT programme, being pushed with such relish, and why is it gaining ground? The simple answer is that it is cleverly wrapped in deceit, sugar-coated with reasonableness and stuffed with barefaced lies.

It is not true that Satan, if he wants, can knock you over, run roughshod over you at will, and you can do nothing about it.

It is not true that mighty Satan is an unstoppable, irresistible force toppling all in his path and everyone has to move or be crushed.

It is not true that God allows Satan free rein because he is lord of the air, and there is no limit to his powers in his domain.

It is not true that when your will clashes with Satan's wishes then you must yield because Satan as a higher power will prevail.

It is not true that mighty Satan, and it is to be acknowledged that he is mighty, does not yield, does not give way to earthly man under any circumstances.

Yet in all these situations the world at large, and alas some believers as well, is denuded into conceding to Satan that which does not belong to him.

Satan is a loser, and every time he clashes with divinity he loses.

God has put such fearsome restraint on Satan that he will NEVER directly, physically do harm to any of God's children.

Satan's co-workers, the demons who fell from heaven with him, whenever they saw Jesus, were terrified of him. They knew Jesus had the power, the same power He gave to his disciples, to banish them to the catacombs of darkness to await judgement. So as with Legion, as recorded in Mark 5:7-9 the demons begged for mercy through adjuration.

God has given every believer the power to prevail over Satan and his demons in every circumstance, and with the Holy Spirit working in and through the believer success is guaranteed.

It is for good reason that the Apostle James says, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7), and Paul after listing a raft of troubles and privations could say, "But none of these things move me..." (Acts 20:24)

So Satan's ploy, in pushing an evil, many-sided agenda, is to sift you, to move you away from the verities of the word of God and the Christian faith, to detach you from the groundings that will guarantee your anchorage in Christ and let you be lost.

This is what Satan wanted to do to the disciples, and in particular to Peter, for he was given double responsibility, but Jesus alerted Peter, "And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." (Luke 22:31-32)

The prayers of Jesus for all believers stand as an unassailable barrier preventing Satan's encroachment into their life day by day. Believers have nothing to fear from Satan, but by constantly being in tune with the Holy Spirit, and fortified by the prayers of Jesus for us, then our own prayers can be made more effective.

Some basic things we can do to make our prayers more effective.

In private prayers bestow on ourself, at the end of prayer, the ultimate blessing, "The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." (Numbers 6:24-26)

When you pray for something, then act as if you have received it. For example if you pray for rain to end the drought, then when you go out take an umbrella with you.

Pray for something not in your best interest, but may be pleasing to God. For example if you and a fellow worker are being interviewed for a promotion, why not pray for your fellow worker to be successful if he/she needs it more.

Pray for the conversion of someone you do not like. Truth be told there is always some who are cantankerous and unsettle you. If you have your way you would rather have nothing to do with them. But God still love them and want them in his kingdom. Remember what Jesus said, "Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you." (Luke 6:28)

These are indeed trying times, and because the world is on a downward trajectory things will almost certainly get worse. With enormous odds against him Gideon, with 300 men, got a great victory. It is still true that with God, "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper" (Isaiah 34:17)

In truth Satan wants to sift believers, not to separate the wheat from the chaff, but to destabilise them to make them all look like chaff. We remember and take comfort in the words of John, "...greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4)

Enough said.

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Dr. Henderson Ward received his Doctor of Divinity in theology, with distinction, from Masters International School of Divinity, USA, where he is currently a post-doctoral fellow. Dr. Ward's career involved pastoring, evangelism, and teaching. Copyright 2017

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