From Pain To Purpose
by Katopeka Nkhoma

The journey to purpose continues. If you have been following this series, I believe your outlook on life is changing for the better. If not, I would encourage you to read the previous articles as well. They are loaded with great insights that will be of great benefit to you.

Pain is an essential ingredient to discovering your purpose. “Whaaat? Pain?” Yes, you heard me right! Let’s dig in!

There are certain things we are willing to suffer for and people call us crazy for it! Yet there are other things we see other people suffering for and we call them crazy! Purpose is always so strong in us to the extent that we are willing to suffer for it. We are willing to endure the pain.

Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
What cross are you willing to endure? What pain are you able to tolerate? Nelson Mandela was willing to endure the cross of prison for the purpose of a free South Africa. He sacrificed his freedom and family because he realised his purpose was worth the price. Purpose always has a price, the question is are you willing to pay it?

There are always pain filled patches on the road to purpose. Some of them, though we don’t realise it, are training sessions! Pain is never meant to destroy us but to strengthen us.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

I know you don’t like pain, neither do I, but the pain we go through usually points to our purpose. It always works out for our good, it brings us to our purpose. Joseph understood this well. He suffered the pain of rejection by his brothers. Not only did they reject him, they made a profit from him. How his heart must have bled as he saw his brothers dividing the money as he was dragged away to an unknown land. And when things seemed to have been getting better in Potiphar’s house, life dealt him another blow that had him sent to prison. Yet it is in prison that his destiny was unlocked! All the pain and tragedy was leading him to his purpose. Why do bad things happen to good people? Maybe that’s your route to purpose!

God had a purpose for Abram; to be the father of many nations. And yet he had no child And his biological clock was ticking it’s last. I can only imagine his pain when people mocked him and the promise of God on his life. And yet, in all that pain God had a purpose.

Some of the pain we go through is actually our ministry! A good example is that of Joyce Myers. Her ministry, her purpose is founded on her traumatic past. She can easily relate to victims of abuse and trauma because she went through it. Turn your pain into your purpose!

Genesis 50:20
But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

The evil we encounter in our lives is a stepping stone to our purpose. You either let it overcome you, or you choose to rise up and use it to your advantage! The choice is always yours. They say necessity is the mother of all inventions. In other words, our pains and needs should always push us forward, not bury us.

What pain have you gone through in life? Don’t let it bury you, rise above it and turn it to your advantage. Turn your misery in to your ministry, your cross into your crown and your trials into your triumph!

Kato Nkhoma is a seasoned Pastor with circa 15 years under his belt. He is also a prolific teacher of the word, author and freelance writer. A husband to 1wife  and father of 2 amazing children makes him a happy family man.

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