Salvation and Victory
by Jerry Ousley

            What a relief!  Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you have fretted and worried, maybe all night long?  You ache for sleep but it simply escapes you because you are concerned about whatever the situation may be.  It could be a teenage child who has been out all night, doing who knows what.  Maybe it’s your spouse and you are concerned for their safety, or you’ve had a terrible fight and you don’t know if they will ever be back or not.  Whatever your situation may be, it is a terrible feeling.


            It happened to King Darius as found in Daniel chapter 6.  The king had made the decision to decree that no one in his kingdom could worship any god except for himself for a period of thirty days.  It was made out of pride.  He had the power to do it and smooth talking men had convinced him that because of who he was he should do it, and so he did.  He never thought about how his decision would affect others, especially one man whom he cared for – Daniel.


            Because Daniel would worship no god except the true God of Heaven, he had been found guilty of breaking this decree of the king.  His punishment was death by being thrown into a pit of hungry, starving lions.  It would be a quick death but a very painful one as he was eaten alive by these big and powerful cats.


            Darius had spent the day trying to figure a way out of making the decision to have his friend thrown to the lions, but at sunset he realized that there was no way out, so he gave the command.  He had told Daniel not to worry because his God would save him, but the night Darius spent revealed that he didn’t really believe this, even though he kept a ray of hope.  He spent the night worrying, perhaps praying to this God of Daniel that somehow, someway his friend might be spared.


            Very early the next morning Darius went to the den of lions and called out to Daniel.  Unexpectedly Daniel answered him.  God had shut the mouths of the lions.  Daniel had spent the night in the den as these big cats walked around him.  They were hungry.  They had been starved just for an occasion like this.  But God would not allow them to even put a scratch on Daniel.


            The king had Daniel lifted out of the pit of lions.  The king was relieved.  God had answered his prayer (no doubt Daniel had done some praying himself).  Salvation had been granted to Daniel and in a way, to Darius as well.  They had gone through the ordeal and in the end God had granted them victory.


            That’s exactly what God wants to do for each of us.  He knows the dilemma you may be facing right now.  You have a choice to make and the outcome of either will not be good.  You are facing situations in life that you would love to escape but you can’t.  I want to tell you that God knows where you are, what you are facing, and if you will look to Him, He will help you through your terrible situation no matter what it may be.


            We all face dilemmas.  The biggest of these is the one that truly demands life or death.  You see, we have all sinned against God.  We all have made wrong choices.  It seems there is no way out.  Maybe our choice has put us in the den of lions.  We cry out to God as the beasts that want to crush our bones pace around us.  Our nature tells us to be terrified of them because at any second they will take our lives.


            But God gave us an alternative choice.  Even though we deserve to die – we deserve to be eaten by those hungry lions – Jesus took our place.  He battled the lions so that we don’t have to.  He gave His life in place of ours.  He has removed the dilemma from us.  When we make a choice for Him we can be immediately relieved.  We will experience salvation because we have literally been saved from eternal death.  And we will experience victory – victory over sin, over the devil and over ourselves.  We can be delivered from the greatest dilemma of life.

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at to download these and more completely free of charge.

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