God's Manifested Love
by Steve Countryman

Manifest: to demonstrate or show, make apparent or obvious. If you "seek" you will "find" evidence of God's manifested love everywhere everyday. Just to wake up in the morning is proof of His love. To get you through each day is God's love demonstrated. Too often we take God's manifested love and provisions for granted.

The air you breath, the food you eat, the clothes on your back and a roof over your head are but just a few of the daily blessings of God's manifested love. It is easy to over look them when your problems and troubles command your attention.

God's ultimate manifestation of His love for us is found in His Son Jesus. 1 John 4:9 "By this the love of God was displayed in us, in that God has sent His [One and] only begotten Son [the One who is truly unique, the only One of His kind] into the world so that we might live through Him." Romans 5:8 "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

As God's children we are called to have the same characteristics as Jesus; to be "Christ-like". To forgive, to have mercy, to love, honor and obey Father God and to love others as Christ loves us! Not just on Sundays in church but everyday and everywhere.

God's love is manifested to us in all different kinds of ways and blessings. Some are obvious answers to prayers and others sneak up upon you when you least expect them. It is called God's UNMERITED favor and He demonstrates it often!

His manifested love is seen and unseen, heard and unheard, known and unknown. It is His will fulfilled in you, to you, with you, for you and through you. God's will and plans CANNOT be derailed. Picture God's will like a train going down a track. It travels with a purpose and a destination.

The tracks are his children who He uses to fulfill His will on earth. His will cannot be stopped, halted, changed or "derailed". The only thing that can change is the tracks it travels down. If you are not willing, obedient or not available to fulfill His will through your life then God WILL find another track/person to fulfill it through. God's will/plan and destination NEVER changes for God NEVER changes!

Dear Lord, use me as your tracks for your will to move, travel and go everywhere you desire. Help guide me Holy Spirit as you lead me in your ways. Make my ways always match your ways. Remind me O Lord of your goodness and blessings in my life. May I never take you for granted again. Keep me on your path that you will ALWAYS find me to be a faithful and good servant. Overflow me with your powerful Holy Spirit. Fill me with your courage, passion, boldness, zeal and compassion. Make obvious to me Lord those who you wish me to be a blessing to. It is a privilege to be your servant and an honor to be your child! And thank you Lord for your manifested love in my life!

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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