Baby Girl Dies From Mold
by Iris Brooks

This is just one story among thousands we have seen. Being mold victims, we relate to the pain and frustration so many are living through. Yet what hurts us the most is to hear about little children suffering or losing their lives as a result of toxic mold. My heart goes out to this young mother and her family. I ask that you please pray for them; It's not necessary to post their real names, just keep Baby Girl and her family in your thoughts, and warn others about the mold issue; Don't let this child's life be in vain.

Hopefully this will cause someone out there to please stop and think. Take the issue serious and help us educate more people about the dangers of toxic mold.

The pride and joy of elated parents, Baby Girl was born. She was so beautiful! Such a happy and healthy child, she brought love and sunshine to everyone around her. She had her whole life ahead of her. How tragic for her to die some six weeks later as a result of toxic mold exposure. Imagine the horror of waking up to go kiss your baby girl good morning only to find her no longer breathing? Hard to even think about, isn't it? At first the parents did not even realize what had actually happened. It was suggested by some in the medical profession her death was due to SIDS. They were WRONG!

After losing Baby Girl the whole family began experiencing horrific and unexplained symptoms. Nausea, headaches, abdominal pain, memory loss, heart palpitations, lack of focus, choking sensations during sleep, dizziness, lingering anxiety.... There was insomnia while on the other hand once asleep it was almost like an induced sleep making it very hard to wake up. Just strange and bizarre symptoms! Everyone else assumed the family was just going through grief of losing a child. But the physical symptoms were not from grief nor were they imagined. They were real! What was going on here?

Still not a clue, the family remained in the residence. Well-meaning people kept telling them their symptoms would subside. they were just still grieving. Things would get better soon. But they didn't. They got worse. The couple had noticed some mold and water stained ceiling when they initially moved into the home. Not really being educated in the dangers of mold they had no idea it could be do them harm. They did mention it to their landlord, but he assured them it was nothing more than harmless mildew. He also said he had the mold issue checked out and to just clean it with bleach. If only they had known what a complete lie this was, their baby girl would likely still be alive today.

Within a few months of losing their child, things began to get even more bizarre! The family started waking up in the mornings with blood coming from their noses and ears. Oh, my God! No form of grief could cause such a thing as this. The mother began to search for answers, contacting several experts and asking questions about toxic mold and indoor air quality. They did a lot of research on the internet and anywhere else they could look. She talked to anyone who would take the time to listen. She started to put things together and even requested a copy of Baby Girl's autopsy report. She had another expert review the report. They had extensive tests performed on the child's tissues. The cause of her death was indeed toxic mold!

Unfortunately the parents, as many of us, it took a child dying and a family getting very sick to learn the truth. They learned the hard way indoor mold and water damage is not harmless! It's NOT just a little mildew and nothing to worry about. A little bleach or a good coat of paint will only make matters worse. This is NOT the answer! The invisible mycotoxins which can be produced from toxic molds can be DEADLY! Believe me, anyone can get sick. Young or old, rich or poor, sick or well... It is true however, little children can be even more at risk as their immune system is not yet fully developed.

As parents we're taught to protect our children from harm. We teach them things like never touch a hot stove, don't get near the street, don't talk to strangers, etc But why is there no education letting us know that toxic mold can kill our children? Be it in the home or school, don't allow your children to remain in such an environment.

Some physicians will just totally ignore you or change the subject if you mention someone dying or getting very sick from toxic mold, while a few who really know and care and will listen or warn you of the true dangers.

As stated, as an advocate for education and also a victim of this illness, I've heard countless stories like this. As I think of our own past and present journey with such a culprit I also have to question. Similar to the asbestos which was denied for so long, how many more deaths will it take before something changes? There have recently been some positive steps with some of our agencies. Some physicians are starting to pay attention, but not nearly as many as should. I believe it should be standard practice for a doctor to always ask you about your environment.

This little girl lost her life. She's not the first by far and certainly won't be the last. I've found out many doctors are not taught about these health dangers nearly as much as they should be. Someone has to take this serious. Education is important. I urge you if you think there's a possibility your children or someone you know is getting sick from mold, do the research. Don't let this Baby Girl's life or death be in vain. May she rest in peace with God's angels in heaven.

Note: MY husband passed away in 2015 with toxigenic mold a major factor and I fight this battle every day of my life. It's time that we take a stand towards educating others.

Christian author, poet, musician and songwriter, I co-wrote for 16 years with my now late husband.  We became advocates in regards to educating the public on environmental illnesses after both being diagnosed with toxic mold poisoning in late 2005.

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