The Holy Bible
by Sue Darling

Many people have different opinions whether the Bible holds all truths that ever will be known. The Bible is incredibly powerful because it is the Word of God, but does it hold every truth about God and heaven? I personally believe because God is infinite the Bible can only speak a little of all that God is and does. Just think about His infinite love, creativity, power and might, you would need an infinite amount of books to describe God and all that He does. So I don't go along with God doesn't do anything new. After all we are supposed to be doing greater works than Jesus soon. The wonderful thing though about the Bible it does describe how to discern what comes from God and what doesn't. 'By the fruits you will know them.' If it leads your soul and spirit into true pure love of God and you are one with humility that to me comes from God.

Satan can be sneaky so you do have to really pray about it and really have a close look at what is going on in your heart. Sometimes we can be easily deceived we often take things at face value. We can be naive thinking every spirit that acts friendly must be friendly, much like being conned by people who are really wolves in sheep's clothing.

I believe also the Bible has layers of truth. You can be reading a passage for years and then all of a sudden God gives you a new angle to look at and it surprises you to think that you didn't see it before. The Bible is also a living book. Jesus is the word and when you read the pages of the Bible sometimes Jesus will show up in the word.

Prayer is so powerful and we need to pray for everybody not just our family.

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