The Breakfast of Champions 2 - Faith
by Jerry Ousley

            As a kid there were a lot of foods I really didn’t like.  Two of those were broccoli and Brussels sprouts.  Mom would fix these two vegetables for the family from time to time and we were expected to eat them.  She knew that we needed some greens in our diet to grow healthy and strong. 


            There was one meal when these two vegetables were served that I got what I thought was a brilliant idea.  I just couldn’t eat them but I also knew that if they didn’t disappear from my plate that I was going to be in trouble.  So I started watching Mom and Dad.  When they weren’t looking I’d get a spoonful of these vegetables and drop them on the floor.  My intention was to secretly clean them up and put them in the trash after the meal before Mom seen them on the floor.


            What I didn’t count on was my two brothers and sister.  They saw what I was doing and promptly did “the right thing;” they told on me (of course if the shoe had been on the other foot I’m sure I would have returned the favor)! 


            The fact is, even though I didn’t like those foods my body needed them.  They were good for me.  I just didn’t like them.  Later in life I found out that these veggies are really good.  Not sure how that happened but I like them both today.  Sometimes we have to take it by faith before we really learn that we do like them … sort of like green eggs and ham in the Dr. Zeus book.


            We’ve been talking about the report of the spies coming from the Promised Land and how ten of the spies brought discouraging reports that they couldn’t hope to defeat the inhabitants of the land.  However, Joshua and Caleb had given opposite reports because they had seen the land beyond the natural.  This is found in Numbers 14:6-9.  They talked about the milk and honey of the land and then said that the giants and inhabitants of the land would be food for them.  They didn’t mean that they would physically eat those people but that it would fuel them in their relationship with God.


            The second thing Joshua and Caleb had was faith.  It took faith for them to believe that a group of slaves straight from Egypt could hope to be mighty warriors and conquer the people of the land.  We’ve talked about faith before but it is a part of the breakfast of champions that we desperately need.


            Sometimes faith seems hard to come by especially when we feel like we’ve stood for God, trusted in Him and still our situation has not changed.  I know people who have believed God for healing for many, many years and still they remain in their sickness.


            What we need to know about faith is that it isn’t necessarily a key to receiving what we need or want from God but it is our belief in God regardless our situation.  Job is a great example of this.  Job lost everything he had (and he had a lot) in a single day.  It was climaxed at the end of that very distressful day when he received word that all his children had been killed when a great wind struck the house in which they were staying.


            A few days later he was stricken with boils from head to foot.  What a plight!  But he made the statement in the midst of all of that that though God would take his very life still he would trust in Him.  That is faith.  Faith stands strong and firm even when things don’t look so good.  Joshua and Caleb knew that if they followed God (note that they followed God – not took off out in front and blindly believed that God would honor their recklessness) that God would take them where they were to go.  All they had to do was to eat the breakfast of champions!

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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