Court is in session
by Gloria Pierre Dean

In the annals of time, a court had convened.

In the courtroom there was one accuser.
He had made himself judge and jury.

"The crime is disobedience!"
A voice rang out loud and clear.

The courtroom was ominously still. No one stirred.
"The punishment is.. blood."
The accuser's face was fierce. He was pitiless.

One by one the perpetrators of wrong entered the room,
and lined up along the wall.
They faced their accuser but had not defense.

First came Adam, and then came Cain, his mother Eve and more and more and more...
Then another family and the next family, and the next.
The accuser's loud voice continued with a tirade of accusations.
He enumerated the crimes of idolatry, murder, adultery, envy, strife, lust, greed and.

Noah was there, Moses was among them, as was Rahab, David, and Solomon.
We saw Rebecca, big Samson and still more came in.
Shame crowned their brows.
The animal sacrifices had not sufficed!

Who would defend them?
Who would be their Advocate and stand in the gap for them?

Alas, no one was found worthy.

"The Father always kept His Word. He never broke covenant" someone whispered.

The end was inevitable for they had disobeyed.
Great sadness filled the room.
Oh, where was the Redeemer promised by Ezekiel and Isaiah?
The Shepherd of .

Out of the crowd a daring soul screeched,
"The Lord has promised us a Redeemer, a Shepherd of David's line, A King of kings and Lord of lords."

"Hah" said the accuser.
"Your sins were too many and the crimes were too great.
The punishment must be.."

In the annals of eternity, the court was in session.

Out of the shadows came The One.
He looked like a man but "His whole face and His whole appearance was marred more than any man's"*
The huge crowd gasped and parted in horror and astonishment.
They looked with disbelief at This Man; only the accuser laughed in scorn.

Who could look at such a despised creature?
His wounds! His bruises! He had been striped mercilessly.
No one could live through such torture and ..

"Look" screamed a woman in the crowd "He carries a cross!"

Here was punishment indeed.
"I wonder what he did to deserve this?
What is He being punished for?" she asked.

The court clerk looked at the ledger.
"But He has done no wrong" he declared in a stunned voice.

In the annals of eternity, the court was in recess.

Across the walls of the room a hand wrote these words,
"He was wounded for your transgression. He was bruised for your guilt and iniquities and the chastisement for peace was upon Him and with His stripes you are now healed"**

Silence fell.
Not a sound was heard.

For here was the long awaited Redeemer, the Messiah.
The Son of God of whom the Father had said
"This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.
He bore and took away the sin of many."***

The accuser could find no words for he knew that he had lost.
The slavery of man was at an end.
Man now had a way out.

God had come to earth in the person of His Son;
He had set His children and all of His creation free.

"Praise God! We have been set free! Hallelujah."

In the annals of eternity the final session had begun!

Biblical References:
Joshua 23:14-16
Ezekiel 37
Isaiah 52 -52

I accepted Christ as Saviour at the age of nine and daily now I seek to "Walk in the way of love and to.. live as s child of light  (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.

Ephesians 5

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