by ralph jackson

Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. Ultimately the whole blame landed on God who created them and so the blame game has continued down the annals of time.   Nobody ever wants to take responsibility for there own actions. It is easier to cast the blame onto someone else rather than own up. We’ve all done it! I know that I have. Satan is clever, he’s had 6000 plus years to perfect the blame game.

In the Scriptures, God frequently gave direct commands. These commands could not be and cannot be disregarded without serious consequences because God holds people responsible when they disobey His Commands. We cannot cast the blame for our wrongs onto others because there are consequences to our disobedience. Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden for their disobedience.

In the case of Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu, (Leviticus 10:1-2), instead of going to the altar to get sacred fire, they lit an ordinary fire in their censers. God had made it abundantly clear to them that there is a difference between what is holy and what is common. They could not blame anyone else but themselves and the consequence was their death. We too, through disobedience to God’s Word, will face the death penalty and there will be nobody else to blame except ourselves. It is thanks only to Jesus sacrifice upon the cross that we have any hope of escaping the death penalty, therefore we are to play our part by giving allegiance and obedience to the God of creation. Temptations are always going to be with us whilst we live in this flesh and Satan knows how to hit us in our weak moments. The world is in a state of turmoil. Satan and his angels have created an upside-down world where lies are considered acceptable, even if those lies are used for the purpose of not hurting someone’s feelings, they could cause pain to someone else, and they are still lies. After all it’s not our fault we lie, it’s the person who caused us to lie in the first place – isn’t it? He made me do it? Have you ever got angry when you drive a car and someone does something you don’t like or you make a minor driving error and the person behind you goes into a rage, and gives you the Winston Churchill sign or maybe just one finger? Instead of ignoring it, do you retaliate in kind! Just as well you don’t have a ‘Jesus Loves You’ sticker on the back of your car!

Satan has infiltrated the minds of million of people and they have been converted to his perverted world view. He can’t read your mind, but he knows your tender spots and can hit you where it hurts. He has been very clever over the centuries and has infiltrated governments to use men of authority to oppose the word of God. We know from history Satan used superstitious people to achieve his goals but what is his agenda or Modus Operadni, as we used to say in the military - his mode of operation, today, where men and women believe they are more sophisticated and intelligent than in the past?  

His greatest weapon today is secrecy. As long as he keeps himself hidden, intellectual people will call those that believe in his existence, fools. There are many in mainstream churches that do not believe in a literal devil, so how easy is it for Satan to trick them into believing he is just a figment of someone else’s imagination. For the religious person whose Bible knowledge is limited he can easily direct their thoughts into believing unscriptural ideas, such as the immortality of the soul and the state of the dead. (If you are one of those who believe the soul is immortal, I urge you to read scripture again where you will find ‘Only God has immortality….1 Tim 6:16). (State of Dead: Eccl 9:5-6).

Angels that manifest themselves to certain receptive believers, recruit these people to be their human messengers. Once they are brainwashed by these spirits, they promote the lies they have received to others. Sadly, many who are recruited as messengers of the devil, are unaware who these messengers therefore they become celebrities in their own churches, who treat them as ‘seers’ and blessed of God. Is it any wonder that people are looking for tangible answers to their beliefs? A vision not tested by Scripture will lead many on a path away from the true God. There are many religious organizations, which practice false worship today, even in some who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord. Some are almost pagan in their belief, therefore, it is easy for these organizations to perform or accept religious practices that are unscriptural, and lead their congregation in the wrong direction.

As we come closer to the end of time, we have to look at what is happening in our world today. Jesus told us to ‘Watch and Pray’ always, so that we are ready for everything. (Matt 26:41; Mark 14:38; Luke 21:36).

John F Kennedy believed that the separation of church and state was absolute. This may have been one of several reasons why he was assassinated? With a change of American President last month, will this affect the relationship between church and state?

Politics is being played out on our screens everyday. In America, there are two major political parties – The Democrats and the Republicans. There isn’t much difference in the two major parties policies, therefore usually whoever wins an election will follow a similar course as the one that didn’t. Of course there will be some differences in the way they precede but for the main policies they are almost equal. But will there now be a change with President Donald Trump? Well we have seen his unusually style, his Tweets and his first Presidential orders, which have upset many. Is he a maverick President? Or does he still have masters? 

It is believed by many, that behind the scenes of government in America and possibly even in the other Western countries, there are financial controllers who have the money and influence to ensure the agenda they want the government to follow, is followed. Of course we don’t know if those in power know they are setting the agenda or are being directed in a particular direction by others? Is it even possible to manipulate the direction individuals or even a government takes? We can all be deceived into thinking we are following our own path, when in fact we are being unwittingly controlled by what we see and hear.

I want to thank Professor Walter Weith, for the information he provided on his video ‘The Trump Card’ which can be seen on You Tube, which is about what is commonly known as the ‘Hegalian Dialectic’. What does it mean?

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a 19th century German philosopher. He devised a particular dialectic, or a method of argument for resolving disagreements. His method of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments is a system of thought process still in use today. In simple terms, the basis of Hegelianism dictates that the human mind can’t understand anything unless it can be split into two polar opposites – good/evil; right/wrong’ left/right. In doing so it can argue from both sides even when one is irrational. The most useful form of Hegelian Dialectic in society today is the triangle dialectic. First you see or create a Problem for which you have already developed the solution. Then you wait for the reaction after which you introduce the solution you had already developed. In short this allows the maker of the problem to get the end result desired, but making it seem that those who reacted to the problem believe they had something to do with the solution. Apparently this method has been widely used by governments and corporations around the world to control the masses and society in general and its employment has been an effective tool in keeping humanity in check.  So to recap, first create a Problem or crisis, or where one has already occurred, take advantage to get a desired reaction of public outcry so the public demand a solution - a solution that has already been planned at the outset.  For example, America wanted to have influence on the ground in the Middle East. After the beginning of the ‘war on terror, a white paper was found, which stated there was the need for another catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbour. So it looks like they first created a problem, waited for the public reaction and offered a solution, which had already been predetermined from the time they created the problem. Some say the crisis of the Twin Towers and Climate Change is a Hegalian Dialectic - Problem/Reaction/Solution? It may well be?

In the past several years since the Twin Towers where destroyed, we have seen the problems that were created by this ‘war on terror’. Afghanistan, The Arab Spring, Syria and the rise of ISIS. Crisis after crisis and public outcry as a reaction with a solution already waiting to be implemented – could it be a New World Order with a new World Bank? Time will tell.

As we watch the death and destruction played out on our screens, our compassion goes out these countries, especially when we see little children hurt or dying. How do we react to these scenes? Many of us who were never interested in politics have now become vocal to our friends and family and maybe even expressed ourselves on media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. For some who would normally be passive watchers, they have taken physical action to vent their frustration and anger. The MP Joe Cox, was murdered for her views on immigration, by someone whose anger was so misplaced, he took an innocent life.  Is it possible we are being herded into a group whose thoughts are being directed or channeled by the media? As I said earlier, what we see and hear in our lives has a great influence on how we think and act. Therefore in order not to fall victim of the Hegelian Dialectic, we all need to remember the process I have just mentioned. What should we do? From now on if a major problem comes on our screens, we need to ask ourselves who will gain or profit from it? We can then remove ourselves from the equation and take a step back to look at it from a third party perspective. Look at who is reacting and ask yourself: “why and in what way?” Then look at who is offering the solution. In doing this we will see the real truth behind the crisis, instead of the false truth they want us to see - but always remember to pray, as God is in ultimate control and He will have the final say on what happens upon this Earth. So pray everyday.

In America the former President Obama appeared to be moving his country away from Christianity, in favor of Islam. He had many Muslims in his administration and this must have caused concern to many Christians, who saw a move from their faith roots.

However, we know that prophecy tells us that the second beast, which we believe to be the United States, would further the cause of the first beast – who according to Martyn Luther is Papal Rome. So the end time is about two Christian nations bringing about Christian legislation, not a takeover of Islam.

So why did Obama make it look as though he was taking America towards a diluted Christian nation? Did he do so knowingly, or was he being directed by others?

In the Catholic Herald in June 2015, Obama called for world leaders to heed Pope Francis’s message on global environmental policy. So on the one hand he seemed to be moving from Christianity but on the other he underpinned his connection to Rome by inviting the Pope to speak to the American congress – which he did in September 2015. For a country that sprang out of Catholic persecution in Europe, this was a fulfillment of prophecy, with the second beast declaring its allegiance to the first beast.

Now that chaos in the world has been caused and persecution of Christian’s has been on the upsurge, is it time for the pendulum to swing back to a greater emphasis on Christian values and beliefs? Ordinary people like you and me are sick of the troubles. Will we accept anything that stops the needless death of innocents? Are we ready to accept more control of our lives?    

Donald Trump is now President and from his inaugural speech, in which he swore his oath on not only President Lincoln’s Bible but also on a Bible given by his mother, a Scottish Christian, for the Isle of Lewis, what can we expect from him that will take us closer to end-time prophecy fulfillment?  

Trump was educated at Fordham University, which is a Jesuit School in the Bronx. His Vice President, Mike Pence is a devout evangelical catholic who was once going to be a priest. The Pope has stated that division of religion is of the Devil, so who better than Mike Pence to bridge the gap of faith between Protestants and Catholics in the US.

Paula White, who is an American television evangelist held a meeting with Trump at which the following individuals were in attendance:

Kenneth Copeland, the television evangalist – who placed his hands on Trump and prayed for him.

His wife Gloria Copeland. Jentezen Franklin, who is the Senior Pastor of the Free Chapel Worship Centre in Gainsville, Georgia. David Jeremiah – a Southern Baptist; Jan Crouch who was former Religious Broadcaster for the Trinity Brtoadcasting Network (she died on May 31 2016). Steve Munsy, Pastor of the Family Christian Centre in Munster, Indiana. Rabbi Kirt Schneider, a Jewish Rabbi who preaches Jesus. Bishop George Bloomer, Senior Paster of Bethel Family Worship Centre in Durham. North Carolina. Bishop Darrell Scott, Pastor and founder of the New Spirit Revival Centre, Main, Clevland, Ohio and Bishop Clarence Mclendon. Pastor of the Place of Grace – Los Angelos.

These make up Trump’s Christian think tank from where he will take advice on religious matters during his presidency.

Trump is a Presbyterian and he says he is a Sunday Church person. He is also a collector of Bibles. He is a born again Christian according to one of his evangelical advisers. Not long ago Trump made a televised message to Roman Catholics in the ‘World Over’ program, in which he praised them for their service to America.

He has also stated that he wants to repeal the Church/State amendment made by Lyndon Johnson, which separates church and state. This amendment made sure that church Prelates did not advocate their political views, otherwise they would lose their tax-exempt status. He wants clergy to openly voice their political views and to promote them. He has vowed to bring Church and State closer under his Presidency.

It was John F Kennedy who stated that no Pope or Protestant Prelate should tell parishioners how to vote. When Trump repeals the Johnson amendment, there will be a great danger that politics will be preached from the pulpit to guide the thoughts of parishioners into a political viewpoint, which might not be their own. It will become easier for the Lord’s Day Observance society to loudly cry for a ‘rest day’ to be legislated to ensure families have quality time together. With stronger American ties to Rome this will bring us closer to the prophetic fulfillment of the observance of a non-holy day (Sunday) instituted by Rome, as opposed to God’s holy day (Saturday). And we know when the common replaces the holy, God must act, as he did with Aaron’s son’s.

Later this year is the 500th Anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation. The Pope intends to make a statement in which he is expected to say the Reformation is dead. All Protestant churches should now unite under Christ.

Satan is working harder in these last days to ensure that all things God has said in His Word are removed from the minds of men. True Christianity is under attack from all sides and Governments are siding with the God of this world. Seventh Day Adventists will become a target in the not too distant future because Satan does not like his strategy being known to the world. We know his workings behind the scenes, manipulating men who have volunteered to help him gain the world for himself.

I would like to read a section of a book called “Beware of Angels” by Roger J Morneau, who was a spiritist and now is a SDA. You can see him on YouTube, where he talks about his entry into the realm of spiritualism.

“First, I need to say that Satan and his fallen angels are greatly interested in the SDA Church and its people. In 1946 I heard a spiritist priest tell about a number of things that his spirit guide said Satan and his angels planned to do to the Adventist Church as they seek to reduce it into splinters…….. In order to do the most damage, the priest claimed, angels will take on a human form that will be an exact replica of some living Adventist……….they will rob a bank, or do unlawful deeds and witnesses will report them as individuals whom they know and happen to be Adventists. The real individuals will be arrested and charged with major crimes……Then the priest said something that I will never forget.   Our great master Satan has fantastic plans for the Adventists before the conflict closes. To be an Adventist in those coming times will not be for cowards. It will not be for weaklings.   The author goes on to say that he does not wish to cause any panic to SDA readers because any of Satan’s plans can be overruled by God and He will not allow anyone to be tempted beyond what they can individually bear. (1 Cor 10:13)

Ellen G White states in Desire of Ages pp 746-749 and also on p733:

“Satan with his angels, in human form, were present at the cross’.

So we can see that it is very easy for a fallen angel to take on the exact human form of anyone, especially Christians and carry out his plan to destroy the character of that person and his or her church?

Satan’s lies are spreading like wildfire today and even ministers of churches are being led away from God.

I recently watched a bishop of the Anglican Church state that he was a practicing homosexual and he does not believe it wrong to be one.  There are many clergy today who do not accept what God has said in His Word about sexual immorality.  Indeed society now accepts those who have chosen an “alternative lifestyle” to that of a normal relationship of marriage between a man and woman.  Many of the heads of governments in the western world have allowed the passing of same sex marriage laws.  Our own former Prime Minister, David Cameron, actually believes this was one of his greatest achievements in government.   Even Obama was proud of introducing the same sex marriage bill to America. Anyone who does not agree with these laws is branded  ‘homophobic’.

As Christians we are never to be disrespectful to anyone including those who have chosen an ‘alternative sexual lifestyle”.  We may not agree with their choice but our duty is only to point them to God’s Word.   Sadly that may one day get us into trouble with the authorities too!

The Anglican bishop, and all those who profess Christ sincerely believe God will accept them into His kingdom, even though what they do is sinful.   They do not seem to be aware that the Bible tells us that we are saved FROM our sins, by accepting Jesus, not IN them.  

(John 4:22; John 5:34; John 10:9; Acts 2:21,47: Acts 4:12)

It is by God’s grace that we have been saved, through faith but it is not we who have saved ourselves, it is a gift from God.  (Ephesians 2:8).

Accepting Jesus means putting off the old man.  That is our fleshly lusts, which controlled us before God found us wandering in the wilderness of life.   Our outward commitment to Christ is shown when we are baptized by submersion under the water and raised from the water.  We know this symbolically represents death to our old life and being raised to our new life in Christ.  This is the beginning of our journey to heaven.

Those who continue to practice the sins of the flesh after they have accepted Jesus should read Hebrews 10:26: 

“For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins”.

Sin will never again enter heaven, so should’nt we put away sin from our lives?   If the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, (1 Cor 6:19-20) and we are abusing it, how can the Holy Spirit live in our temple?  Surely He will not reside in someone who practices what God has forbidden!   Our temple is body and mind. If we are not guided by the Holy Spirit, then our minds will be focused on earthly matters rather than on spiritual things.  

It does not matter that an earthly government has sanctioned and made legal an immoral act, God Himself, even though He loves the sinner, cannot change His mind to accommodate earthy government laws.  Yes He is merciful, but He will never contradict His own Word and therefore as a just God, those who ignore His Will, will have to pay the price for their disobedience.

God never wants anyone to perish and He takes no pleasure in his or her death, (Ezekiel 33:11), but He will never take away our freedom to choose our own lifestyle and He will never change His Law.  We can confess Christ in name; we can say we are Christian’s and we can go to Church every Sabbath.  We can convince ourselves that even though we are practicing something God says is sin, we are fooling ourselves into believing His great mercy and love for us will override His justice.  He cannot protect us if we willfully commit the sins He condemns. 

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day,’Lord. Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’  “And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from me you who practice lawlessness!” Matthew 7:21-13.

As I have said above, God cannot change because human law changes to accommodate sinful practices.  Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they practiced all the abominations that were forbidden by God.  They were destroyed as an example of what will happen to all peoples and cities as they move further and further away from God’s protection, committing all the same sins as these two cities.  (Gen 19:24; Jude 1:7)

Our first parents were cast out of the bliss of the Garden of Eden for their sin. They had time to repent during their long years on the earth and received forgiveness.  We too will be kept out of heaven if we do not repent and put sinful practices behind us whilst we have time to be forgiven.  

God gave us His Book as a guide to His Will.  It is a roadmap pointing to Jesus, who alone can ensure our access to the kingdom of heaven.  We cannot just say:  “I believe in Jesus” then take no responsibility for our lives.   God has given us a brain, a mouth, hands, legs and feet.   We are His messengers (not His enforces a some religions believe), so we have our part to play.  If we call upon Him, He will give us the strength and determination and the opportunity to show our fruit to others.  If we willfully ignore the route signs, and wander off in our own direction, then we will never enter eternal rest.  Who we believe in and what we think do and say will determine our final destiny.  We should understand that we are being judged now - whilst alive, just like the skater on ice who performs in front of judges.  The final score comes after the performance.  The judges have made up their minds what score to give ‘during’ the skater’s performance.  The skater is oblivious to the score until he/she finishes the performance and stands in front of the judges.  Judgment of our lives is ongoing in heaven NOW until our final breath.  It is the result we receive on Judgment Day.

As we go further in time from the Garden of Eden, a place many today do not believe existed; we get further away from the belief in a Creator God. 

Evolution is taught as a fact in schools without one shred of evidence to prove we evolved from a primeval swamp, into animals then humans.  We have just been told in the news and on TV that they have found a small worm with a large mouth and this is our ancestor. Humans evolved from this worm – it would be laughable if they weren’t serious. How do they know?

They reject Ecclesiastes 7:29, which says that:

“God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes….”

Every bit of ‘so called’ evolutionary evidence can be disputed but because the voice of non-believing scientists drowns out the voice of logic and reason, their views are taken as truth.  When these are confronted, they use abuse and derogatory comments to lambast and make fools of the creationists belief. This only shows how scared they are of the Word of God!

I once wrote to Michael Gove, when he was the UK Education Secretary, to ask why evolution, was allowed to be taught in schools, yet creation cannot be taught?  In the letter that I received from his secretary, I was told creation is not a science therefore it cannot be taught in a science class.  I found that rather odd because evolution is also not a science, it is a ‘theory of origins’, just like creationism.  To be a science, something has to be proven in a laboratory!  Both creation and evolution cannot be tested in a science lab and both are based on faith.   Faith in God, or Faith in Man’s understanding of human evolution?  No laboratory tests can establish either one to be truth.  Therefore shouldn’t both creation and evolution be taught as a subject in school, without excluding the one that is disliked by scientists?  Not according to our government.

The Book of Genesis is no longer considered divine, because it does not, according to many, (even the Pope), fit in with the  ‘new truth’ of where human’s really came from?

I am always baffled by those theologians, who are supposed to be the mouth-piece of the Almighty – ‘the oracles of God,’ ‘teachers of the way’, ‘leaders in the truth’, as to why they don’t believe what is said in Scripture?   For thousands of years the Bible has stood the test of time.  Jesus himself said not one jot or tittle would be lost! (Matthew 5:18). Theologians are now questioning the Bibles authenticity.

Everyone will agree that Moses is attributed with the first 5 books of the Bible.  In these books we are informed that Moses met God and spoke to Him in person. (Exodus 3).  It was at this time that he asked who God was and God replied “I Am, who I Am”.  The very words Jesus spoke to say who He was and for which He was nearly stoned by the Jews for putting Himself on a level with God and indeed, saying that He was God.  (John 8:58).

God passed by Moses (Exodus 34:6).  Moses communicated with God (Exodus 19).  After spending 40 days in the mountains talking with God, He gave Moses the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) on two tables of stone written by God’s own finger. (the stone signified permanence and God’s finger importance) (Exodus 32:16).  Moses returned to the people below the mountain.  He found them worshiping a golden calf. (Exodus 32).  In his anger Moses threw down the tables and smashed them on the ground. (Exodus 32:19).  After admonishing the people and destroying the golden calf, Moses returned to God in the mountain to receive another set of tablets written again by God’s own hand for the second time. (Exodus 34). 

Moses anger with his brother Aaron must have been very scathing?  How fickle were the Israelites, who had witnessed all the miracles in the desert - the parting of the Red Sea, (Exodus 14 );  the cloud over the tabernacle during day and the pillar of fire over their camp at night  (Exodus 40:3 ).  Now, after just a few days of rest under the mountain, they had forgotten about the one true God and returned back to false worship.  No doubt many of the Israelites had taken their Egyptian wives, husbands and/or servants on the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land and it was they who persuaded the making of a cow to worship and I’m sure they played the blame game!

Satan’s plan is to perpetuate as much falsehood about God or His existence as he can so he sets up false worship. He has learned that Human beings are very superstitious and very gullible.  He began to flood the human mind with false ideas of deity.  He produced false documents that contradicted the Biblical account of creation.  He concentrated his efforts on the minds of great thinkers. New religions were born, new deities to bow the knee to.

Satan does not care if anyone says Jesus name in their prayers, as long as he can keep them from the Bible he can substitute religious practices for the truth.  Men have become shackled by tradition rather than following God’s word.  If those who fall into his hands would only open the Bible, they would see that nobody is able do anything without Christ.   It is by His merits alone, which guarantees eternal life.  Ritual and practice will never get anyone into heaven.  All other religions that do not accept Christ as the only way into heaven, have all unwittingly accepted the false worship initiated by Satan.  By creating many religions, Satan has blinded the minds of men to the true God and His Son.  It is not the fault of any individual worshipper in non-Christian religions; it is the fault of their leaders, who promote the message received from their prophets, who talked with Angels they believed had come from God.   They did not test the spirits, but accepted what was said by them and promoted their new religion convincing millions they had the truth. Through convincing argument or dictatorship, they created a process the worshipper has to follow if they are to please their God.  The consequence of their disobedience to their God or Gods is, in some religions met with physical harm or the threat of eternal damnation in the fires of hell.  They worship the God of this world without knowing it.  But we know that only by accepting Christ as God’s Son, the Holy Spirit will convict the heart and lead a soul onto the true path to paradise.

In the beginning Satan created monsters; ghosts; goblins; witches and many other abominable things to frighten the minds of men and women.  Today he remains hidden, working through the mind of those susceptible to his voice.  Men who think they are sophisticated and intelligent are being led to the slaughter and they are taking many unsuspecting people with them. 

He is working through the movie industry to brainwash millions into believing that dead people can actually live on in human form and contact the living.  Computer games are filled with destructive and violent images, which make fun of killing others.   Halloween is growing in popularity and children are being encouraged to dress up as something evil, for the sake of fun.  Death is seen as a game and not as an enemy of humanity.  God is nowhere to be seen, heard or believed in.

 ‘The fool in his heart has said there is no God’ (Psalm 14:1: 53:1)

Well there are many fools today who believe there is no creator.  In fact many believe they are a god!   They believe they are ‘enlightened’ free from the bonds they call ‘religion’.  Free to choose any direction in life to reach their desired goal – no matter how they get there, the end justifies the means.  So now they are free to do as they please, their task is to disprove the Bible is inspired.  

Led by the devil, they have continued the process that he started in the Garden of Eden.  Eve was told that she should not eat of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or she would die!  The devil said ‘no, not true’ God doesn’t want you to eat because when you do, you will know good and evil and you will be like God.  (Genesis 2:17).

God said man was created in His own image.  

Man says God was created in man’s image.

The Bible says that marriage is God’s institution for humanity:

 Genesis 2:24‘therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh’.

It is sacred and binding – Matthew 5:31-32

Man says no: let man marry a man and a woman marry a woman and lets adopt children and teach them its okay to be with the same sex.

It is impossible for a man to be a wife; neither can a woman married to another women become a wife or husband.  Nor can they ‘become one’ as sexual partners if they are the same sex,  (God calls this an abomination).

(See Bible references on sexual immorality below)

Marriage is the bond between a male and a female to procreate and populate the planet.  Reproduction of the human race is our immortality until the new world arrives.  We are the only creatures in the whole universe that can pro-create and extend our lives through our children. We are a unique and beloved creation because we are created in the image of God.  There is no other creature in the universe to which God has given part of Himself.  We can create, design, manufacture things and pro-create ourselves.

 (Note:  Contrary to many movies and beliefs, Angels and those on other un-falling planets do not pro-create as we do. Jesus said when asked: we will neither marry nor be given in marriage but be like the angels in heaven. Matthew 22:29-31

Marriage was given to the human family to make a family unit, with a Father, Mother and Children, where love is to be nurtured.  It was designed to give us a taste of heaven.  Sin has marred that taste so many marriages do not work.  This is not God’s fault nor was it His design.  The devil hates all God’s designs and wrecks all things God has instituted for man’s benefit.  It is Satan who has turned marriage into a mockery. 

There is a lot of contradicting evidence about man-made climate change and we could debate the facts and misinformation for a long time and never get to the real truth, however we must remember it was God who gave man stewardship of the earth and dominion over it.  (Genesis 1:20).   He did not give us authority to control the weather. That is God’s domain. I personally believe much of the climate change is due to the destruction of forests, which are needed to stabilize the earth’s atmosphere. However, greed for money is put before stewardship of the earth’s resources and Satan has brainwashed men into believing they are in charge of the climate, therefore taking authority which only belongs to God.

God created a Patriarchal system of government modeled on His own Kingdom, where each person plays their part to help all.  Angels in heaven each have specific roles.  Gabriel took over Lucifer’s role only after he was cast out of heaven.  Neither Gabriel nor Lucifer could do the work of Jesus.  God gave his covenant to Adam before Eve was created giving him dominion over the earth.   Eve was created equal with Adam but was given a special role as his helper. (Gen 2:18). She was to support and assist him in all things.  Had she not listened to the devil and refused to eat the forbidden fruit, her position would not have changed.  However, after disobedience to God’s will, Man became the head of woman and she had to bear his children to populate the earth.  Of course this did not mean that Adam had the right to treat his wife as his inferior.  He was to honour,  love and respect her and to treat her as if she were his own flesh, and in fact she was.  However, man has abused his role as the provider and head of the family. In many cultures they subject women to the role of a slave or merely to gratify their lust.   Is it any wonder that women have rebelled and fought back against these tyrannical, dominating men? The fact that a woman is as capable, and in many cases more capable of leadership than that of a man, it was not God’s design, under the current world order, for a woman to rule over a man, especially in the church, but Satan has taken advantage of the weakness of men and in many places set up a matriarchal system, where God is called ‘She’, If we believe that the Bible was given by inspiration from God (Tim 3:16) and that Jesus taught us to pray: Our Father, which art in heaven……..Matthew 6: 5-14, then we must believe God’s kingdom is Patriarcal and therefore should be referred to in the masculine.

The role for each of us – male and female, was given to give each of us a role to play, which would help us to understand our place and direction through our lives on this earth. God created all things and His system is one of order. We are living in a time of Babylon, which translates confusion, where millions of men and women have swopped roles contrary to the specific order of things as God created them. This is because Satan hates God therefore he creates disorder and confusion in those who do not reach out to their creator for rescue from his arrows.

Satan’s final nail in the coffin of God’s institution upon this earth will be the desecration of the day of rest, created at the beginning of time.  A period of time we call Sabbath, created by God as a rest day for man to reflect on His life and give glory to the Creator.  It is His sign of ownership of this world. That is why we are told to 'Remember' the Sabbath and keep it holy (Set it apart for other days).  The Seventh Day of the week, a day we call Saturday, should be kept as a rest day here on earth and it will also be kept in the New World. (Isaiah 66:23).  The Israelite’s kept the creation Sabbath as did Jesus, who is the Lord of the Sabbath (The Lord’s Day).  (Isaiah 58:13; Luke 6:1,5)

The 4th Commandment says ‘Remember the Sabbath’. 

Man says: no remember the first day of the week as the Sabbath.  (Daniel 7:25)

(I have mentioned that what God calls Holy cannot be replaced with the common. God must act at some point to correct man’s desecration of His Holy Day).

We all know that Sunday was formally venerated by the Emperor Constantine on the 7th March AD 321 and from claim to Christianity was the beginning of an organization that became the Roman Catholic Church who themselves on many occasions have admitted their claim to the change of the day. Just a few documents that have claimed the change: (The Catholic Press, August 1900).

(American Catholic Quarterly Review, John Gilmar Shea, January 1883.)

(Elizabeth, N.J. News, March 18, 1903).

(A Doctrinal Catechism, Stephen Keenan, page 176).

Satan continues to blind the minds of men and women today. He has reversed or substituted all that God said we should do.  He has gained millions of followers who unwittingly or knowingly accept all the changes he has made.  By following all of these reversals, we acknowledge that Satan is our master and inadvertently worship him. 

Soon everyone on this planet will have to make a choice between loyalty to God or loyalty to man. 

The Mark of the beast will be given to those who choose to follow man's religious system of worship and keep Sunday as the Sabbath.  Their allegiance to the earthly religious system shows where their loyalty lies and therefore they are marked by this loyalty.

The new smart technology will make it much easier to identify those who refuse to follow the establishment.  Those whose conscience tells them to follow the Bible and deny the world system, will be persecuted for their defiance. How easy it will be for the authorities to stop any electronic transactions of those whose names are on their list as dissenters?  This will make it difficult, if not impossible, for them to purchase or sell anything.

But we, as Christian’s, who believe in the protection of God, are not to be afraid when the time comes.  God will provide His children’s needs.

Soon there will be a calling to come out of Babylon.  (Rev 14:6-8). True believers will hear the Word and leave their churches to join with all true believers who are waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will make a new earth (Rev 21:1) for all His people, where there will be no more death. The earth will once again return to its rightful place in the centre of the universe and the former things will pass away (Rev 21:4).  God’s dwelling place will be with us.  We, who are created in His own image.  

Yes Satan is blinding millions who disregard the Bible. He loves to watch us play his blame game and follow his commands, which are the opposite of Gods commands. I believe we have been given a privileged view behind the veil to see how the devil operates. We are Gods mouthpiece, his human messengers on earth to bring the message of hope to everyone in these last days. We are to herald the truth that Jesus is the only way into Gods kingdom. Let us be good soldiers in his Army. Let us do our duty and save some souls for Jesus.


Ralph Jackson

Updated February 2016

For further reading on Homosexuality and what God says see:    Gen 19:5; Lev 18:22 and 20:13; 1 Cor 6:9; Rom 1:26-27; 1 Tim 1:10, Jude 1:7. 

You can also read what the Bible say’s about marriage in Eph 5:22-33; Matt 5:21-26;  Heb 13:4; Prov 5:18,19; 1 Cor 6:9; Gal 5:19,21; 1 Thes 4:6.


















Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. Ultimately the whole blame landed on God who created them and so the blame game has continued down the annals of time.   Nobody ever wants to take responsibility for there own actions. It is easier to cast the blame onto someone else rather than own up. We’ve all done it! I know that I have. Satan is clever, he’s had 6000 plus years to perfect the blame game.


In the Scriptures, God frequently gave direct commands. These commands could not be and cannot be disregarded without serious consequences because God holds people responsible when they disobey His Commands. We cannot cast the blame for our wrongs onto others because there are consequences to our disobedience. Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden for their disobedience.


In the case of Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu, (Leviticus 10:1-2), instead of going to the altar to get sacred fire, they lit an ordinary fire in their censers. God had made it abundantly clear to them that there is a difference between what is holy and what is common. They could not blame anyone else but themselves and the consequence was their death. We too, through disobedience to God’s Word, will face the death penalty and there will be nobody else to blame except ourselves. It is thanks only to Jesus sacrifice upon the cross that we have any hope of escaping the death penalty, therefore we are to play our part by giving allegiance and obedience to the God of creation. Temptations are always going to be with us whilst we live in this flesh and Satan knows how to hit us in our weak moments. The world is in a state of turmoil. Satan and his angels have created an upside-down world where lies are considered acceptable, even if those lies are used for the purpose of hurting someone’s feelings, they could cause pain to someone else, and they are still lies. After all it’s not our fault we lie, it’s the person who caused us to lie in the first place – isn’t it? He made me do it? Have you ever got angry when you drive a car and someone does something you don’t like or you make a minor driving error and the person behind you goes into a rage, and gives you the Winston Churchill sign or maybe just one finger? Instead of ignoring it, do you retaliate in kind! Just as well you don’t have a ‘Jesus Loves You’ sticker on the back of your car!

Satan has infiltrated the minds of million of people and they have been converted to his perverted world view. He can’t read your mind, but he knows your tender spots and can hit you where it hurts. He has been very clever over the centuries and has infiltrated governments to use men of authority to oppose the word of God. We know from history Satan used superstitious people to achieve his goals but what is his agenda or Modus Operadni, as we used to say in the military - his mode of operation, today, where men and women believe they are more sophisticated and intelligent than in the past?  

His greatest weapon today is secrecy. As long as he keeps himself hidden, intellectual people will call those that believe in his existence, fools. There are many in mainstream churches that do not believe in a literal devil, so how easy is it for Satan to trick them into believing he is just a figment of someone else’s imagination. For the religious person whose Bible knowledge is limited he can easily direct their thoughts into believing unscriptural ideas, such as the immortality of the soul and the state of the dead. (If you are one of those who believe the soul is immortal, I urge you to read scripture again where you will find ‘Only God has immortality….1 Tim 6:16). (State of Dead: Eccl 9:5-6).

Angels that manifest themselves to certain receptive believers, recruit these people to be their human messengers. Once they are brainwashed by these spirits, they promote the lies they have received to others. Sadly, many who are recruited as messengers of the devil, are unaware who these messengers therefore they become celebrities in their own churches, who treat them as ‘seers’ and blessed of God. Is it any wonder that people are looking for tangible answers to their beliefs? A vision not tested by Scripture will lead many on a path away from the true God. There are many religious organizations, which practice false worship today, even in some who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord. Some are almost pagan in their belief, therefore, it is easy for these organizations to perform or accept religious practices that are unscriptural, and lead their congregation in the wrong direction.

As we come closer to the end of time, we have to look at what is happening in our world today. Jesus told us to ‘Watch and Pray’ always, so that we are ready for everything. (Matt 26:41; Mark 14:38; Luke 21:36).


John F Kennedy believed that the separation of church and state was absolute. This may have been one of several reasons why he was assassinated? With a change of American President last month, will this affect the relationship between church and state?


Politics is being played out on our screens everyday. In America, there are two major political parties – The Democrats and the Republicans. There isn’t much difference in the two major parties policies, therefore usually whoever wins an election will follow a similar course as the one that didn’t. Of course there will be some differences in the way they precede but for the main policies they are almost equal. But will there now be a change with President Donald Trump? Well we have seen his unusually style, his Tweets and his first Presidential orders, which have upset many. Is he a maverick President? Or does he still have masters?


It is believed by many, that behind the scenes of government in America and possibly even in the other Western countries, there are financial controllers who have the money and influence to ensure the agenda they want the government to follow, is followed. Of course we don’t know if those in power know they are setting the agenda or are being directed in a particular direction by others? Is it even possible to manipulate the direction individuals or even a government takes? We can all be deceived into thinking we are following our own path, when in fact we are being unwittingly controlled by what we see and hear.



I want to thank Professor Walter Weith, for the information he provided on his video ‘The Trump Card’ which can be seen on You Tube, which is about what is commonly known as the ‘Hegalian Dialectic’. What does it mean?

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a 19th century German philosopher. He devised a particular dialectic, or a method of argument for resolving disagreements. His method of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments is a system of thought process still in use today. In simple terms, the basis of Hegelianism dictates that the human mind can’t understand anything unless it can be split into two polar opposites – good/evil; right/wrong’ left/right. In doing so it can argue from both sides even when one is irrational. The most useful form of Hegelian Dialectic in society today is the triangle dialectic. First you see or create a Problem for which you have already developed the solution. Then you wait for the reaction after which you introduce the solution you had already developed. In short this allows the maker of the problem to get the end result desired, but making it seem that those who reacted to the problem believe they had something to do with the solution. Apparently this method has been widely used by governments and corporations around the world to control the masses and society in general and its employment has been an effective tool in keeping humanity in check.  So to recap, first create a Problem or crisis, or where one has already occurred, take advantage to get a desired reaction of public outcry so the public demand a solution - a solution that has already been planned at the outset.  For example, America wanted to have influence on the ground in the Middle East. After the beginning of the ‘war on terror, a white paper was found, which stated there was the need for another catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbour. So it looks like they first created a problem, waited for the public reaction and offered a solution, which had already been predetermined from the time they created the problem. Some say the crisis of the Twin Towers and Climate Change is a Hegalian Dialectic - Problem/Reaction/Solution? It may well be?

In the past several years since the Twin Towers where destroyed, we have seen the problems that were created by this ‘war on terror’. Afghanistan, The Arab Spring, Syria and the rise of ISIS. Crisis after crisis and public outcry as a reaction with a solution already waiting to be implemented – could it be a New World Order with a new World Bank? Time will tell.

As we watch the death and destruction played out on our screens, our compassion goes out these countries, especially when we see little children hurt or dying. How do we react to these scenes? Many of us who were never interested in politics have now become vocal to our friends and family and maybe even expressed ourselves on media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. For some who would normally be passive watchers, they have taken physical action to vent their frustration and anger. The MP Joe Cox, was murdered for her views on immigration, by someone whose anger was so misplaced, he took an innocent life.  Is it possible we are being herded into a group whose thoughts are being directed or channeled by the media? As I said earlier, what we see and hear in our lives has a great influence on how we think and act. Therefore in order not to fall victim of the Hegelian Dialectic, we all need to remember the process I have just mentioned. What should we do? From now on if a major problem comes on our screens, we need to ask ourselves who will gain or profit from it? We can then remove ourselves from the equation and take a step back to look at it from a third party perspective. Look at who is reacting and ask yourself: “why and in what way?” Then look at who is offering the solution. In doing this we will see the real truth behind the crisis, instead of the false truth they want us to see - but always remember to pray, as God is in ultimate control and He will have the final say on what happens upon this Earth. So pray everyday.

In America the former President Obama appeared to be moving his country away from Christianity, in favor of Islam. He had many Muslims in his administration and this must have caused concern to many Christians, who saw a move from their faith roots.


However, we know that prophecy tells us that the second beast, which we believe to be the United States, would further the cause of the first beast – who according to Martyn Luther is Papal Rome. So the end time is about two Christian nations bringing about Christian legislation, not a takeover of Islam.


So why did Obama make it look as though he was taking America towards a diluted Christian nation? Did he do so knowingly, or was he being directed by others?


In the Catholic Herald in June 2015, Obama called for world leaders to heed Pope Francis’s message on global environmental policy. So on the one hand he seemed to be moving from Christianity but on the other he underpinned his connection to Rome by inviting the Pope to speak to the American congress – which he did in September 2015. For a country that sprang out of Catholic persecution in Europe, this was a fulfillment of prophecy, with the second beast declaring its allegiance to the first beast.


Now that chaos in the world has been caused and persecution of Christian’s has been on the upsurge, is it time for the pendulum to swing back to a greater emphasis on Christian values and beliefs? Ordinary people like you and me are sick of the troubles. Will we accept anything that stops the needless death of innocents? Are we ready to accept more control of our lives?    


Donald Trump is now President and from his inaugural speech, in which he swore his oath on not only President Lincoln’s Bible but also on a Bible given by his mother, a Scottish Christian, for the Isle of Lewis, what can we expect from him that will take us closer to end-time prophecy fulfillment?  


Trump was educated at Fordham University, which is a Jesuit School in the Bronx. His Vice President, Mike Pence is a devout evangelical catholic who was once going to be a priest. The Pope has stated that division of religion is of the Devil, so who better than Mike Pence to bridge the gap of faith between Protestants and Catholics in the US.


Paula White, who is an American television evangelist held a meeting with Trump at which the following individuals were in attendance:


Kenneth Copeland, the television evangalist – who placed his hands on Trump and prayed for him.

His wife Gloria Copeland. Jentezen Franklin, who is the Senior Pastor of the Free Chapel Worship Centre in Gainsville, Georgia. David Jeremiah – a Southern Baptist; Jan Crouch who was former Religious Broadcaster for the Trinity Brtoadcasting Network (she died on May 31 2016). Steve Munsy, Pastor of the Family Christian Centre in Munster, Indiana. Rabbi Kirt Schneider, a Jewish Rabbi who preaches Jesus. Bishop George Bloomer, Senior Paster of Bethel Family Worship Centre in Durham. North Carolina. Bishop Darrell Scott, Pastor and founder of the New Spirit Revival Centre, Main, Clevland, Ohio and Bishop Clarence Mclendon. Pastor of the Place of Grace – Los Angelos.

These make up Trump’s Christian think tank from where he will take advice on religious matters during his presidency.




Trump is a Presbyterian and he says he is a Sunday Church person. He is also a collector of Bibles. He is a born again Christian according to one of his evangelical advisers. Not long ago Trump made a televised message to Roman Catholics in the ‘World Over’ program, in which he praised them for their service to America.


He has also stated that he wants to repeal the Church/State amendment made by Lyndon Johnson, which separates church and state. This amendment made sure that church Prelates did not advocate their political views, otherwise they would lose their tax-exempt status. He wants clergy to openly voice their political views and to promote them. He has vowed to bring Church and State closer under his Presidency.


It was John F Kennedy who stated that no Pope or Protestant Prelate should tell parishioners how to vote. When Trump repeals the Johnson amendment, there will be a great danger that politics will be preached from the pulpit to guide the thoughts of parishioners into a political viewpoint, which might not be their own. It will become easier for the Lord’s Day Observance society to loudly cry for a ‘rest day’ to be legislated to ensure families have quality time together. With stronger American ties to Rome this will bring us closer to the prophetic fulfillment of the observance of a non-holy day (Sunday) instituted by Rome, as opposed to God’s holy day (Saturday). And we know when the common replaces the holy, God must act, as he did with Aaron’s son’s.

Later this year is the 500th Anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation. The Pope intends to make a statement in which he is expected to say the Reformation is dead. All Protestant churches should now unite under Christ.


Satan is working harder in these last days to ensure that all things God has said in His Word are removed from the minds of men. True Christianity is under attack from all sides and Governments are siding with the God of this world. Seventh Day Adventists will become a target in the not too distant future because Satan does not like his strategy being known to the world. We know his workings behind the scenes, manipulating men who have volunteered to help him gain the world for himself.


I would like to read a section of a book called “Beware of Angels” by Roger J Morneau, who was a spiritist and now is a SDA. You can see him on YouTube, where he talks about his entry into the realm of spiritualism.


“First, I need to say that Satan and his fallen angels are greatly interested in the SDA Church and its people. In 1946 I heard a spiritist priest tell about a number of things that his spirit guide said Satan and his angels planned to do to the Adventist Church as they seek to reduce it into splinters…….. In order to do the most damage, the priest claimed, angels will take on a human form that will be an exact replica of some living Adventist……….they will rob a bank, or do unlawful deeds and witnesses will report them as individuals whom they know and happen to be Adventists. The real individuals will be arrested and charged with major crimes……Then the priest said something that I will never forget.   Our great master Satan has fantastic plans for the Adventists before the conflict closes. To be an Adventist in those coming times will not be for cowards. It will not be for weaklings.   The author goes on to say that he does not wish to cause any panic to SDA readers because any of Satan’s plans can be overruled by God and He will not allow anyone to be tempted beyond what they can individually bear. (1 Cor 10:13)


Ellen G White states in Desire of Ages pp 746-749 and also on p733:


“Satan with his angels, in human form, were present at the cross’.


So we can see that it is very easy for a fallen angel to take on the exact human form of anyone, especially Christians and carry out his plan to destroy the character of that person and his or her church?


Satan’s lies are spreading like wildfire today and even ministers of churches are being led away from God.


I recently watched a bishop of the Anglican Church state that he was a practicing homosexual and he does not believe it wrong to be one.  There are many clergy today who do not accept what God has said in His Word about sexual immorality.  Indeed society now accepts those who have chosen an “alternative lifestyle” to that of a normal relationship of marriage between a man and woman.  Many of the heads of governments in the western world have allowed the passing of same sex marriage laws.  Our own former Prime Minister, David Cameron, actually believes this was one of his greatest achievements in government.   Even Obama was proud of introducing the same sex marriage bill to America. Anyone who does not agree with these laws is branded  ‘homophobic’.


As Christians we are never to be disrespectful to anyone including those who have chosen an ‘alternative sexual lifestyle”.  We may not agree with their choice but our duty is only to point them to God’s Word.   Sadly that may one day get us into trouble with the authorities too!


The Anglican bishop, and all those who profess Christ sincerely believe God will accept them into His kingdom, even though what they do is sinful.   They do not seem to be aware that the Bible tells us that we are saved FROM our sins, by accepting Jesus, not IN them.  

(John 4:22; John 5:34; John 10:9; Acts 2:21,47: Acts 4:12)


It is by God’s grace that we have been saved, through faith but it is not we who have saved ourselves, it is a gift from God.  (Ephesians 2:8).




Accepting Jesus means putting off the old man.  That is our fleshly lusts, which controlled us before God found us wandering in the wilderness of life.   Our outward commitment to Christ is shown when we are baptized by submersion under the water and raised from the water.  We know this symbolically represents death to our old life and being raised to our new life in Christ.  This is the beginning of our journey to heaven.


Those who continue to practice the sins of the flesh after they have accepted Jesus should read Hebrews 10:26: 


“For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins”.


Sin will never again enter heaven, so should’nt we put away sin from our lives?   If the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, (1 Cor 6:19-20) and we are abusing it, how can the Holy Spirit live in our temple?  Surely He will not reside in someone who practices what God has forbidden!   Our temple is body and mind. If we are not guided by the Holy Spirit, then our minds will be focused on earthly matters rather than on spiritual things.  

It does not matter that an earthly government has sanctioned and made legal an immoral act, God Himself, even though He loves the sinner, cannot change His mind to accommodate earthy government laws.  Yes He is merciful, but He will never contradict His own Word and therefore as a just God, those who ignore His Will, will have to pay the price for their disobedience.


God never wants anyone to perish and He takes no pleasure in his or her death, (Ezekiel 33:11), but He will never take away our freedom to choose our own lifestyle and He will never change His Law.  We can confess Christ in name; we can say we are Christian’s and we can go to Church every Sabbath.  We can convince ourselves that even though we are practicing something God says is sin, we are fooling ourselves into believing His great mercy and love for us will override His justice.  He cannot protect us if we willfully commit the sins He condemns. 


“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day,’Lord. Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’  “And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from me you who practice lawlessness!” Matthew 7:21-13.


As I have said above, God cannot change because human law changes to accommodate sinful practices.  Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they practiced all the abominations that were forbidden by God.  They were destroyed as an example of what will happen to all peoples and cities as they move further and further away from God’s protection, committing all the same sins as these two cities.  (Gen 19:24; Jude 1:7)

Our first parents were cast out of the bliss of the Garden of Eden for their sin. They had time to repent during their long years on the earth and received forgiveness.  We too will be kept out of heaven if we do not repent and put sinful practices behind us whilst we have time to be forgiven.  


God gave us His Book as a guide to His Will.  It is a roadmap pointing to Jesus, who alone can ensure our access to the kingdom of heaven.  We cannot just say:  “I believe in Jesus” then take no responsibility for our lives.   God has given us a brain, a mouth, hands, legs and feet.   We are His messengers (not His enforces a some religions believe), so we have our part to play.  If we call upon Him, He will give us the strength and determination and the opportunity to show our fruit to others.  If we willfully ignore the route signs, and wander off in our own direction, then we will never enter eternal rest.  Who we believe in and what we think do and say will determine our final destiny.  We should understand that we are being judged now - whilst alive, just like the skater on ice who performs in front of judges.  The final score comes after the performance.  The judges have made up their minds what score to give ‘during’ the skater’s performance.  The skater is oblivious to the score until he/she finishes the performance and stands in front of the judges.  Judgment of our lives is ongoing in heaven NOW until our final breath.  It is the result we receive on Judgment Day.


As we go further in time from the Garden of Eden, a place many today do not believe existed; we get further away from the belief in a Creator God. 


Evolution is taught as a fact in schools without one shred of evidence to prove we evolved from a primeval swamp, into animals then humans.  We have just been told in the news and on TV that they have found a small worm with a large mouth and this is our ancestor. Humans evolved from this worm – it would be laughable if they weren’t serious. How do they know?


They reject Ecclesiastes 7:29, which says that:


“God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes….”


Every bit of ‘so called’ evolutionary evidence can be disputed but because the voice of non-believing scientists drowns out the voice of logic and reason, their views are taken as truth.  When these are confronted, they use abuse and derogatory comments to lambast and make fools of the creationists belief. This only shows how scared they are of the Word of God!


I once wrote to Michael Gove, when he was the UK Education Secretary, to ask why evolution, was allowed to be taught in schools, yet creation cannot be taught?  In the letter that I received from his secretary, I was told creation is not a science therefore it cannot be taught in a science class.  I found that rather odd because evolution is also not a science, it is a ‘theory of origins’, just like creationism.  To be a science, something has to be proven in a laboratory!  Both creation and evolution cannot be tested in a science lab and both are based on faith.   Faith in God, or Faith in Man’s understanding of human evolution?  No laboratory tests can establish either one to be truth.  Therefore shouldn’t both creation and evolution be taught as a subject in school, without excluding the one that is disliked by scientists?  Not according to our government.


The Book of Genesis is no longer considered divine, because it does not, according to many, (even the Pope), fit in with the  ‘new truth’ of where human’s really came from?


I am always baffled by those theologians, who are supposed to be the mouth-piece of the Almighty – ‘the oracles of God,’ ‘teachers of the way’, ‘leaders in the truth’, as to why they don’t believe what is said in Scripture?   For thousands of years the Bible has stood the test of time.  Jesus himself said not one jot or tittle would be lost! (Matthew 5:18). Theologians are now questioning the Bibles authenticity.


Everyone will agree that Moses is attributed with the first 5 books of the Bible.  In these books we are informed that Moses met God and spoke to Him in person. (Exodus 3).  It was at this time that he asked who God was and God replied “I Am, who I Am”.  The very words Jesus spoke to say who He was and for which He was nearly stoned by the Jews for putting Himself on a level with God and indeed, saying that He was God.  (John 8:58).

God passed by Moses (Exodus 34:6).  Moses communicated with God (Exodus 19).  After spending 40 days in the mountains talking with God, He gave Moses the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) on two tables of stone written by God’s own finger. (the stone signified permanence and God’s finger importance) (Exodus 32:16).  Moses returned to the people below the mountain.  He found them worshiping a golden calf. (Exodus 32).  In his anger Moses threw down the tables and smashed them on the ground. (Exodus 32:19).  After admonishing the people and destroying the golden calf, Moses returned to God in the mountain to receive another set of tablets written again by God’s own hand for the second time. (Exodus 34). 


Moses anger with his brother Aaron must have been very scathing?  How fickle were the Israelites, who had witnessed all the miracles in the desert - the parting of the Red Sea, (Exodus 14 );  the cloud over the tabernacle during day and the pillar of fire over their camp at night  (Exodus 40:3 ).  Now, after just a few days of rest under the mountain, they had forgotten about the one true God and returned back to false worship.  No doubt many of the Israelites had taken their Egyptian wives, husbands and/or servants on the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land and it was they who persuaded the making of a cow to worship and I’m sure they played the blame game!


Satan’s plan is to perpetuate as much falsehood about God or His existence as he can so he sets up false worship. He has learned that Human beings are very superstitious and very gullible.  He began to flood the human mind with false ideas of deity.  He produced false documents that contradicted the Biblical account of creation.  He concentrated his efforts on the minds of great thinkers. New religions were born, new deities to bow the knee to.


Satan does not care if anyone says Jesus name in their prayers, as long as he can keep them from the Bible he can substitute religious practices for the truth.  Men have become shackled by tradition rather than following God’s word.  If those who fall into his hands would only open the Bible, they would see that nobody is able do anything without Christ.   It is by His merits alone, which guarantees eternal life.  Ritual and practice will never get anyone into heaven.  All other religions that do not accept Christ as the only way into heaven, have all unwittingly accepted the false worship initiated by Satan.  By creating many religions, Satan has blinded the minds of men to the true God and His Son.  It is not the fault of any individual worshipper in non-Christian religions; it is the fault of their leaders, who promote the message received from their prophets, who talked with Angels they believed had come from God.   They did not test the spirits, but accepted what was said by them and promoted their new religion convincing millions they had the truth. Through convincing argument or dictatorship, they created a process the worshipper has to follow if they are to please their God.  The consequence of their disobedience to their God or Gods is, in some religions met with physical harm or the threat of eternal damnation in the fires of hell.  They worship the God of this world without knowing it.  But we know that only by accepting Christ as God’s Son, the Holy Spirit will convict the heart and lead a soul onto the true path to paradise.


In the beginning Satan created monsters; ghosts; goblins; witches and many other abominable things to frighten the minds of men and women.  Today he remains hidden, working through the mind of those susceptible to his voice.  Men who think they are sophisticated and intelligent are being led to the slaughter and they are taking many unsuspecting people with them. 


He is working through the movie industry to brainwash millions into believing that dead people can actually live on in human form and contact the living.  Computer games are filled with destructive and violent images, which make fun of killing others.   Halloween is growing in popularity and children are being encouraged to dress up as something evil, for the sake of fun.  Death is seen as a game and not as an enemy of humanity.  God is nowhere to be seen, heard or believed in.


 ‘The fool in his heart has said there is no God’ (Psalm 14:1: 53:1)


Well there are many fools today who believe there is no creator.  In fact many believe they are a god!   They believe they are ‘enlightened’ free from the bonds they call ‘religion’.  Free to choose any direction in life to reach their desired goal – no matter how they get there, the end justifies the means.  So now they are free to do as they please, their task is to disprove the Bible is inspired.  

Led by the devil, they have continued the process that he started in the Garden of Eden.  Eve was told that she should not eat of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or she would die!  The devil said ‘no, not true’ God doesn’t want you to eat because when you do, you will know good and evil and you will be like God.  (Genesis 2:17).


God said man was created in His own image.  

Man says God was created in man’s image.


The Bible says that marriage is God’s institution for humanity:


Genesis 2:24‘therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh’.


It is sacred and binding – Matthew 5:31-32

Man says no: let man marry a man and a woman marry a woman and lets adopt children and teach them its okay to be with the same sex.


It is impossible for a man to be a wife; neither can a woman married to another women become a wife or husband.  Nor can they ‘become one’ as sexual partners if they are the same sex,  (God calls this an abomination).

(See Bible references on sexual immorality below)

Marriage is the bond between a male and a female to procreate and populate the planet.  Reproduction of the human race is our immortality until the new world arrives.  We are the only creatures in the whole universe that can pro-create and extend our lives through our children. We are a unique and beloved creation because we are created in the image of God.  There is no other creature in the universe to which God has given part of Himself.  We can create, design, manufacture things and pro-create ourselves.


(Note:  Contrary to many movies and beliefs, Angels and those on other un-falling planets do not pro-create as we do. Jesus said when asked: we will neither marry nor be given in marriage but be like the angels in heaven. Matthew 22:29-31


Marriage was given to the human family to make a family unit, with a Father, Mother and Children, where love is to be nurtured.  It was designed to give us a taste of heaven.  Sin has marred that taste so many marriages do not work.  This is not God’s fault nor was it His design.  The devil hates all God’s designs and wrecks all things God has instituted for man’s benefit.  It is Satan who has turned marriage into a mockery. 


There is a lot of contradicting evidence about man-made climate change and we could debate the facts and misinformation for a long time and never get to the real truth, however we must remember it was God who gave man stewardship of the earth and dominion over it.  (Genesis 1:20).   He did not give us authority to control the weather. That is God’s domain. I personally believe much of the climate change is due to the destruction of forests, which are needed to stabilize the earth’s atmosphere. However, greed for money is put before stewardship of the earth’s resources and Satan has brainwashed men into believing they are in charge of the climate, therefore taking authority which only belongs to God.


God created a Patriarchal system of government modeled on His own Kingdom, where each person plays their part to help all.  Angels in heaven each have specific roles.  Gabriel took over Lucifer’s role only after he was cast out of heaven.  Neither Gabriel nor Lucifer could do the work of Jesus.  God gave his covenant to Adam before Eve was created giving him dominion over the earth.   Eve was created equal with Adam but was given a special role as his helper. (Gen 2:18). She was to support and assist him in all things.  Had she not listened to the devil and refused to eat the forbidden fruit, her position would not have changed.  However, after disobedience to God’s will, Man became the head of woman and she had to bear his children to populate the earth.  Of course this did not mean that Adam had the right to treat his wife as his inferior.  He was to honour,  love and respect her and to treat her as if she were his own flesh, and in fact she was.  However, man has abused his role as the provider and head of the family. In many cultures they subject women to the role of a slave or merely to gratify their lust.   Is it any wonder that women have rebelled and fought back against these tyrannical, dominating men? The fact that a woman is as capable, and in many cases more capable of leadership than that of a man, it was not God’s design, under the current world order, for a woman to rule over a man, especially in the church, but Satan has taken advantage of the weakness of men and in many places set up a matriarchal system, where God is called ‘She’, If we believe that the Bible was given by inspiration from God (Tim 3:16) and that Jesus taught us to pray: Our Father, which art in heaven……..Matthew 6: 5-14, then we must believe God’s kingdom is Patriarcal and therefore should be referred to in the masculine.

The role for each of us – male and female, was given to give each of us a role to play, which would help us to understand our place and direction through our lives on this earth. God created all things and His system is one of order. We are living in a time of Babylon, which translates confusion, where millions of men and women have swopped roles contrary to the specific order of things as God created them. This is because Satan hates God therefore he creates disorder and confusion in those who do not reach out to their creator for rescue from his arrows.


Satan’s final nail in the coffin of God’s institution upon this earth will be the desecration of the day of rest, created at the beginning of time.  A period of time we call Sabbath, created by God as a rest day for man to reflect on His life and give glory to the Creator.  It is His sign of ownership of this world. That is why we are told to 'Remember' the Sabbath and keep it holy (Set it apart for other days).  The Seventh Day of the week, a day we call Saturday, should be kept as a rest day here on earth and it will also be kept in the New World. (Isaiah 66:23).  The Israelite’s kept the creation Sabbath as did Jesus, who is the Lord of the Sabbath (The Lord’s Day).  (Isaiah 58:13; Luke 6:1,5)

The 4th Commandment says ‘Remember the Sabbath’. 

Man says: no remember the first day of the week as the Sabbath.  (Daniel 7:25)


(I have mentioned that what God calls Holy cannot be replaced with the common. God must act at some point to correct man’s desecration of His Holy Day).


We all know that Sunday was formally venerated by the Emperor Constantine on the 7th March AD 321 and from claim to Christianity was the beginning of an organization that became the Roman Catholic Church who themselves on many occasions have admitted their claim to the change of the day. Just a few documents that have claimed the change: (The Catholic Press, August 1900).

(American Catholic Quarterly Review, John Gilmar Shea, January 1883.)

(Elizabeth, N.J. News, March 18, 1903).

(A Doctrinal Catechism, Stephen Keenan, page 176).


Satan continues to blind the minds of men and women today. He has reversed or substituted all that God said we should do.  He has gained millions of followers who unwittingly or knowingly accept all the changes he has made.  By following all of these reversals, we acknowledge that Satan is our master and inadvertently worship him. 




Soon everyone on this planet will have to make a choice between loyalty to God or loyalty to man. 

The Mark of the beast will be given to those who choose to follow man's religious system of worship and keep Sunday as the Sabbath.  Their allegiance to the earthly religious system shows where their loyalty lies and therefore they are marked by this loyalty.


The new smart technology will make it much easier to identify those who refuse to follow the establishment.  Those whose conscience tells them to follow the Bible and deny the world system, will be persecuted for their defiance. How easy it will be for the authorities to stop any electronic transactions of those whose names are on their list as dissenters?  This will make it difficult, if not impossible, for them to purchase or sell anything.

But we, as Christian’s, who believe in the protection of God, are not to be afraid when the time comes.  God will provide His children’s needs.

Soon there will be a calling to come out of Babylon.  (Rev 14:6-8). True believers will hear the Word and leave their churches to join with all true believers who are waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will make a new earth (Rev 21:1) for all His people, where there will be no more death. The earth will once again return to its rightful place in the centre of the universe and the former things will pass away (Rev 21:4).  God’s dwelling place will be with us.  We, who are created in His own image.  

Yes Satan is blinding millions who disregard the Bible. He loves to watch us play his blame game and follow his commands, which are the opposite of Gods commands. I believe we have been given a privileged view behind the veil to see how the devil operates. We are Gods mouthpiece, his human messengers on earth to bring the message of hope to everyone in these last days. We are to herald the truth that Jesus is the only way into Gods kingdom. Let us be good soldiers in his Army. Let us do our duty and save some souls for Jesus.



Ralph Jackson

Updated January 2016

For further reading on Homosexuality and what God says see:    Gen 19:5; Lev 18:22 and 20:13; 1 Cor 6:9; Rom 1:26-27; 1 Tim 1:10, Jude 1:7. 

You can also read what the Bible say’s about marriage in Eph 5:22-33; Matt 5:21-26;  Heb 13:4; Prov 5:18,19; 1 Cor 6:9; Gal 5:19,21; 1 Thes 4:6.














Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. Ultimately the whole blame landed on God who created them and so the blame game has continued down the annals of time.   Nobody ever wants to take responsibility for there own actions. It is easier to cast the blame onto someone else rather than own up. We’ve all done it! I know that I have. Satan is clever, he’s had 6000 plus years to perfect the blame game.


In the Scriptures, God frequently gave direct commands. These commands could not be and cannot be disregarded without serious consequences because God holds people responsible when they disobey His Commands. We cannot cast the blame for our wrongs onto others because there are consequences to our disobedience. Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden for their disobedience.


In the case of Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu, (Leviticus 10:1-2), instead of going to the altar to get sacred fire, they lit an ordinary fire in their censers. God had made it abundantly clear to them that there is a difference between what is holy and what is common. They could not blame anyone else but themselves and the consequence was their death. We too, through disobedience to God’s Word, will face the death penalty and there will be nobody else to blame except ourselves. It is thanks only to Jesus sacrifice upon the cross that we have any hope of escaping the death penalty, therefore we are to play our part by giving allegiance and obedience to the God of creation. Temptations are always going to be with us whilst we live in this flesh and Satan knows how to hit us in our weak moments. The world is in a state of turmoil. Satan and his angels have created an upside-down world where lies are considered acceptable, even if those lies are used for the purpose of hurting someone’s feelings, they could cause pain to someone else, and they are still lies. After all it’s not our fault we lie, it’s the person who caused us to lie in the first place – isn’t it? He made me do it? Have you ever got angry when you drive a car and someone does something you don’t like or you make a minor driving error and the person behind you goes into a rage, and gives you the Winston Churchill sign or maybe just one finger? Instead of ignoring it, do you retaliate in kind! Just as well you don’t have a ‘Jesus Loves You’ sticker on the back of your car!

Satan has infiltrated the minds of million of people and they have been converted to his perverted world view. He can’t read your mind, but he knows your tender spots and can hit you where it hurts. He has been very clever over the centuries and has infiltrated governments to use men of authority to oppose the word of God. We know from history Satan used superstitious people to achieve his goals but what is his agenda or Modus Operadni, as we used to say in the military - his mode of operation, today, where men and women believe they are more sophisticated and intelligent than in the past?  

His greatest weapon today is secrecy. As long as he keeps himself hidden, intellectual people will call those that believe in his existence, fools. There are many in mainstream churches that do not believe in a literal devil, so how easy is it for Satan to trick them into believing he is just a figment of someone else’s imagination. For the religious person whose Bible knowledge is limited he can easily direct their thoughts into believing unscriptural ideas, such as the immortality of the soul and the state of the dead. (If you are one of those who believe the soul is immortal, I urge you to read scripture again where you will find ‘Only God has immortality….1 Tim 6:16). (State of Dead: Eccl 9:5-6).

Angels that manifest themselves to certain receptive believers, recruit these people to be their human messengers. Once they are brainwashed by these spirits, they promote the lies they have received to others. Sadly, many who are recruited as messengers of the devil, are unaware who these messengers therefore they become celebrities in their own churches, who treat them as ‘seers’ and blessed of God. Is it any wonder that people are looking for tangible answers to their beliefs? A vision not tested by Scripture will lead many on a path away from the true God. There are many religious organizations, which practice false worship today, even in some who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord. Some are almost pagan in their belief, therefore, it is easy for these organizations to perform or accept religious practices that are unscriptural, and lead their congregation in the wrong direction.

As we come closer to the end of time, we have to look at what is happening in our world today. Jesus told us to ‘Watch and Pray’ always, so that we are ready for everything. (Matt 26:41; Mark 14:38; Luke 21:36).


John F Kennedy believed that the separation of church and state was absolute. This may have been one of several reasons why he was assassinated? With a change of American President last month, will this affect the relationship between church and state?


Politics is being played out on our screens everyday. In America, there are two major political parties – The Democrats and the Republicans. There isn’t much difference in the two major parties policies, therefore usually whoever wins an election will follow a similar course as the one that didn’t. Of course there will be some differences in the way they precede but for the main policies they are almost equal. But will there now be a change with President Donald Trump? Well we have seen his unusually style, his Tweets and his first Presidential orders, which have upset many. Is he a maverick President? Or does he still have masters?


It is believed by many, that behind the scenes of government in America and possibly even in the other Western countries, there are financial controllers who have the money and influence to ensure the agenda they want the government to follow, is followed. Of course we don’t know if those in power know they are setting the agenda or are being directed in a particular direction by others? Is it even possible to manipulate the direction individuals or even a government takes? We can all be deceived into thinking we are following our own path, when in fact we are being unwittingly controlled by what we see and hear.



I want to thank Professor Walter Weith, for the information he provided on his video ‘The Trump Card’ which can be seen on You Tube, which is about what is commonly known as the ‘Hegalian Dialectic’. What does it mean?

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a 19th century German philosopher. He devised a particular dialectic, or a method of argument for resolving disagreements. His method of arriving at the truth by the exchange of logical arguments is a system of thought process still in use today. In simple terms, the basis of Hegelianism dictates that the human mind can’t understand anything unless it can be split into two polar opposites – good/evil; right/wrong’ left/right. In doing so it can argue from both sides even when one is irrational. The most useful form of Hegelian Dialectic in society today is the triangle dialectic. First you see or create a Problem for which you have already developed the solution. Then you wait for the reaction after which you introduce the solution you had already developed. In short this allows the maker of the problem to get the end result desired, but making it seem that those who reacted to the problem believe they had something to do with the solution. Apparently this method has been widely used by governments and corporations around the world to control the masses and society in general and its employment has been an effective tool in keeping humanity in check.  So to recap, first create a Problem or crisis, or where one has already occurred, take advantage to get a desired reaction of public outcry so the public demand a solution - a solution that has already been planned at the outset.  For example, America wanted to have influence on the ground in the Middle East. After the beginning of the ‘war on terror, a white paper was found, which stated there was the need for another catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbour. So it looks like they first created a problem, waited for the public reaction and offered a solution, which had already been predetermined from the time they created the problem. Some say the crisis of the Twin Towers and Climate Change is a Hegalian Dialectic - Problem/Reaction/Solution? It may well be?

In the past several years since the Twin Towers where destroyed, we have seen the problems that were created by this ‘war on terror’. Afghanistan, The Arab Spring, Syria and the rise of ISIS. Crisis after crisis and public outcry as a reaction with a solution already waiting to be implemented – could it be a New World Order with a new World Bank? Time will tell.

As we watch the death and destruction played out on our screens, our compassion goes out these countries, especially when we see little children hurt or dying. How do we react to these scenes? Many of us who were never interested in politics have now become vocal to our friends and family and maybe even expressed ourselves on media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. For some who would normally be passive watchers, they have taken physical action to vent their frustration and anger. The MP Joe Cox, was murdered for her views on immigration, by someone whose anger was so misplaced, he took an innocent life.  Is it possible we are being herded into a group whose thoughts are being directed or channeled by the media? As I said earlier, what we see and hear in our lives has a great influence on how we think and act. Therefore in order not to fall victim of the Hegelian Dialectic, we all need to remember the process I have just mentioned. What should we do? From now on if a major problem comes on our screens, we need to ask ourselves who will gain or profit from it? We can then remove ourselves from the equation and take a step back to look at it from a third party perspective. Look at who is reacting and ask yourself: “why and in what way?” Then look at who is offering the solution. In doing this we will see the real truth behind the crisis, instead of the false truth they want us to see - but always remember to pray, as God is in ultimate control and He will have the final say on what happens upon this Earth. So pray everyday.

In America the former President Obama appeared to be moving his country away from Christianity, in favor of Islam. He had many Muslims in his administration and this must have caused concern to many Christians, who saw a move from their faith roots.


However, we know that prophecy tells us that the second beast, which we believe to be the United States, would further the cause of the first beast – who according to Martyn Luther is Papal Rome. So the end time is about two Christian nations bringing about Christian legislation, not a takeover of Islam.


So why did Obama make it look as though he was taking America towards a diluted Christian nation? Did he do so knowingly, or was he being directed by others?


In the Catholic Herald in June 2015, Obama called for world leaders to heed Pope Francis’s message on global environmental policy. So on the one hand he seemed to be moving from Christianity but on the other he underpinned his connection to Rome by inviting the Pope to speak to the American congress – which he did in September 2015. For a country that sprang out of Catholic persecution in Europe, this was a fulfillment of prophecy, with the second beast declaring its allegiance to the first beast.


Now that chaos in the world has been caused and persecution of Christian’s has been on the upsurge, is it time for the pendulum to swing back to a greater emphasis on Christian values and beliefs? Ordinary people like you and me are sick of the troubles. Will we accept anything that stops the needless death of innocents? Are we ready to accept more control of our lives?    


Donald Trump is now President and from his inaugural speech, in which he swore his oath on not only President Lincoln’s Bible but also on a Bible given by his mother, a Scottish Christian, for the Isle of Lewis, what can we expect from him that will take us closer to end-time prophecy fulfillment?  


Trump was educated at Fordham University, which is a Jesuit School in the Bronx. His Vice President, Mike Pence is a devout evangelical catholic who was once going to be a priest. The Pope has stated that division of religion is of the Devil, so who better than Mike Pence to bridge the gap of faith between Protestants and Catholics in the US.


Paula White, who is an American television evangelist held a meeting with Trump at which the following individuals were in attendance:


Kenneth Copeland, the television evangalist – who placed his hands on Trump and prayed for him.

His wife Gloria Copeland. Jentezen Franklin, who is the Senior Pastor of the Free Chapel Worship Centre in Gainsville, Georgia. David Jeremiah – a Southern Baptist; Jan Crouch who was former Religious Broadcaster for the Trinity Brtoadcasting Network (she died on May 31 2016). Steve Munsy, Pastor of the Family Christian Centre in Munster, Indiana. Rabbi Kirt Schneider, a Jewish Rabbi who preaches Jesus. Bishop George Bloomer, Senior Paster of Bethel Family Worship Centre in Durham. North Carolina. Bishop Darrell Scott, Pastor and founder of the New Spirit Revival Centre, Main, Clevland, Ohio and Bishop Clarence Mclendon. Pastor of the Place of Grace – Los Angelos.

These make up Trump’s Christian think tank from where he will take advice on religious matters during his presidency.




Trump is a Presbyterian and he says he is a Sunday Church person. He is also a collector of Bibles. He is a born again Christian according to one of his evangelical advisers. Not long ago Trump made a televised message to Roman Catholics in the ‘World Over’ program, in which he praised them for their service to America.


He has also stated that he wants to repeal the Church/State amendment made by Lyndon Johnson, which separates church and state. This amendment made sure that church Prelates did not advocate their political views, otherwise they would lose their tax-exempt status. He wants clergy to openly voice their political views and to promote them. He has vowed to bring Church and State closer under his Presidency.


It was John F Kennedy who stated that no Pope or Protestant Prelate should tell parishioners how to vote. When Trump repeals the Johnson amendment, there will be a great danger that politics will be preached from the pulpit to guide the thoughts of parishioners into a political viewpoint, which might not be their own. It will become easier for the Lord’s Day Observance society to loudly cry for a ‘rest day’ to be legislated to ensure families have quality time together. With stronger American ties to Rome this will bring us closer to the prophetic fulfillment of the observance of a non-holy day (Sunday) instituted by Rome, as opposed to God’s holy day (Saturday). And we know when the common replaces the holy, God must act, as he did with Aaron’s son’s.

Later this year is the 500th Anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation. The Pope intends to make a statement in which he is expected to say the Reformation is dead. All Protestant churches should now unite under Christ.


Satan is working harder in these last days to ensure that all things God has said in His Word are removed from the minds of men. True Christianity is under attack from all sides and Governments are siding with the God of this world. Seventh Day Adventists will become a target in the not too distant future because Satan does not like his strategy being known to the world. We know his workings behind the scenes, manipulating men who have volunteered to help him gain the world for himself.


I would like to read a section of a book called “Beware of Angels” by Roger J Morneau, who was a spiritist and now is a SDA. You can see him on YouTube, where he talks about his entry into the realm of spiritualism.


“First, I need to say that Satan and his fallen angels are greatly interested in the SDA Church and its people. In 1946 I heard a spiritist priest tell about a number of things that his spirit guide said Satan and his angels planned to do to the Adventist Church as they seek to reduce it into splinters…….. In order to do the most damage, the priest claimed, angels will take on a human form that will be an exact replica of some living Adventist……….they will rob a bank, or do unlawful deeds and witnesses will report them as individuals whom they know and happen to be Adventists. The real individuals will be arrested and charged with major crimes……Then the priest said something that I will never forget.   Our great master Satan has fantastic plans for the Adventists before the conflict closes. To be an Adventist in those coming times will not be for cowards. It will not be for weaklings.   The author goes on to say that he does not wish to cause any panic to SDA readers because any of Satan’s plans can be overruled by God and He will not allow anyone to be tempted beyond what they can individually bear. (1 Cor 10:13)


Ellen G White states in Desire of Ages pp 746-749 and also on p733:


“Satan with his angels, in human form, were present at the cross’.


So we can see that it is very easy for a fallen angel to take on the exact human form of anyone, especially Christians and carry out his plan to destroy the character of that person and his or her church?


Satan’s lies are spreading like wildfire today and even ministers of churches are being led away from God.


I recently watched a bishop of the Anglican Church state that he was a practicing homosexual and he does not believe it wrong to be one.  There are many clergy today who do not accept what God has said in His Word about sexual immorality.  Indeed society now accepts those who have chosen an “alternative lifestyle” to that of a normal relationship of marriage between a man and woman.  Many of the heads of governments in the western world have allowed the passing of same sex marriage laws.  Our own former Prime Minister, David Cameron, actually believes this was one of his greatest achievements in government.   Even Obama was proud of introducing the same sex marriage bill to America. Anyone who does not agree with these laws is branded  ‘homophobic’.


As Christians we are never to be disrespectful to anyone including those who have chosen an ‘alternative sexual lifestyle”.  We may not agree with their choice but our duty is only to point them to God’s Word.   Sadly that may one day get us into trouble with the authorities too!


The Anglican bishop, and all those who profess Christ sincerely believe God will accept them into His kingdom, even though what they do is sinful.   They do not seem to be aware that the Bible tells us that we are saved FROM our sins, by accepting Jesus, not IN them.  

(John 4:22; John 5:34; John 10:9; Acts 2:21,47: Acts 4:12)


It is by God’s grace that we have been saved, through faith but it is not we who have saved ourselves, it is a gift from God.  (Ephesians 2:8).




Accepting Jesus means putting off the old man.  That is our fleshly lusts, which controlled us before God found us wandering in the wilderness of life.   Our outward commitment to Christ is shown when we are baptized by submersion under the water and raised from the water.  We know this symbolically represents death to our old life and being raised to our new life in Christ.  This is the beginning of our journey to heaven.


Those who continue to practice the sins of the flesh after they have accepted Jesus should read Hebrews 10:26: 


“For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins”.


Sin will never again enter heaven, so should’nt we put away sin from our lives?   If the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, (1 Cor 6:19-20) and we are abusing it, how can the Holy Spirit live in our temple?  Surely He will not reside in someone who practices what God has forbidden!   Our temple is body and mind. If we are not guided by the Holy Spirit, then our minds will be focused on earthly matters rather than on spiritual things.  

It does not matter that an earthly government has sanctioned and made legal an immoral act, God Himself, even though He loves the sinner, cannot change His mind to accommodate earthy government laws.  Yes He is merciful, but He will never contradict His own Word and therefore as a just God, those who ignore His Will, will have to pay the price for their disobedience.


God never wants anyone to perish and He takes no pleasure in his or her death, (Ezekiel 33:11), but He will never take away our freedom to choose our own lifestyle and He will never change His Law.  We can confess Christ in name; we can say we are Christian’s and we can go to Church every Sabbath.  We can convince ourselves that even though we are practicing something God says is sin, we are fooling ourselves into believing His great mercy and love for us will override His justice.  He cannot protect us if we willfully commit the sins He condemns. 


“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day,’Lord. Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’  “And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from me you who practice lawlessness!” Matthew 7:21-13.


As I have said above, God cannot change because human law changes to accommodate sinful practices.  Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they practiced all the abominations that were forbidden by God.  They were destroyed as an example of what will happen to all peoples and cities as they move further and further away from God’s protection, committing all the same sins as these two cities.  (Gen 19:24; Jude 1:7)

Our first parents were cast out of the bliss of the Garden of Eden for their sin. They had time to repent during their long years on the earth and received forgiveness.  We too will be kept out of heaven if we do not repent and put sinful practices behind us whilst we have time to be forgiven.  


God gave us His Book as a guide to His Will.  It is a roadmap pointing to Jesus, who alone can ensure our access to the kingdom of heaven.  We cannot just say:  “I believe in Jesus” then take no responsibility for our lives.   God has given us a brain, a mouth, hands, legs and feet.   We are His messengers (not His enforces a some religions believe), so we have our part to play.  If we call upon Him, He will give us the strength and determination and the opportunity to show our fruit to others.  If we willfully ignore the route signs, and wander off in our own direction, then we will never enter eternal rest.  Who we believe in and what we think do and say will determine our final destiny.  We should understand that we are being judged now - whilst alive, just like the skater on ice who performs in front of judges.  The final score comes after the performance.  The judges have made up their minds what score to give ‘during’ the skater’s performance.  The skater is oblivious to the score until he/she finishes the performance and stands in front of the judges.  Judgment of our lives is ongoing in heaven NOW until our final breath.  It is the result we receive on Judgment Day.


As we go further in time from the Garden of Eden, a place many today do not believe existed; we get further away from the belief in a Creator God. 


Evolution is taught as a fact in schools without one shred of evidence to prove we evolved from a primeval swamp, into animals then humans.  We have just been told in the news and on TV that they have found a small worm with a large mouth and this is our ancestor. Humans evolved from this worm – it would be laughable if they weren’t serious. How do they know?


They reject Ecclesiastes 7:29, which says that:


“God made man upright, but they have sought out many schemes….”


Every bit of ‘so called’ evolutionary evidence can be disputed but because the voice of non-believing scientists drowns out the voice of logic and reason, their views are taken as truth.  When these are confronted, they use abuse and derogatory comments to lambast and make fools of the creationists belief. This only shows how scared they are of the Word of God!


I once wrote to Michael Gove, when he was the UK Education Secretary, to ask why evolution, was allowed to be taught in schools, yet creation cannot be taught?  In the letter that I received from his secretary, I was told creation is not a science therefore it cannot be taught in a science class.  I found that rather odd because evolution is also not a science, it is a ‘theory of origins’, just like creationism.  To be a science, something has to be proven in a laboratory!  Both creation and evolution cannot be tested in a science lab and both are based on faith.   Faith in God, or Faith in Man’s understanding of human evolution?  No laboratory tests can establish either one to be truth.  Therefore shouldn’t both creation and evolution be taught as a subject in school, without excluding the one that is disliked by scientists?  Not according to our government.


The Book of Genesis is no longer considered divine, because it does not, according to many, (even the Pope), fit in with the  ‘new truth’ of where human’s really came from?


I am always baffled by those theologians, who are supposed to be the mouth-piece of the Almighty – ‘the oracles of God,’ ‘teachers of the way’, ‘leaders in the truth’, as to why they don’t believe what is said in Scripture?   For thousands of years the Bible has stood the test of time.  Jesus himself said not one jot or tittle would be lost! (Matthew 5:18). Theologians are now questioning the Bibles authenticity.


Everyone will agree that Moses is attributed with the first 5 books of the Bible.  In these books we are informed that Moses met God and spoke to Him in person. (Exodus 3).  It was at this time that he asked who God was and God replied “I Am, who I Am”.  The very words Jesus spoke to say who He was and for which He was nearly stoned by the Jews for putting Himself on a level with God and indeed, saying that He was God.  (John 8:58).

God passed by Moses (Exodus 34:6).  Moses communicated with God (Exodus 19).  After spending 40 days in the mountains talking with God, He gave Moses the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) on two tables of stone written by God’s own finger. (the stone signified permanence and God’s finger importance) (Exodus 32:16).  Moses returned to the people below the mountain.  He found them worshiping a golden calf. (Exodus 32).  In his anger Moses threw down the tables and smashed them on the ground. (Exodus 32:19).  After admonishing the people and destroying the golden calf, Moses returned to God in the mountain to receive another set of tablets written again by God’s own hand for the second time. (Exodus 34). 


Moses anger with his brother Aaron must have been very scathing?  How fickle were the Israelites, who had witnessed all the miracles in the desert - the parting of the Red Sea, (Exodus 14 );  the cloud over the tabernacle during day and the pillar of fire over their camp at night  (Exodus 40:3 ).  Now, after just a few days of rest under the mountain, they had forgotten about the one true God and returned back to false worship.  No doubt many of the Israelites had taken their Egyptian wives, husbands and/or servants on the journey from Egypt to the Promised Land and it was they who persuaded the making of a cow to worship and I’m sure they played the blame game!


Satan’s plan is to perpetuate as much falsehood about God or His existence as he can so he sets up false worship. He has learned that Human beings are very superstitious and very gullible.  He began to flood the human mind with false ideas of deity.  He produced false documents that contradicted the Biblical account of creation.  He concentrated his efforts on the minds of great thinkers. New religions were born, new deities to bow the knee to.


Satan does not care if anyone says Jesus name in their prayers, as long as he can keep them from the Bible he can substitute religious practices for the truth.  Men have become shackled by tradition rather than following God’s word.  If those who fall into his hands would only open the Bible, they would see that nobody is able do anything without Christ.   It is by His merits alone, which guarantees eternal life.  Ritual and practice will never get anyone into heaven.  All other religions that do not accept Christ as the only way into heaven, have all unwittingly accepted the false worship initiated by Satan.  By creating many religions, Satan has blinded the minds of men to the true God and His Son.  It is not the fault of any individual worshipper in non-Christian religions; it is the fault of their leaders, who promote the message received from their prophets, who talked with Angels they believed had come from God.   They did not test the spirits, but accepted what was said by them and promoted their new religion convincing millions they had the truth. Through convincing argument or dictatorship, they created a process the worshipper has to follow if they are to please their God.  The consequence of their disobedience to their God or Gods is, in some religions met with physical harm or the threat of eternal damnation in the fires of hell.  They worship the God of this world without knowing it.  But we know that only by accepting Christ as God’s Son, the Holy Spirit will convict the heart and lead a soul onto the true path to paradise.


In the beginning Satan created monsters; ghosts; goblins; witches and many other abominable things to frighten the minds of men and women.  Today he remains hidden, working through the mind of those susceptible to his voice.  Men who think they are sophisticated and intelligent are being led to the slaughter and they are taking many unsuspecting people with them. 


He is working through the movie industry to brainwash millions into believing that dead people can actually live on in human form and contact the living.  Computer games are filled with destructive and violent images, which make fun of killing others.   Halloween is growing in popularity and children are being encouraged to dress up as something evil, for the sake of fun.  Death is seen as a game and not as an enemy of humanity.  God is nowhere to be seen, heard or believed in.


 ‘The fool in his heart has said there is no God’ (Psalm 14:1: 53:1)


Well there are many fools today who believe there is no creator.  In fact many believe they are a god!   They believe they are ‘enlightened’ free from the bonds they call ‘religion’.  Free to choose any direction in life to reach their desired goal – no matter how they get there, the end justifies the means.  So now they are free to do as they please, their task is to disprove the Bible is inspired.  

Led by the devil, they have continued the process that he started in the Garden of Eden.  Eve was told that she should not eat of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil or she would die!  The devil said ‘no, not true’ God doesn’t want you to eat because when you do, you will know good and evil and you will be like God.  (Genesis 2:17).


God said man was created in His own image.  

Man says God was created in man’s image.


The Bible says that marriage is God’s institution for humanity:


Genesis 2:24‘therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh’.


It is sacred and binding – Matthew 5:31-32

Man says no: let man marry a man and a woman marry a woman and lets adopt children and teach them its okay to be with the same sex.


It is impossible for a man to be a wife; neither can a woman married to another women become a wife or husband.  Nor can they ‘become one’ as sexual partners if they are the same sex,  (God calls this an abomination).

(See Bible references on sexual immorality below)

Marriage is the bond between a male and a female to procreate and populate the planet.  Reproduction of the human race is our immortality until the new world arrives.  We are the only creatures in the whole universe that can pro-create and extend our lives through our children. We are a unique and beloved creation because we are created in the image of God.  There is no other creature in the universe to which God has given part of Himself.  We can create, design, manufacture things and pro-create ourselves.


(Note:  Contrary to many movies and beliefs, Angels and those on other un-falling planets do not pro-create as we do. Jesus said when asked: we will neither marry nor be given in marriage but be like the angels in heaven. Matthew 22:29-31


Marriage was given to the human family to make a family unit, with a Father, Mother and Children, where love is to be nurtured.  It was designed to give us a taste of heaven.  Sin has marred that taste so many marriages do not work.  This is not God’s fault nor was it His design.  The devil hates all God’s designs and wrecks all things God has instituted for man’s benefit.  It is Satan who has turned marriage into a mockery. 


There is a lot of contradicting evidence about man-made climate change and we could debate the facts and misinformation for a long time and never get to the real truth, however we must remember it was God who gave man stewardship of the earth and dominion over it.  (Genesis 1:20).   He did not give us authority to control the weather. That is God’s domain. I personally believe much of the climate change is due to the destruction of forests, which are needed to stabilize the earth’s atmosphere. However, greed for money is put before stewardship of the earth’s resources and Satan has brainwashed men into believing they are in charge of the climate, therefore taking authority which only belongs to God.


God created a Patriarchal system of government modeled on His own Kingdom, where each person plays their part to help all.  Angels in heaven each have specific roles.  Gabriel took over Lucifer’s role only after he was cast out of heaven.  Neither Gabriel nor Lucifer could do the work of Jesus.  God gave his covenant to Adam before Eve was created giving him dominion over the earth.   Eve was created equal with Adam but was given a special role as his helper. (Gen 2:18). She was to support and assist him in all things.  Had she not listened to the devil and refused to eat the forbidden fruit, her position would not have changed.  However, after disobedience to God’s will, Man became the head of woman and she had to bear his children to populate the earth.  Of course this did not mean that Adam had the right to treat his wife as his inferior.  He was to honour,  love and respect her and to treat her as if she were his own flesh, and in fact she was.  However, man has abused his role as the provider and head of the family. In many cultures they subject women to the role of a slave or merely to gratify their lust.   Is it any wonder that women have rebelled and fought back against these tyrannical, dominating men? The fact that a woman is as capable, and in many cases more capable of leadership than that of a man, it was not God’s design, under the current world order, for a woman to rule over a man, especially in the church, but Satan has taken advantage of the weakness of men and in many places set up a matriarchal system, where God is called ‘She’, If we believe that the Bible was given by inspiration from God (Tim 3:16) and that Jesus taught us to pray: Our Father, which art in heaven……..Matthew 6: 5-14, then we must believe God’s kingdom is Patriarcal and therefore should be referred to in the masculine.

The role for each of us – male and female, was given to give each of us a role to play, which would help us to understand our place and direction through our lives on this earth. God created all things and His system is one of order. We are living in a time of Babylon, which translates confusion, where millions of men and women have swopped roles contrary to the specific order of things as God created them. This is because Satan hates God therefore he creates disorder and confusion in those who do not reach out to their creator for rescue from his arrows.


Satan’s final nail in the coffin of God’s institution upon this earth will be the desecration of the day of rest, created at the beginning of time.  A period of time we call Sabbath, created by God as a rest day for man to reflect on His life and give glory to the Creator.  It is His sign of ownership of this world. That is why we are told to 'Remember' the Sabbath and keep it holy (Set it apart for other days).  The Seventh Day of the week, a day we call Saturday, should be kept as a rest day here on earth and it will also be kept in the New World. (Isaiah 66:23).  The Israelite’s kept the creation Sabbath as did Jesus, who is the Lord of the Sabbath (The Lord’s Day).  (Isaiah 58:13; Luke 6:1,5)

The 4th Commandment says ‘Remember the Sabbath’. 

Man says: no remember the first day of the week as the Sabbath.  (Daniel 7:25)


(I have mentioned that what God calls Holy cannot be replaced with the common. God must act at some point to correct man’s desecration of His Holy Day).


We all know that Sunday was formally venerated by the Emperor Constantine on the 7th March AD 321 and from claim to Christianity was the beginning of an organization that became the Roman Catholic Church who themselves on many occasions have admitted their claim to the change of the day. Just a few documents that have claimed the change: (The Catholic Press, August 1900).

(American Catholic Quarterly Review, John Gilmar Shea, January 1883.)

(Elizabeth, N.J. News, March 18, 1903).

(A Doctrinal Catechism, Stephen Keenan, page 176).


Satan continues to blind the minds of men and women today. He has reversed or substituted all that God said we should do.  He has gained millions of followers who unwittingly or knowingly accept all the changes he has made.  By following all of these reversals, we acknowledge that Satan is our master and inadvertently worship him. 




Soon everyone on this planet will have to make a choice between loyalty to God or loyalty to man. 

The Mark of the beast will be given to those who choose to follow man's religious system of worship and keep Sunday as the Sabbath.  Their allegiance to the earthly religious system shows where their loyalty lies and therefore they are marked by this loyalty.


The new smart technology will make it much easier to identify those who refuse to follow the establishment.  Those whose conscience tells them to follow the Bible and deny the world system, will be persecuted for their defiance. How easy it will be for the authorities to stop any electronic transactions of those whose names are on their list as dissenters?  This will make it difficult, if not impossible, for them to purchase or sell anything.

But we, as Christian’s, who believe in the protection of God, are not to be afraid when the time comes.  God will provide His children’s needs.

Soon there will be a calling to come out of Babylon.  (Rev 14:6-8). True believers will hear the Word and leave their churches to join with all true believers who are waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. He will make a new earth (Rev 21:1) for all His people, where there will be no more death. The earth will once again return to its rightful place in the centre of the universe and the former things will pass away (Rev 21:4).  God’s dwelling place will be with us.  We, who are created in His own image.  

Yes Satan is blinding millions who disregard the Bible. He loves to watch us play his blame game and follow his commands, which are the opposite of Gods commands. I believe we have been given a privileged view behind the veil to see how the devil operates. We are Gods mouthpiece, his human messengers on earth to bring the message of hope to everyone in these last days. We are to herald the truth that Jesus is the only way into Gods kingdom. Let us be good soldiers in his Army. Let us do our duty and save some souls for Jesus.



Ralph Jackson

Updated January 2016

For further reading on Homosexuality and what God says see:    Gen 19:5; Lev 18:22 and 20:13; 1 Cor 6:9; Rom 1:26-27; 1 Tim 1:10, Jude 1:7. 

You can also read what the Bible say’s about marriage in Eph 5:22-33; Matt 5:21-26;  Heb 13:4; Prov 5:18,19; 1 Cor 6:9; Gal 5:19,21; 1 Thes 4:6.


































Ralph Jackson

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