Thanksgiving Fuels Sisterly Feud
by Greg Miller

By Greg Miller 2015

Carli was thrilled the Thanksgiving holiday was officially history.

Carli's twin sister, Carolina, however, was devastated the holiday had passed.

The sisters' local radio station, which featured frequent verbal altercations, invited the twins to use its airwaves to debate Thanksgiving.

The radio station's large auditorium was filled to capacity. There was no moderator. Instead, the debate was a direct head-to-head confrontation between participants.

Carli and Carolina issued opening statements. "I love the annual Thanksgiving holiday!" Carli exclaimed. "I think it's just wonderful we take one day a year to thank God for all our blessings!"

"I thank Him for all my blessings every day!" declared Carolina.

After pausing to enjoy a drink of cool, clear spring water, Carolina asked her sister, "What are you most thankful for, Carli?"

"That's easy," replied Carli. "I'm most thankful for Jesus and His sacrificial death on the cross to save me from sin."

"Me, too, big sister," Carolina agreed. "He loved us very much, and He was willing to give His life to prove that love.

"What else are you thankful for, Carli?"

"I'm grateful for my husband Carl and for our twin sons Caleb and Charles. What else are you thankful for, Carolina?"

"I'm grateful for every sunrise. It means I'm alive and am able to live another day to praise the Lord for His goodness."

Since Carli enjoyed homemade lemonade, she brought a pitcher of her favorite beverage to the stage. She took a drink of her lemonade, then asked, "Carolina, are you thankful for all the hunger, homelessness and poverty in the world?"

"Certainly not. I'm not thankful anyone must endure extreme disadvantages of those types."

"I thought the Bible teaches us to be thankful for everything."

"I believe you're thinking about First Thessalonians 5:18 which says, 'In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.'"

Carolina continued, "The verse says 'in' everything,' not 'for' everything.'"

"Okay, Carolina," said Carli, who was already tired, "what else are you thankful for?"

"I'm really happy you're my sister. We're alike, yet we're different, and we both love Jesus. I'm thankful I will get to spend eternity with you. Now what is one final thing you're thankful for?"

"I'm thankful that you even agreed to do this debate. I'm so outgoing and love to speak in front of people, while you are shy and reserved and more comfortable in one-on-one conversations. I thank the Lord you're my sister and I'm very glad we're twins. Sometimes it's like there's two of me in this world."

Carolina had the final comment of the debate. "I'm glad we're twins, too," she said. "But I don't think the world could handle two of either one of us!"

To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements, including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry, please email [email protected] or [email protected].

By Greg Miller  2018

 Greg is retired from the Elizabethton STAR Newspaper, after working there for almost 23 years. He now freelances for the paper. Contact email address is [email protected], also Available for speaking engagements/other ministries. Jesus is Lord

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