by Lewis E. Thomas

There is a Global Plan in progress to reduce World Population! It is being deployed in most every Nation! The introduction of deadly Vaccines designed to kill and maim! The Global Elite and Pharmaceutical Company's are the ones to blame! Bill Gates can be watched on YouTube speaking of "new vaccines" solving overpopulation! See the message on "The Georgia Guide Stones" to all the nations! The goal of the Global Elite is to reduce world population to 500,000,000 tops! To accomplish this the Pharmaceutical companies will remove all the stops! Vaccines that contain mercury, formaldehyde, squalene oil, aluminum and "ethylene glycol which is anti-freeze! Vaccines designed as bio weapons to take down large populations with a breeze! Many will scoff and think this writer has lost his mind! "Research it for yourself and the Truth you shall find!" You and I and our children are being poisoned slowly one vaccine at a time! I hope you will wake up to the Truth as you close this rhyme! In 1970 only one child in 10,000 was autistic! Today it's one in 68 which is horrific! New Born babies are now being injected with vaccines right after being born! That should cause us all great alarm! There is a direct link between vaccines and autism that cannot be ignored! That is the reason autism levels have quickly soared! You see, every child who becomes autistic will never have a family of their own! So the Global Elite rejoice every time they eliminate another family and home! We are told research has found no link between autism and vaccinations! But the research was done by those who designed these deadly creations! You have been warned and you have been advised! You will heed this rhyme if you are wise! Lewis E. Thomas 3-22-2016 Note: A man made pandemic is coming soon and all will be required to have vaccines! It will be the vaccines themselves making people sick and ill The Global Elite will demand everyone be vaccinated to stop the pandemic while in reality the vaccines will be causing the pandemic! THE SHEEPLE WILL STAND IN LONG LINES AND ACTUALLY BEG TO PAY FOR THEIR DEATH INJECTIONS! ITS ALL A PLAN TO REDUCE THE POPULATION AND THE BLIND SHEEPLE WILL WILLINGLY COMPLY! Are you a SHEEPLE who blindly follows the masses? This time of suffering will be during the Great Tribulation spoken of in the book of Revelation. Also Matthew 24:21 Canadian Doctor Andrew Moulden provided scientific proof that "all" vaccines cause harm! Link.... Government stock piling coffins.




Remember this when it comes to vaccinating your child!

Do some serious research!

You have to get the facts now from sources in other countries! 









Of the 934 children who had only received the Prevenar 13 and experienced adverse effects, 87 displayed neurologic events (87/934 = 9%).

Of the 287 children who had received the Prevenar 13 plus other vaccines on the same day, and experienced adverse effects, 62 had had neurologic episodes (62/287 = 21%).

Of the 470 children who received the Prevenar 13 plus a hexavalent vaccine, on the same day, and reported adverse effects, 163 had experienced neurologic reactions (163/470 = 34%!!).

It is therefore clear that the concomitant administration of several vaccines, particularly those recommended in the Belgian vaccine schedule (Prevenar 13 alongside Infanrix Hexa), multiplies the risk of neurologic reactions including serious and potentially irreversible adverse events!  This is precisely what we have been saying for years regarding the dangerous over-vaccination of infants.

Whether persistant crying, convulsions, hypotonic-hyporesponsive episodes, tremors, loss of consciousness, epilepsy, infantile spasms or absence of response to stimuli, these effects were always more frequent when the Prevenar 13 was administered alongside the Infanrix Hexa.  So how many parents were aware of this and who told them?  Did the Belgian Office for Childbirth and Childhood (ONE) tell them?

The ONE has always claimed in all its literature that the co-administration of several vaccines was totally safe, that any adverse effects were in general similar to those experienced with the administration of these vaccines separately[5] and even that concomitant administration of these vaccines reduced the ‘discomfort for the child’.  Their overall commitment to vaccines has never waned![6]

We also notice that both the European Medicines Agency has highlighted, as have we, using the confidential document on Infanrix Hexa, the clear temporal relationship in most of these cases between the vaccination and death as well as between the vaccination and the various neurologic complications reported such as convulsions and hypotonia (most of which took place within 24 hours of the vaccination or shortly thereafter)[7].

Lastly, a third very important confidential document on the Prevenar 13 provides condemning clinical trial data.[8]  This document states that on the 2nd of December 2008, the manufacturer requested authorization to register and market its Prevenar 13 vaccine across Europe and authorization was granted on the 9th of December 2009.  These data were then used to authorize the vaccine for use in both Japan and Canada as well.  When however it comes to product tolerance, the information is quite shocking.

First of all, the most incredible is the methodology and the number of children monitored to assess the “safety’ of the Prevenar 13: instead of comparing a large sample of vaccinated children with another group of totally unvaccinated children, the manufacturer compared his Prevenar 13 (i.e. the new version) with its predecessor (Prevenar 7)!!

And when it comes to the number of children assessed, it is ridiculously low: 796 babies + 569 young children = a total of 1,365 children, spread over two studies and four groups (Prevenar 13/Prevenar 7 given to babies or young children depending on the study) while 10,000 children is sometimes still considered insufficient to assess the rare serious adverse effects!  The adverse effects were monitored for six months in only 580 cases.  Several children were even ‘conveniently’ withdrawn from these data because the manufacturer decided, arbitrarily, that their adverse effects were in no way linked to the vaccine being assessed!

We also learn that first of all the frequency of both local and systemic adverse effects is significantly higher when the injection is intramuscular compared with sub-cutaneous (in spite of this, the package insert still advises intramuscular injection!).

To grasp the proportions here, it is important to know that sensitivity at the site of injection is 13 to 20% in those vaccinated sub-cutaneously compared with 72 to 79% in those who receive an intramuscular injection.

The figures are even more revealing when it comes to the systemic effects:

Less than 8.1% of children receiving a sub-cutaneous jab had to take fever-reducing medication after the vaccination compared with between 78 and 84% of those who were given an intramuscular injection!  Loss of appetite occurred in less than 19% of those receiving a sub-cutaneous inoculation compared with over 54% in those for whom the jab was intramuscular.  Irritability arose in less than 37% of the former while it was over 88% in the latter, drowsiness in less than 41% of the former compared with over 70% in the latter and disturbed sleep in less than 24% of the former while it was over 45% in the latter.

Not surprisingly, these data reveal clearly that a deeper injection of the toxic substances in a vaccine (including neurotoxic aluminium) into the tissues of the body presents much greater risk.  According to the research team at the Henri Mondor University Hospital in Créteil, France, the aluminium administered by intramuscular rather than sub-cutaneous injection is without a shadow of a doubt a major contributing factor in the emergence of cases of macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF).[9]

This confidential document on clinical trials specifies however that regardless of the method of administration (sub-cutaneous or intramuscular), 83 to 92% of the recipients spontaneously reported adverse effects, a bit of a shock when assessing products designed for healthy people!

As for SERIOUS adverse effects and their incidence in the clinical trials, the manufacturer informs us that in one study, no fewer than 30 serious reactions were observed in 22 individuals which is an 11.4% rate of serious adverse events!!  Most of these reactions were infections and conditions requiring hospitalisation.  The manufacturer was however quick to point out that according to the rapporteur, NONE of these serious reactions was deemed to be linked to the vaccination!!

What is more, this rate was considerably higher in babies than in slightly older children, confirming that the immaturity of a baby’s immune system is not at all compatible with the vaccination drive now recommended by experts blinded by conflicts of interest.

A total of 42 out of the 1,365 individuals assessed displayed serious adverse effects, i.e. 3%, a totally unacceptable rate which is clearly higher than the incidence of serious complications from pneumococcal disease in the general population!!

To grasp the extent of the problem, just remember that the Belgian annual birth rate is approximately 128,000, a very large majority of whom receive BOTH the Prevenar and the Infanrix Hexa.  A simple calculation reveals therefore that the annual number of serious adverse effects, taking ONLY this vaccine into account, could be 3% x 128,000 births = 3,840 children!!!!!

In conclusion, these data are not very reassuring and it is clear that the health authorities are hiding far too much information which could be extremely USEFUL to parentswho are expected to act in the interest of their children.  Serious adverse effects are much more frequent than they claim and the health of our children is being DIRECTLY jeopardised first by this commitment to ideology but also by the rigid vaccination schedule recommendations which push a maximum of concomitant doses, to obtain parental compliance: yes, but above all to protect the commercial interests at stake!

Initiative Citoyenne is therefore issuing a bold call to arms against the blind and unbridled pursuit of these death-dealing policies so detrimental to public health.  We call upon all honest and willingmembers of the public to demand an end to this ‘Code of Silence’, this taboo, but also to the blind ideology which reigns over the current vaccination drive.

Our infants and children are literally overpowered by the current number of vaccines they are given but what can they do?  They are simply SPEECHLESS.

On behalf of Initiative Citoyenne

Marie-Rose Cavalier, Sophie Meulemans, Muriel Desclée


See source link here






I recently wrote about vaccination contraindications and the six types of people who should not be vaccinated. The post has been very popular and I’ve been thrilled to see the information being shared. One question has come up several times since, however, that I want to address, and that’s about the connection between vaccines and autoimmune disease.


People want to know: DO vaccines cause autoimmune disease?

Just from listening to the stories of my friends, without doing any research, I’m inclined to say yes, vaccinations absolutely do cause autoimmune disease. After all, I’ve had three personal friends who were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes following vaccination. I’m inclined to think that’s no coincidence.

But what does the science say?

Vaccines and autoimmune disease: connection or coincidence?

To understand if it’s possible for vaccines to cause autoimmune disease, we first have to understand how vaccines work.

  • vaccines contain a dead or weakened pathogen (a germ- bacteria, virus, etc).

  • your body is introduced to this pathogen via the vaccine, and an “imitation” sickness follows.

  • because the germ is weakened or dead, this imitation sickness provokes your immune system without any outward symptoms of illness.

  • as your body begins to fight the pathogen, your immune cells, called lymphocytes, create antibodies to the invader.

  • later, when you are exposed to the same sickness, your body will have already produced antibodies to the disease, making you immune to becoming sick from it.


That’s how vaccines work in a perfect world. It’s how they were designed to work. But we don’t live in a perfect world, and vaccinations don’t work just as they were designed for all children, because vaccinations were created to be used on healthy children.

We don’t live in a perfect world

“Let us have a look at what is happening to children in our modern society. If you look around, how many healthy children do you see? Childhood asthma, eczema, diabetes, allergies, hay fever, digestive disorders, ADHD and autistic spectrum disorders have all gained epidemic proportions! The majority of siblings of autistic children have eczema, asthma or another one of those disorders. And though all these health problems appear to be different, they have one thing in common- a compromised immune system. A compromised immune system is not going to react to environmental insults in the normal way! Vaccination is a huge insult to the immune system.

“The manufacturers of vaccines produce them for children with normal immune system which will react to these vaccines in a predictable way. However, in our modern society, with our modern way of life, we are rapidly moving to a situation where a growing proportion of children do not have a normal immune system and will not produce an expected reaction to the vaccine.

“In some of these children, vaccination, putting an enormous strain on an already compromised immune system, becomes that ‘last straw which breaks the camel’s back’ and brings in the beginning of autism, asthma, eczema, diabetes, etc.” – Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Gut and Psychology Syndrome

I know we don’t want to think of our children as unhealthy. I work really hard to feed my family nourishing foods and keep their immune systems functioning well. But all my hard work can’t undo the years of damage caused by poor food choices, pharmaceutical use, the poor gut health I passed on to them, or, most of all, the toxic world we live in that, frankly, we can’t do anything about.

So if this is true, if vaccines and autoimmune disease are connected, due to the malfunctioning immune systems of our children and society as a whole, how are they connected? How do vaccines actually cause autoimmune disease?

Vaccines and autoimmune disease: there is a connection

Vaccines cause autoimmune disease in a number of ways, including:

Immune system dysfunction

Because we understand that vaccines were designed to illicit an immune response, it is not a stretch to imagine that the immune response could be a negative one. Indeed, vaccinations can cause the immune system to dysfunction.

T-lymphocytes can become confused and attack the body. The immune system can incite those t-cells to overreact, and begin overproducing antibodies, including those that can attack your own tissue.

When the body is overloaded with antigens following vaccination, instead of having the expected response of creating antibodies, those T-cells become overstimulated and, instead, create autoantibodies. The T-cells are then transformed into cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which, after maturation, cause injury to tissue.

One study concluded “Systemic autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune ‘system’ by repeated immunization with antigens…” (source)

Another study found that young women developed primary ovary failure following the HPV vaccine. Specific auto-antibodies were found, showing that the young women’s bodies were attacking their ovaries and thyroid. (source)

ASIA (autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants)

Adjuvants are the compounds added to vaccinations to increase their efficacy, by provoking a greater immune response. The term ASIA was coined to describe autoimmune syndromes caused by adjuvants, and, as such, is “an umbrella of clinical conditions including post-vaccination adverse reactions.” (source)

One study found that “vaccines are able to elicit the immune system towards an autoimmune reaction…

“Since vaccines are given to previously healthy hosts, who may have never developed the disease had they not been immunized, adverse events should be carefully assessed and evaluated even if they represent a limited number of occurrences. In this review of the literature, there is evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmunity and adjuvant-induced autoimmunity in both experimental models as well as human patients… These mechanisms are shared by different conditions triggered by adjuvants leading to the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA syndrome).” (source)

Another study links aluminum-based adjuvants in particular to adverse events related to vaccine adjuvants. (source)

One report implicates the aluminum in vaccinations as a cause of neurodegenerative disease like multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. (source)

Authors of these studies conclude that adjuvants are clearly to blame for some autoimmune reactions, and that the need for more studies is urgent. One author stated, “…efforts to unveil the connection between the triggering of the immune system by adjuvants and the development of autoimmune conditions should be undertaken. Vaccinomics is a field that may bring to light novel, customized, personalized treatment approaches in the future.” (source)

In other words, as I wrote about in “vaccination contraindications: six people who should not be vaccinated,” vaccination is not a one-size-fits-all medical procedure, and more studies need to be done, as well as testing of individuals prior to vaccination, in order for medicine to be responsibly practiced in the future.

Antigens actually infect organs

Let’s go back to how vaccines work: they introduce a very small amount of dead or weakened antigen to the body so that the body can easily fight it and create antibodies without actually becoming outwardly sick.

But what happens when the immune system is not strong enough to fight off even these “innocent” antigens? The antigens can, instead, settle into tissues, infecting organs and creating disease.

A report from the National Vaccine Information Center details how the viruses rubella and mumps infect pancreatic islet cells, leading to type 1 diabetes.

The report states, “Doctors started making reports in the medical literature as early as 1949 that some children injected with pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine (now part of the DPT or DTaP shot) were having trouble maintaining normal glucose levels in their blood. Lab research has confirmed that pertussis vaccine can cause diabetes in mice.

As diabetes research progressed in the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s, there were observations that viral infections may be a co-factor in causing diabetes.” (source)

A study done by J Barthelow Classen, president of Classen Immunotherapies and former researcher at the National Institutes of Health, found a causal relationship between type 1 diabetes and the Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) vaccine, with those receiving the Hib being more likely to develop diabetes than those who did not receive the shot, and diabetes was more likely to develope with increased dosages of the Hib vaccine. The study concluded, “The rise in diabetes, just one potential adverse effect, exceeds the benefit of the vaccine…” (source)

It has also been reported that children with autism (which many believe is, in fact, autoimmune in nature) have been found to have a measles infection in their gut. I personally know of a little boy for whom this was the case, and who improved greatly after treating the measles infection.

While you will mostly find medical literature to the contrary, there are studies pointing to the connection between measles virus infection in the gut and autism, also known as pervasive developmental disorder. One study found that “a failed cellular immune response to measles vaccine is a potential cause of autoimmunity.” (source) This takes us back to understanding that when a weakened immune system does not properly fight off an antigen, in this case measles, the antigen can then settle into the body’s tissues, in this case, the gut.

Every body is different

As the quote from Campbell-McBride reveals, today’s children may not be “healthy” enough for vaccinations. Due to immune system weakness and environmental factors, we simply cannot predict how each individual will respond to vaccinations, and every body is different.

If we do not begin to take seriously the concerns raised by researchers in recent years, the incidence of autoimmune disease, already on the rise in children, may become worse.

Do you have a child who was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition following vaccination?

Please share this post so others can learn about the vaccines and autoimmune disease connection!



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