Want vs. Need
by Steve Countryman

Most everyone wants to be needed. It helps to give you self-worth. Needing God is a basic truth and realization. If you haven’t realized it yet you NEED to. Some days are hard to face and needing God to help get you through is a very good thing. God enjoys those who need Him.

There is a problem that most of us can relate to, the person that ALWAYS seems to need you and your help. It’s that someone who always has a crisis going on in their life that they just can’t handle alone. They are forever calling you, texting you, stopping by, “running” into you, hanging around, leaving messages and they are relentless at it. Their plan is to wear you down so that you give in and help them. It’s called abuse!

It happens so often that it has become a routine an assumption on their part. They no longer respect you or your time. Putting you out isn’t even considered. They seem to work hard at being a pest and a nuisance. What started out as you being a good Samaritan has now degraded down to you becoming an enabler. There is no reason for them to change their ways because you are ALWAYS there to bale them out or give in to their wishes.

It hit me that I have treated God the same way. Where it is good to run to Him for help and needing Him to rescue me, it isn’t good for me to make it a habit of doing it time after time. That is showing a lack of respect and fear of the Lord when He is treated that way. God has feelings too and doesn’t like it when we take advantage of Him.

Want is a desire, a wish, a hope, a dream. Love is found in want. Intimacy is found in want. Wanting God to be in your life is part of loving God. It requires you to give up your barriers, obstacles and restrictions. Respect, caring and sharing are all found in want. When you love someone you WANT to spend time with them. You will find reasons to spend more time with them. You want to know more about them instead of just knowing them.

Want doesn’t abuse like need can. Want doesn’t take advantage of or mistreats. Want cares for and has compassion for those things that God desires. Want makes our desires His desires for us!  Want is deeper and beyond need.  Want is the MEAT and need is milk!

You must surrender your life over to Him as you grow closer to Jesus in want. To desire a close personal relationship with God the Father can’t be accomplished at arms length! You can’t make an intimate relationship work by placing limits and conditions on a God who loves you unconditionally. It has to be an open and honest relationship for it to grow closer and deeper together! Spend time in His Word and prayer. Find out all you can about the great love that He WANTS to lavish on YOU!

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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