A Powerful Uncommon Love
by Steve Countryman

The Bible is filled with stories and historical accounts that involve directly and indirectly the Jewish people and their God. What is so amazing is what those stories tell us about mankind and our relationship with Jehovah God. The Bible is the undeniable Word of God. Holy Spirit inspired and crafted by God as a tool for us His children to use to navigate our way through daily life. To know His salvation plan, His will and build a relationship with our creator. God Himself hand picked the authors to do the writing, the books that went into it and every word used in it. This was all done according to His will and purpose.

Understand that the God of creation created us in His image and likeness. He is the same God who is full of emotion to a far greater degree than we can imagine. God not only represents the true meaning of love but is the pure essence of love. After contemplating what we all take for granted from reading those stories of the Bible, I am shocked to realize how terrible Jehovah God has been treated throughout human history.

It's like the title of the song "I can only imagine" trying to understand the pain that God feels. Jesus said, Matthew 24:35 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." He is eternal, everlasting to everlasting so His words remain. Isaiah 40:8 "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever."

Those stories from the Bible are a forever reminder of ALL the pain, anguish, betrayal, hurt, suffering and mistreatment that He went through. That is why God refers to His people as an unfaithful bride. In those stories God mentions the adulterous actions taken by this bride. The unfaithfulness of the bride who gives herself over to idols, sacrifices, customs and traditions of false gods. Actions liken to that of a harlot, a prostitute and an adulterer.

One of the worst betrayals and pain that someone can suffer is the unfaithfulness of a spouse. It is a deep wound that is often hard to recover from. The broken trust, honesty, love along with fear and doubt of continued unfaithfulness can fill the hearts and minds of the betrayed spouse. It is these actions that also hurt those around them. The damage to the family can affect the children for years.

I know of no man or woman who can withstand the constant reminder of such pain and betrayal over and over again. We try our best to forget about it. To push those kinds of acts out of our minds and thoughts. Some try to bury them in booze and others with drugs. Some spend thousands of dollars going through years of counseling to cope with such pain. The pain of those memories are often more than we can bear.

So I tried to reason in my mind why would God have those stories in His Word to remind Him of our hurtful behavior? Adding insult to injury most of the treatment that He suffered were repeated offenses. But it came to me why He left them there for us to read. In addition to teaching us life lessons and what NOT to do, they are a reminder to us of His powerful uncommon love! For only His love could stand to be reminded of such pain. Only such a love could SEE past our faults, flaws and failures with mercy. Only a powerful uncommon love could survive so much mistreatment without destroying His creation! Thank you Lord for your merciful LOVE!

Such an immeasurable love that Father God sent His One and only Son to die on a cross for all mankind's sin. To watch His Word fulfilled through His Son as Jesus suffered at the hands of sinners. The pain of having to take His eyes off of His Son on the cross at the moment that all sins were placed on Him. Having to treat His Son as a judged sinner separated from His presence. For it was that powerful uncommon love that sustained Jesus while He was here on earth. It was that love that got Him through the scourging, beatings, humility and shame of the cross. Wonderful love that stood by Him when His disciples and all others deserted Him.

If you think about it; if those stories were removed from God's Word then we all would suffer the loss! For those stories testify to the wonder of God's love. They cry out the amazing mercies of His powerful love. Without those stories the Bible would be incomplete! Through all of the suffering that God the Father has continued to go through He has NEVER stopped loving us His creation! Just as earthly parents love and care about their own children God loves us even more so. Regardless what your child may do they NEVER stop being your child and you never stop loving them!

A God who loves me beyond understanding. A God who loves me when I know that I don't deserve it. A God who loves me in spite of me. A God who ALWAYS knows what's best for me. A God who watches over my every step. A God who I have given EVERY reason to walk away from me but instead blesses me anyway! It is that love that just a glimpse of makes me thirst and hunger for more. That is the God that I want to know more about! Jeremiah 32:40 "I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear me, so that they will never turn away from me." Romans 9:25 As he says in Hosea: "I will call them 'my people' who are not my people; and I will call her 'my loved one' who is not my loved one," Thank you Father God for your powerful uncommon love!

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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