Does God forget unrepented sins?
by Jimmy Hacker

Does God forget unrepented sins?

God knows exactly every thing you said, every deed you done, every thought you had, every thing you read, every thing you learned from day one after your birth to now. God knows all things about every person who ever lived since Adam and Eve. People seem to under estimate the power of God. The things you forgot all about, God still remembers very clearly.

I am going to share a true story with you. There was this young hunter who went on a dream of a life time trip to Africa. He always dreamed of hunting wild animals in Africa nearly all of his life. He finally was able to go down there and he got acquainted with the people there. They showed him the town and the country where there were numerous of wild animals. He was so excited to be there and was anxious to go hunting. His idea of hunting was to hunt for large animals. In that part of Africa there were elephants and other large animals.

The morning came and the young hunter got up early and was excited to go hunting. He grabbed his rifle and gear and met with his friends as they drove off for the woods. They arrived in the country and began to hunt. The young hunter started off in the woods with the jeep following not far behind him. About an hour later, he spotted a small herd of elephants. He decided to get closer to the herd and a young bull elephant sees him. The young hunter sees a very large elephant near the young bull elephant. He aims and fires several shots at the large elephant as the young bull elephant watches all the action. The large elephant falls to the ground dead and the young bull elephant takes off charging the young hunter as the jeep moves in and rescues him.

40 years later since that hunter was in Africa, he takes another trip to the same town in Africa. He is greeted by the same friends. On this visit, the hunter wants to go back to the woods and see the wild animals again. So they went back out in the country in to the woods. They all get out of the jeep and spread apart walking in the woods as they see animals in the distance. The hunter's friends tells him about this herd of elephants that they see from time to time. The hunter enquires about where they are and so they show him. The hunter follows his friends deeper into the woods and walk spread apart. They arrive to the place where the herd of elephants are and the hunter sees this huge bull elephant. The hunter gets closer to the herd for a closer look. The herd of elephants sees the men. That huge bull elephant sees the hunter and immediately charges him. The hunter runs for the jeep which is about 2 miles away. His friends watch in horror as that huge bull elephant catches up with the hunter and stomps him to death. The hunter killed the bull elephant's mother and after 40 years that bull elephant never forgot it and never forgave the hunter. That bull elephant paid the hunter back for what he did to the bull elephant's mother 40 years ago.

World, God never, never, never forgets what you said, done or thought from day one. If you have unforgiven sins, God still remembers all of them and He knows when you committed them. 1 John 1 verse 9 says; "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." In John 8 when Jesus caught the woman in the act of adultery, He said to her in verse 11; "Go and sin no more." The message is this, forgiveness demands changes. If you want God to forgive you, you had better change and sin no more. God knows if you are serious or if you want to play around. All of those who wants to play, your sins remains and your prayers remains unheard in the Ears of God. The moment you are serious and are willing to change, God will hear your prayers. But not until then. No one can pull the wool over the Eyes of God, because He sees, hears, and knows every thing. You can't hide nothing from God. Those of you who are serious about getting your hearts right with God and following Jesus every day, God says in Jeremiah 31 verse 34; "...for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more." People can forgive others who have wronged them, but they can never forget it. God has the power to forget all of our sins and remember them no more, but we don't.

Many people have believed a lie from satan and it goes some thing like this; "You committed that sin a long time ago. It has been such a long time ago that even God has forgotten it. So don't worry about it." If you have not asked God for forgiveness of your sins regardless of how small they might be, how much more can God remember it if you have not asked Him to forgive you of it? Forgetting all about unforgiven sins does not ever make them go away. You have to ask God to forgive you of them and forsake all of them. Your old unforgiven sins are still on the records in Heaven and they will remain there until you ask God to forgive you of them. Your prayers will remain unanswered until you get right with God. If you have asked God to forgive you of all of your old sins, then it is satan who is condemning you of them. If the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future in the fires of hell, he has none.

If you are not saved at this time, go to God and ask Him to forgive you of all known sins, accept Jesus in your heart as Lord and Savior, follow Him and serve God from this moment on and God will bless you. God bless you.

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