by Jimmy Hacker

Scream. 5-3-17

You are probably wondering why I have titled this article "scream." I wasn't going to until I felt it in my heart to write it. What does scream mean? 1 loud, high pitched, piercing cry of fear, pain ect. 2 act of emitting a scream. Every day some one some where will scream. Every body in their life time has screamed at one time to another. People get hurt and will scream. People get scared and will scream. Sudden bad news will make people scream. People get excited and will scream. A sudden and unexpected attack on some one will make them scream. In the Bible we read where it says that they cried with a loud voice. In other words, they screamed to whom ever that they were crying out loud to and some times it was God who they were screaming at.

I have screamed at family and friends and some times when I was trying to get a point across while I was preaching I did scream some times. Some pastors scream when they preach. They get to much into their messages that they scream while they preach. People who have authority like military sargents screams at their soldiers during basic training or during some other reasons. Police screams at the bad guys to get them to obey orders. Raising the voice has been around since Adam and Eve. People still use the screaming voice every day some where.

I want to share a true story with you about a uncle of mine we will call Ted. Ted lived in east Texas with his wife who we will call Elaine and son and daughter who were teenagers at that time and attended a local high school. Ted and Elaine had good jobs and lived in a nice home in the better neighbor hood of that town. They also were Christians who attended a local church in their town. In 1970, Ted's health took a sudden turn for the worse and began to go down. In 1972, Ted had already had 2 heart attacks. He had to quit his job and concentrate on his health problems. He was receiving a pension from his job to help pay for his medicine and doctors visits. Elaine always made sure that Ted made all of his doctor's appointments.

In early 1974, Ted's health was stable as he continued to follow up with his doctor's orders as he kept his appointments. In July, Ted had a massive heart attack and he had to be put in the hospital's intensive care unit. Elaine and the kids and their church prayed for Ted every day. About 1 and a half weeks later, they moved Ted to a regular room. 3 weeks later, Ted began to get better and feel real good and asked the doctor at the end of the week if he could go home soon. The doctor confirmed that Ted was doing much better and every thing looked good with him and they prepared his papers to leave the hospital and go home the following Monday. That Monday morning came and Elaine and the kids were in Ted's room visiting with him and talking to the nurses as he was packed up and was ready to leave the hospital.

All of a sudden with out warning, Ted grabs his chest, he was having a heart attack. The nurses calls the doctors and Ted's family leaves the room. The doctors rushed in and began to work on Ted. He was hooked up to a heart monitor screen and the doctors got him calmed down. A few minutes later, the monitor acted up and Ted was having a second heart attack. The doctors administered an injection in Ted's weakened heart and worked on him and got him to calm down. A few minutes later, the monitor acted up again as Ted was having a third heart attack. The doctors worked on him and tried to get a heart beat, but were unable to do so. They lost him. The doctors opened the door to his anxiously awaiting family and told Elaine; "Ted had 3 heart attacks in less than 15 minutes. We did every thing that we could do for him. We are sorry." Elaine screamed as her voice echoed down the hospital hall. We drove the 7 hour drive to attend Ted's funeral.

Scream is the rage of human emotions that is out of control. Scream is the fury that explodes from the unbearable circumstances. Scream is the heart wrenching grip that squeezes all of the pressure out of an emotional attack all at once. Scream is the point where the minds suddenly snaps uncontrollable. Scream is the release from exhausted pressure from the emotions. Scream is the inner pain that tears the spirit and soul. Scream is the relief of a crushed spirit.

The weight of sin upon the world is suffocating the true Christians. We are being choked and smothered to the point of weakness. The more that sin comes into the world, the more that God is reaching the point to scream. When God screams, He will make the world scream more from all kinds of natural disasters that will cause many to die. World understand some thing, God isn't going to sit back and do nothing while you live like the devil more every day. Psalms 33 verse 12 says; "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Psalms 9 verse 17 says; "The wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God." Many nations including the U. S. has forgotten God. I promise all of you nations that has forgotten God, God has not forgotten you. Pay day is some day and it is on its way.

God is not some worn out, old, weak grandfather rocking in a rocking chair, retired, powerless, mind gone grandfather, who needs bifocals, wearing hearing aides who uses a cane and is barley able to get around. God is the Almighty, All Powerful, All Seeing, All Knowing, All Present living God in Heaven. God is as powerful now as He was when He created the world. With just a point of His Finger, a Word, or any thing, God can split earth right down the middle and there would be 2 halves of the earth floating in space. If every man, woman, boy and girl on planet earth were on one side of a battle field with all of the best weapons and machines of war and God was on the other side of the battle field all by Himself, the world would not stand a chance. The world would be dead and gone in a split second before they even had a chance to use their weapons. God is that powerful and so much more.

God doesn't break His Word neither does He bend.
God is on the front and not on the end.
God doesn't ignore us neither does He stop.
God is not on the bottom, He is on the top.
The wicked scorn and mock the God on high.
They laugh and curse Him with out a sigh.
The wicked think that they have the last laugh it seems.
God will escort them to hell to no ending of their screams.

If you are not right with God, I want to give you a chance to get saved. Go to God now, confess all known sins and repent of them, ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior, follow Him and serve God from this moment on and God will bless you. God bless you.

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