by Jerry Smith

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men... " (1Timothy 2:1, KJV).
After a lengthy introduction in chapter 1, Paul begins to instruct Timothy regarding his role in the church with an exhortation.
Paul begins his exhortation with, "first of all," indicating a the priority is... PRAYER.
Paul uses four words relative to prayer:
1. Supplications [deesis], or urgent pleading; petitioning
2. Prayers [proseuche], or sharing with God
3. Intercessions [enteuxis], or urgent pleading on behalf of, for someone, and
4. Giving of thanks, thankfulness for [eucharistia].
(i) Paul instructs Timothy to FIRST, pray.
If you are going to minister to the saints . . . first, pray (1 Timothy 4:6).
If you are going to witness to the lost . . . first, pray (2 Timothy 4:5).
If you are going to teach people . . . first, pray (2 Timothy 2:25).
(ii) If we would follow Paul's instruction to Timothy, we would:
'Petition' God for people around us.
'Share' with God about the situations of others around us.
'Intercede' for others who do not know enough to pray.
'Give thanks' to God for the people around us.
How often do I truly do this?
How often is my prayer time spent on me and mine?
How often do I spend time praying for people beyond my little world?
How often do I intercede in prayer for those around me?

Jerry is a bi-vocational, helping pastor-teacher, Christian life coach, TESOL trainer & manager, author, and freelance writer, with degrees in Christian education, teaching-English, business, theology, and divinity, currently residing in the Philippines. His interests include practical theology.

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