The Power of the Word
by Steve Countryman

The bible is the undeniable, uncompromising and eternal Word of God. It is unique in every way. From its conception to its completion. It is accurate in the history that it represents to the fulfilled prophecies and including the prophecies yet to be fulfilled. The bible has remained accurate through thousands of years of translations and transcribings.

The old and new testament versions of the bible was first used in churches around 50 AD.. It was only available to the average Christian at church from that time to about 1400 AD.. Back then church leaders and those of different religions restricted the bible's availability to church leaders only. So if you had a question or needed clarification over a passage of scripture you had no choice but to go and ask one of the church leaders, pastor, priest, elder or preacher. Then they would give you their interpretation and understanding of what the bible said.

The early versions of the bible were written in Greek and weren't translated into English until the 1380's. This of course infuriated the Pope who, along with other religious leaders, didn't want the bible made available to the common person. Mainly because they would lose their influence and power over the people for which the people came to receive answers for their spiritual benefit.

The bible was masterfully created by Father God in layers. The first layer is the story layer. The next layer is the moral of the story. The next two layers are only available to those who study and dwell on the Word. One layer is the spiritual truth and the other layer contains the revelation. In those two layers, along with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will find insight, knowledge and understanding.

But the power of the Word is not found in the layers but in the one who is reading the Word. When the one who reads the Word does so out loud then the power of the Word is released. That power is released in different and marvelous ways. Power that provides healing. Power that brings deliverance. Power to overcome ALL evil and wicked powers and principalities. Power to bless and be a blessing to others. Power to encourage and exalt fellow believers. Power that breaks the yoke of bondage. Power that brings victory. Power to resist the evil one. Power to operate in the giftings of the Holy Spirit.

Power that is life altering. Power that is mind blowing. Power that changes the hearts, minds and lives of men! The power of the Word is a two edge sword. Power of the Word that provides all the weapons that we need to fight ANY spiritual battle we encounter.

2 Corinthians 10:4 "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." Jesus speaking John 14:15-17 15"If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever 17 the Spirit of truth."

Power of the tongue in alignment and agreement with the SPOKEN WORD! Declaring God's Word out loud is the most powerful weapon that we Christians have available to us. At the power of the spoken Word demons flee. At the power of the spoken Word angels are moved into action. The power of the spoken Word was demonstrated when God spoke the heavens and the earth into creation.

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." When you declare out loud God's Word you get to hear those powerful words. As you hear your own voice declare them your faith grows and is bolstered. Your walk grows deeper in the Lord!

Matthew 28:18 Jesus came up and said to them, "All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Jesus dwells in each "born-again" believer. So ALL authority and power lives and dwells in you EVERYDAY and His name is Jesus! Speak the Word on ALL occasions, declare the Word out loud every time you pray and live by what the Word declares to you.

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