Was Jesus An Activist?
by Greg Robbins

What is an activist? It is someone who takes up a cause and takes action to create social changes. It is a person who desires to right a perceived wrong. It is public opinion that determines whether the cause and the actions of the activist is morally wrong or right. Mother Teresa was an activist for the poor and the needy. Public opinion judged her work as being very good and noteworthy. Adolf Hitler was also an activist and public opinion judged his life's ambitions and actions as being evil.

Jesus Christ was most definitely an activist. He helped the poor and the needy, he lifted up women in a society that treated them as second class citizens, he redeemed sinners, and he completely remade Jehovah worship into Father worship.

The opinion of his disciples was one of love and adoration, the opinion of those he forgave and healed was one of gratitude, the opinion of the religious leaders and the mob was to "Crucify him! Crucify him!", the opinion of Pontius Pilate was that he was a righteous and an innocent man, and the opinion of the centurion that crucified him was "Surely this man was the Son of God".

Jesus made it clear that his disciples were to follow his example and to live as he lived. So that makes the disciples of Jesus activists too. Are you an activist? If you are not an activist then you are not a disciple of Jesus Christ. What can one person do or accomplish? Jesus was one man who changed the history of the entire world. John the Baptist was one man who brought multitudes to repent and obey God.

I'm just an ordinary person. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ and I'm an activist. I quit my job many years ago to work for God full-time and to live by prayer and by faith. I have traveled to many places in the USA and around the world. I have been a street preacher and have ministered to thousands of people. I have seen the tears, heard the stories, seen the changes, and have heard the testimonies. Although I'm a nobody I have seen the difference that what I have done makes in people's lives. I collect and distribute food free of charge. I have heard the stories of gratitude of how that food makes a difference in People's lives. I send e-mails to corporate offices to make them aware of misconduct and injustice in their organizations. They listen. They change things. I write gospel messages and lives are changed as a result.

One person as an activist and a disciple of Jesus Christ can make a difference in this world and for all eternity as well. On judgement day you will see the results of all of your words and actions, whether they are good or bad. Jesus said that by your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned. He also said that everyone shall be judged according to their works. Those who have done good will receive the resurrection of eternal life, and those who have done evil will receive the resurrection of damnation.

The eternal rewards for being an activist for Jesus Christ will be great and awesome. What a joy it will be on judgement day for those who obeyed Jesus, followed his example, and made a positive difference in the lives of people. Oh how glad and joyful they will be because they sacrificed in this temporal world in order to receive great rewards in heaven.

My books on Amazon/Kindle https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=Gregory+Robbins

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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