by Kate Warren

Hope, it is an interesting word; one that can be used as a noun or a verb. Hope has kept a
people going when it seemed all was lost. Hope has allowed man or woman to laugh at
impending death and face it without fear.

Miriam Webster defines hope as to want something to happen or be true and think that it
could happen or be true. That kind of definition makes it sound like believing in Santa Claus. But, if that were the case why does it have such a remarkable effect on us? We need to explore this concept further.

Paulo Coelho stated: "When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When
we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too." So here is another concept of hope, it encompasses the concept of love and what loves inspires
people to do.

It is true that for love of another, for love of a land, for love of a people, or an idea people strive and hope. Is that not why in the late eighteenth century hundreds of men and women fought and died so that this country, the United States of America, could gain its independence. It was that belief, that hope in a future free of the dictates of the King of England that made these
people face the overwhelming odds they did and win. So perhaps love has something to do
with hope.

Let's look at another viewpoint of hope. In the Bible, the writer of Hebrews in the New
Testament states that faith is "the assurance of things hope for " (Hebrews 11:1). Hope,
therefore, is the object upon which we direct our focus and energies.

As a Christian, hope is my trust in God's promises. It is a conviction that God can take this life that I have used so poorly and turn it around to accomplish something wonderful;
something that will advance His will and His Kingdom. It is the trust that not only will I be
in heaven because I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, but that those
members of my family will come to accept Christ as their savior as well. In this is evidenced a natural trilogy of faith, love. and hope. Each one needs the other to exist in its whole.

Such was Jesus's message. It was and is given in love and invites each of us to take His words as truth and accept them in faith so that they can provide us with hope in our own future.

To accept Jesus as your personal savior truly gives you the beginning of hope. My faith and
hope in Jesus's saving grace has born fruit. My husband has returned to Jesus. his faith
deeper than ever. Hope? You can find true hope in the name of Jesus Christ.

Katy Curry      kafrak.com
Kathy is a retired teacher in SW Florida who enjoys writing about politics, faith in Jesus Christ, and other topics as they seem timely.  www.kafrak.com

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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