Introducing Me to me - Part 3
by Jerry Ousley

We're always learning something new. For instance, one day Deb and I were driving down the road on our way home. We were traveling the Interstate and as we passed by the town of Seymour she asked me about a certain road and how far south it extended. I answered her that it ended at the highway on the north side of town. But she insisted that it crossed the highway. I was a bit dumbfounded because I didn't remember it crossing the highway, but then again, I don't always notice things like that unless I need to know. Up until now I hadn't needed to know.

In times past I would have argued with her about it insisting that I was right. But over the years I had learned that I'm not always right; in fact I'm only right probably fifty percent of the time on some things, ninety percent on other things; and maybe ten percent on the rest. Again, it depends on what my interest has been in the past. However, I'm learning and so I finally said, "Honey, I don't know." Well this morning I was thinking about that and so I pulled up MapQuest and guess what; yep I was wrong and she was right. In fact the road extended all the way to where she had originally wondered about. But it took me a while to admit to her that she had been right.

We don't always know as much as we might think we know. I've met college professors who knew quite a lot about their field of interest. They may have taught many young minds what they know but that doesn't mean that they know everything. They may be as ignorant as a fence post about some things. I know that I am. There are some things I know a lot about and could bore you all day with facts and figures. But then there are other things I could talk all day about and be wrong about the whole thing.

As children I stayed overnight with a friend. We were riding in the back seat of the car as his Dad drove. It was night and Ed asked me, "Jerry, how do the police know when someone is in trouble?" I thought about it for a while and then answered, "Well Ed, they have these police towers that are always scanning around looking for people who are in trouble and when they see someone then they go to them." It sounded like a good answer to me, especially in this modern world of technology. I mean, what else were those towers for anyway? Ed laughed at me then said, "Wouldn't the people in trouble just pick up the phone and call the police? Wouldn't that be easier?" I felt foolish and then got angry because he was laughing at me. If he knew the answer why had he asked me in the first place? But then, it did seem a whole lot simpler than my theory about the police towers.

I've been a Christian for forty-seven years now and if I've learned anything it is that I've still got a lot to learn. I've not only got a lot to learn about being a Christian but also about myself. When we get serious about our relationship with the Lord and with other people one of the first things we've got to learn is that we never stop learning. There's always something in our Christian life to work on. It's just like owning a home; there's always something that needs fixed or tended to.

1 Corinthians 11:31 says, "For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged." That's a very simple, interesting and true statement. If we would spend more time examining our own lives and working out those things that need attention, fixing those things that need fixing and tending to those items that we've been putting off we'd probably not only have a much better relationship with our Father, God but also with other people.

This is just a theory of mine (remember I'm not always right) but it makes sense to me. I guess when we get to Heaven we can find out if it's right or wrong because I don't believe we'll ever know here on earth. But my theory is that the only two people we know of in the Bible who went to Heaven without tasting death were Enoch and Elijah. The Bible tells us that God took Enoch. He didn't see death but the day came when God just whisked him off the face of the earth and called him to Heaven. We're told that Elijah didn't die but a fiery chariot came down from Heaven and taxied him away. My theory is that somehow these two men reached perfection. They had succeeded in bringing their physical man in line with their spiritual man. If there was nothing else for them to learn then it was time for God to just take them home.

I don't think many of us will ever reach that point. I know that I haven't yet because, well, I'm still here. But isn't it a great thought that God is teaching us, helping us to learn about ourselves and getting us fixed up, and ready to go home?

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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