The Lord is the Light of Your Life, Volume 42 10/30/15 by JP Timpano

Lord, clear the foundation of my disobedience to your ways. Show me Your presence in my life.

Without God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ I would not make it into Heaven.

Do not seek fame and fortune. Seek the Lord.

All things I am or have are from the Lord.

God's love formed me.

Humble me to seek your good pleasure, dear God.

Bend my heart to be obedient to You, my Lord.

God is the source of everything. Nobody should take the credit for who they are.

Humble yourself before the Lord.

What can God do through me as His child?

It is one thing that you have knowledge. It is another thing to use it to help another person.

Angels have not been redeemed, but those of us who believe in Christ have been redeemed!

God is the author and finisher of this season of my life.

I give the Lord the anger I sometimes feel of people around me who falsely accuse me of my motives.

As a leader you need to accept that not everyone will like you. You may be falsely accused. That's part of being a leader.

A person may attack you simply because of baggage in that person's life. God will take care of it. Your responsibility is to cling close to the Lord through all trials.

Keep true to God's ways. He is the final judge, not man.

A weak person does not like the so-called "directives" of the leader. That's the problem of the weak person, not the leader.

The adult child Caregiver who puts his or her own life on hold to care for a parent is a selfless, compassionate, intelligent and sensitive person.

Don't quit the walk of faith. Stay close to what you know is the truth.

I have things coming up in my life which are scary in the natural, but with God's help I will climb mountains.

Jesus, I trust you as my Lord and Savior.

No good works you do can get you into Heaven. It is only when you accept the death of Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.

Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior will completely change your life.

Use the gift that you have. You don't have any idea where it will go. God will use it.

Jesus will meet you right where you are.

Prayer works.

God has a plan.

God will touch you at the point of your need.

Say the name of Jesus, the name above every other name.

I would like to see a miracle, dear Lord.

Step by step by step, God will take you through the valley.

As a leader, I will not be held hostage by someone who is rejecting me based on his or her own insecurities.

The chains of my fear fall at the name of Jesus.

Every prayer counts.

He will calm your fears, dry your tears, and take away the pain. Jesus!

When you don't have any words to say, any words to pray, just say the name of Jesus.

Every devil in hell recognizes the power in the name of Jesus.

Celebrate the majesty of the Lord.

Nothing is too big for God to handle.

Remember this: God is on the throne.

Turn it over. Give it to Jesus. Give it to the Lord.

Devil, I am not about to quit. I will come forth as gold.

Go ahead, laugh at me. I will not turn away from the truth that the Lord has shown me.

Trust God to show you the benefits of following Him.

Following God will heal your struggles with anger.

Let your children speak. Give them a place to express themselves.

Don't just spend time hearing the Word. Do what it says.

Help me to be strong without being angry.

Let not anger be the source of your strength. In reality anger is weakness.

A fear of people has to do with self pride.

The Lord will provide you with joy in the midst of your trial.

God will give you the ability to control your tongue.

Do not be concerned about the physicality of a person. God doesn't. He looks to the spirit and loves you.

When you always focus on the physical, you hear the tape recorder going on and on and on. Its time to turn off the tape player.

Things you heard as a child were wrong. Don't let the physical get in the way of the spiritual.

Love the person for the spirit that the Lord has created in them.

Being tied to physicality is bondage. There is a whole world around. Look to the creations that God has created.

Trust God to provide you with a mate.

Trust God to provide you with financial stability.

Trust God to smash down walls that are causing you trouble within your emotional stability. He is the Healer!

God will give you correct desires. Trust the Father to hear your call

Trust God that He will move you to the place where He wants to bless you.

Any questions with your life? Talk to the Father, in Jesus name. He hears you.

The devil enjoys having you waste time thinking, thinking, thinking. Rest in your Heavenly Father!

A simple way to conquer the devil: Trust in the Lord, no matter how it looks. We walk by faith, not by sight.

How sad it is to have a cold heart. Ask God to melt the cold heart.

When you sense fear coming along, take time out to sing praises to the Lord. The fear will cease in the presence of the Lord.

Bondage is not of the Lord. It is of the devil.

I pray for the healing of your body, in Jesus name. Amen.

Pray, and never stop praying!

At times in my life I believed I was damaged goods, not measuring up, not being ok. Don't ever believe the lies of the devil.

You are ok because the Lord formed you. The Lord formed you for His good pleasure.

You are not the judge over a person based on what he or she has done in life. That position only belongs to Almighty God.

There but the grace of God, go I.

Only God alone knows the length of your days here on earth.

We welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives. We are broken vessels, and need to power of the Lord to make it through.

We welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives. We are broken vessels. Invite Him in!

Never think that God would have nothing to do with you because of your past. You're the reason why Jesus came to die for your sins.

To those who are engaged: Seek the Lord to prepare you for marriage.

My God has been faithful to me.

I do what the Lord taught me to do as an extension of who I am.

God knows the number of my days here on earth. Remember that we are not here forever.

Kill every desire in me that is not pleasing to You, oh Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.

Take time to think about the Lord. He is the reason why you were created.

All of this on earth is dust. God is the Almighty.

Dear Lord, please break the bondage of fear in my life.

Don't believe the devil who tells you that your life is by chance. It is not. The Lord has created you and has a plan for your life.

Cling tight to the Lord when you go through a testing period. He will see you through.

Whether you believe it or not does not change the truth. God is in control when you give Him your life.

I am so happy that God is carrying me, even in the times of my worst sin.

If I did not have the Lord I would be in serious trouble.

Stay clean, pure, and wait. God will provide you with a mate at any age.

There is no age discrimination with God. Nothing is impossible for Him to achieve in your life.

If God did not form you, you would not be here right now.

Dear Lord, may my heart ever be bent toward obedience to Your ways.

Test all things by the Word of God to see if your direction is correct. Remember, the devil masquerades as an Angel of Light.

Pray directly to God in Jesus name and not to any saint or statue.

Lust is sexual perversion.

Lord, please let my loved one see you as the Healer of her emotional sickness. Grant her the ability to forgive, in Jesus name. Amen.

Lord, bend me as a tree with full confidence that I will not break. In Jesus name, Amen.

Joseph-Paul Timpano is a seasoned CPA & freelance writer of accounting/business based docuements and Christian inspirational publications.  

Unpublished work  2014 by JP Timpano  Contact: [email protected] 

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