Blessing To Others
by Steve Countryman

It's sad that it took me years to figure it out. How the obvious can stare you right in the face and still be missed. I believe that NOTHING happens by accident or by happenstance. As Christians we are to be Christ-like. Nothing happened in the life of Jesus that was not heavenly ordained, likewise in our lives.

The decisions that we make dictates what we do and say. In those decisions God's will is either fulfilled and completed in our lives or it is delayed. God places people in our lives for us to be a blessing to. It may happen that the person He has in mind for you to bless might walk up to you and start talking to you. Or you may literally bump into them. They may strike up a conversation with you or you may be prompted to strike up a conversation with them. How, when, where, why and who you bless is all up to God and depends on your obedience, willingness and follow through.

Blessings can occur one of thousands of ways. Sometimes it's very obvious if you will just listen carefully to what they are saying. Or it may require you to pray over them, with them, declaring God's Word over them or speaking healing and deliverance to them. But what if they were not even present? What if God put someone on your heart to pray for? This is the part that took me the longest time to understand and the one area that I kept missing.

You wake up in the morning remembering briefly the dream that you just had. There was someone in your dream that you know and maybe haven't thought of in a long time. Or out of the blue a memory of an incident that happened some time ago drops into your mind. Someone who was involved in the incident causes you to start thinking about them. Maybe it's someone who mistreated you or said something mean to you. That is the Holy Spirit bringing them to mind that you need to forgive. Something that you have held against them for years and you have never forgave them for it. The Holy Spirit wants you to deal with it now and put it behind you. All you have to do is ask for God's help to get you through it and pray for them. To forgive them and for God to bless, heal, deliver and prosper them. If you can't do that you then you can't forgive them!

What if those people who cross your mind need your prayers? Those who God puts on your heart to pray for. Will you pray for them or just let that thought go by as a "passing thought"? Knowing who you are in Christ and who Christ is in you means that you can't afford to allow those people who cross your mind to go by without prayer! You don't need to know what they are going through to pray for them. EVERYONE NEEDS PRAYER!

I try to make it a habit not to allow those thoughts of people to get pass me without praying for them. Life is too short to put it off or forget about them! If I feel that I may have missed an opportunity to pray for someone who comes into my shop, I will say a pray for them later when the Holy Spirit brings them to mind. Sometimes it will dawn on me that the person I haven't seen in a while who just left my shop is someone that I should've prayed for. Then I do it right then and there.

It is who we are and it is what we do! I know that I need all the prayer that I can get so why would I think less of anyone else needing prayer? Is it too hard to make time to pray for them? Is it too much for God to expect His children to act and behave like His children? Isn't it the absolute least thing that we as Christians can do to pray for someone? It is one of the most powerful things that we can do and we don't do it enough! It is a simple way to bless and be a blessing to someone to pray for them.

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