Eighty-Five Years Young
by Jerry Ousley

I work a job just like most of you do. But I have to confess that my job is mostly working with my mind and not my body. I should exercise but frankly I don’t. For these reasons when I find myself in a situation that requires physical work I’m embarrassed to say it makes me sore. I have written before about fixing some drain pipes. I worked for three hours on that job. Afterwards it hurt when I stood up to walk. That’s shameful I know but it doesn’t make it any the less true.

That’s why the story of Caleb simply amazes me. In Joshua 14:6-14 we’re told about the request of Caleb regarding his inheritance. Remember that he was one of the two men allowed to enter the Promised Land from the original generation of those coming out of Egypt. He said in this incident that he was forty years old when he went with the other spies. After the years of wandering and the years of war to claim the land he stood before Joshua, now eighty-five years old. I’m not so sure that I’ll even be able to stand when I’m eighty-five! You’d think after all these years of faithfulness to God that he would ask for what he deserved: A piece of flat ground that wouldn’t require much work; one that had already been conquered where he could spend the rest of his life in peaceful retirement.

Not Caleb. Instead he asked for a mountain. It was a mountain that hadn’t been conquered yet and would require him to continue fighting. He would not only have to fight to climb that mountain but after he got there he’d have to fight those still living there to claim it as his. He told Joshua, “I’m eighty-five years old but I still have the same strength I had when I was forty. My wits haven’t been exhausted and my mind is clear. I can fight just as good now as I could then!” To say the least I greatly admire this man. Age hadn’t taken a toll on him. His faith in God had not dwindled and he still had enough spark in him that he was willing to spend his twilight years doing battle with the enemy. He was eighty-five years young!

While I’m not in as good of physical shape now as Caleb was at eighty-five, I want to have the same attitude about my spiritual life. I want to stay sharp doing battle with the enemy. I want to do my part to win this war with the devil.

What about you? I’ll bet that you don’t want to give up either. You may be a young person physically or you may now be in your twilight years. But regardless your physical condition, whether you’re able to get up and go to work every day or whether you’re confined to a bed or wheelchair, I’ll bet that you are just as ready to do spiritual battle with the enemy.

Our claim is for a mountain just like Caleb's. Our struggle for Heaven is just like climbing a mountain and conquering its inhabitants. Are you ready for the spiritual battle? It won't be easy. it'll be a daily struggle to win the war. But I believe we can do it. We can, with the help of our Father in Heaven. Say along with Caleb, "It may be that the Lord will e with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said." Can you also say along with Caleb, "I'm eighty-five years young!"

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at spiritbread.com to download these and more completely free of charge.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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