Divine Proof of God part 1
by Michael Gutwein

The following is tangible, literal proof that God exists! The only question is: do we have eyes to see? We that see, see only because of His great mercy in allowing us eyes that see. "Though seeing, they do not see, though hearing, they do not hear" Matt 13:13

The Bible states that all men will be held accountable for their sin because God is clearly seen in creation, Rom 5:20. God is all around is, in everything that we see, in the endless galaxies, in the sun itself; He is everywhere but few have eyes to see.

God has revealed Himself to me numerically in a way that can only be explained by Divinity. God, before the foundations of the earth, mapped out every single day of your/my life specifically, for His glory and purpose.

Numbers are not Divine but they bring us to the feet of His Divinity!

"God has numbered my wanderings" Psalm 58:6 and "He has numbered the stars and knows them by name" Psalm 147:4

The last five years of my life is one for the box office, seriously. However, this blog isn't about what He asked of me but what He in turn gave to me out of the abundance of His mercy. Gold is first purified in the fire; His bride should expect no less.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob spoke directly to me numerically showing me beyond doubt that my children and I (and father, brother...) were chosen in Him before the world. He showed me my children are I are His and will reign with Jesus one day in the sky!

Now, to the "how":

I do not wish to pontificate in any way, as I am far from perfect but years ago: I was sitting at my computer and I asked this question: "God, if I am Your child, why is my life so perfect?" As I prayed I also asked, "You said if I am Your Son, I would be chastised" and my life was perfect; I saw no chastening. Not but a few months later, everything I had disappeared in 1 day. Everything I loved, worked for, dreamed of and held dear vanished in an instant.

As one could imagine, this was not an endearing time, as of this post I have not seen nor spoken to my 2 children for almost 3 years; they have been home 6 times in 5+ years. This, at the hands of an activist judge and her wife, playing the part of the evaluator the 'court' ordered me to go see. Yes, Judge Kimberly Wood of the 12th District of Colorado, her wife, Ms. Tammie Obie and Judge Pattie Swift are an abomination to both the family and the law!

After years of being estranged from the very children I spent every single day of their lives with, 9 and 7 years, save two nights; one could imagine how much I needed to hear from Him. After it is all said and done, I had to go through the toughest time I could imagine so that He could finally remove enough of 'me' so I could see Him. This truly gives another meaning to, "When you search for Me with all your heart". Lamentations that would seemingly fill the ocean were needed before His voice.

After years of pleading for peace and the undeniable presence of His Spirit, He spoke:

It all began with this email from a friend of mine, he was attempting to show me in fact, God was working in my life:

YOU were born 119 days inclusive after Israel reclaimed Jerusalem!!!!

You need to read my 911/119 stuff its profound to our time and 9/11 appears to be the date Jesus was born based on astronomical evidence. It is very similar to the sign of Revelation 12 and only happened one time.

Your birthday is 2 days before mine. You were born 4752 days before me. Strong's 4752 Greek - warfare, military service; of Christian warfare.

Isaiah 46:10 has 4752 numeric value: "Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure"

My birthday is October 3rd, 1967. This was the 1st Day of the '67 Super Jubilee Year (Oct 4-5 in Israel). While I thought this was nice, it was far from a thunderous voice from the heavens I had begged for.

Then, my friend revealed to me the numerical importance of just one important date in my life, my 1st child, born 2/17/04.

He said: "There is a lot to your daughter's bday as well. 2/17 is literally 2 seventeens, you will find that on 2/17 there are 317 days left in year. 17=complete victory, it is when Christ resurrected and the Ark rested".

It was then God showed me the significance of my son, Benjamin's birthday: 1/11/06. Without losing the significance of '111', '4' means "Man child"; '44' can also mean division. Imagine my surprise to find my now ex-wife was born 4,444 days inclusive after me!

My just telling you God spoke to me would leave us in the coincidental stage, so here we go:

another email from this friend:

[Y]our marriage was ended 26 days after [his website] launched and 9 days after my first full year of being saved

your dad's bday is 17 days after [friend]

your moms bday is 2 days after [same friend]

on 6/16/14 (your last anniversary?) there was a dream a reader had, of which was sent to me 560 days later. I heard from him one time, and never again but he writes down dreams and felt led to share w/ me on this particular day. It was profound and even in the last week another layer of it was revealed to me as a confirmation about something else. It was a crow on a rock in a pristine mountain lake, it face planted and flopped around in the water until it got back on the ROCK and brushed himself off and was standing tall again.

I learned today that Corvus, the constellation Crow/Raven is the closest to the sun on my birthday each year.

6/16/15 Trump announced

10/14/14 was the 20th day of Tishrei 5775 Hebrew

It was two 10 day patterns completed in the first 20 days of the year 5775
On the 10th of Tishrei Moses brought down tablets #2 and message of forgiveness about the golden calf
If you understand 7 and 5 this is pretty significant
10 is the completed order of a thing.

I would now like to think the reader agrees, we are now in the improbable stage.

THEN, I had a dream!

The dream was typical dream fashion with the unexplained oddities, one of which was the rain in the background of this dream was so 'irritating' I had to search it out even though the rain had nothing to do with the dream. Long story short: after tunnels and corridors obscuring my ability to see the rain, I saw it. It was raining zip-ties the cops sometimes use. Then, Jesus began the Revelation!

God began showing me the number 611 over and over.

This continued for well over two weeks. Not one day had gone by without Him showing me 611 (as well as the inversions 116/911/119) along with my birthday. If I put them all down, it would be too long a post.

I'd like to think we are through the 'improbable' stage.

Then the impossible, I did some calculations with this number 611 that God showed me every day over the course of 2 weeks and counting.

Consider the 10 dates of importance in my life:
B-day 10/03/67
Salvation 3/20/75
Car wreck where I almost died 5/14/89
My engagement 12/28/99
Marriage 6/16/00
Daughter's birth 2/17/04
Son's birth 1/11/06
Date I found out about the betrayal in my marriage 11/16/12
Date of Final Divorce Decree 10/14/14
Day I received my black belt in TKD 6/11/16
Day I received my Paramedic 9/30/96
Date served divorce papers 1/20/13, 9 day past my son's birthday.

The other 6 or so dates I used were:

My Dad's birth 4/19/41 (3 of 5 brothers born on 4/19; the youngest born on 4/4/48, Uncle Doug) (I'll get into the 3's and all the triple confirmations from Him)
Mom's birth 4/28/39
Parent's anniversary 9/23/61
Brother's birthday 6/4/69

and I also used 2 of my niece's birthdays because they were direct numerical anagrams of 611:
11/1/1999 and 6/6/1991

I may have inadvertently left out a day of two but now we will move to the impossible.

When comparing the dates above with #611 God had shown:

My son born 1/11/06, 100 days exactly from my birthday

I was born exactly 6 years and 11 days after my parent's marriage

My brother was born exactly 611 days after me

611 days after our marriage was exactly 2/17, 2 years before my daughter was born, 48th day of the year.

611 days before our marriage would be Oct 14 exactly 16 years to the day of the Final Orders to dissolve our marriage 10/14/14.

611 days after our marriage was legally over 10/14/14 would've been our 16th Anniversary

Exactly 611 days after I was served divorce papers was 9/23/14, my parent's 53rd anniversary; 3 years exactly before Rev 12 sign.

611 days after my car wreck 1/16/1991
611 before my accident was 9/11/87

I was born 119 days after Israel took the Temple Mount, on the beginning of the 119th Super Jubilee.

Because of leap year, my niece Sammy was born 6/6/1991, 611 days from my birthday (inc) as well as this being 6/5, the start of the 6 Day War.

611 days before my niece's birthday was 11/16 (day I found out about the affair, betrayal)

My mom was born on the 119th day of the year
Mom's birth to my birth exactly = 10,019 days

My dad born inclusive on the 111th day (or non-inclusive leap year)

On 9/11 there are 111 days remaining in the year. (we'll get into the 111 soon)

My Dad's twin brother died on 3/18/83 + 611 = 11/9

My birthday to 9/11/01 inclusive was 33 years, 11 months, 9 days

May 14th, (Israel Nation), +611 = 9/11

May 14th subtract it is inclusive 1/16

May 14, 1948 to 10/03/67 = 1011 weeks

While there are more, I'd like to think we are now past the impossible stage. Now we move to the Divine!! The mind blowing part has just begun!


I am a Child of the Kind, retired from 15 years in EMS and now teach Martial Arts in CO. I love my God and my children and pray they receive the same thunderous voice from the heavens I received.
Please pass this along if it blessed you!

I am a Child of the Kind, retired from 15 years in EMS and now teach Martial Arts in CO. I love my God and my children and pray they receive the same thunderous voice from the heavens I received. 
Please pass this along if it blessed you!

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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