by Henrietta Newton Martin

His Mercy is new every morning, His mercy is fresh as the morning dew, His mercy fills us with love so tangible, His mercy assures us that His Presence is all we need.

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endures forever.

 Let Israel now say, that his mercy endures forever.

 Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy endures forever.

Let them now that fear the Lord say, that his mercy endures for ever.”Psalms 118:1-4


That’s right, His mercy is all we need, and in His mercy He fills us with His Presence. His Presence that fills us with joy. His Presence that fills us with hope, His Presence that fills us with strength, His Presence that is so fulfilling.

Are you seeking Him in prayer only to satiate the desires of your heart? Or are you seeking Him also to live in His Presence day in and day out?


Our God and our Lord desires that the world knows of His mercy. The world may know and only be educated about His Mercy, but there is a need to understand that ‘Intense Mercy’ what He Himself is.


His name is Yahweh, the Living One, who is our God and He who is our God, In His mercy, He sent His only son, our Lord Jesus Christ, our Yeshua whom He made Lord over us, without whom, we are nothing and we have nothing in this world we live in or will have nothing hereafter in our eternal home. There is nothing apart from Him.


In His mercy Yeshua is the “Door” through which we can enter, we can enter in the joy of our Master, we can enter the Holy of Holies, His Divine Presence where in the past only the sanctified chosen priests would enter, but in His mercy He won victory on that Cross of Calvary and the curtain in the temple symbolically tore into two. His mercy is incomprehensible, no words can describe the beauty of His mercy, but the world needs to understand His mercy. It needs to understand that sacrifice, which painfully tore off the flesh of His bones, which he bore for us as a curse, which he took upon Himself, by taking the form of flesh.

What greater truth is there, than His Blood, that was shed for the redemption of our sins, all in His mercy.

The Lord desires to fill everyone with His Presence, in His Mercy. His Mercy which is so enormous, inconceivable by human mind, incomprehensible to the wisest of the wise.

Our every breath is by His mercy, we live and die by His mercy. We eat or drink, or live and work, all by His Mercy.


My soul cries,’ where would I go without your mercy Lord’, ‘where would I be without your mercy Lord’?

“Who is a God like you?

Who pardons sin and forgives the transgression

Of the remnant of his inheritance?

You do not stay angry forever

But delight to show mercy.”

Micah 7:18 (NIV)

Yes, our Lord delights to show mercy. In exhibiting mercy to His people is His delight.


The Crowns

 The Lord in His Mercy has reserved some ‘Crowns’ in heaven as a reward, for the people who love Him and whim He loves, all according to our deeds.

The crowns we work for here on this earth, will determine the crowns we will win there up in our eternal home.

There will come a time where our deeds will be judged, and we must give an account of all what we have done in this body, whether good or bad. ( 2 Cor 5 :10.)

Let us see what those crowns are:

  1. The Crown Incorruptible , 1 Corinthians 9:25 ( for winning the race we are called as a believer of Christ and sons and daughters of the most High God Yahweh)


  1. The Crown of Rejoicing. 1 Thessalonians 2:19 ( for being a soul winner)



  1. The Crown of Life James 1:12 ( for standing through trials and not yielding to temptation)


  1. The Crown of Righteousness, 2 Timothy 4:8(given to all those who anticipate the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.)



  1. The Crown of Glory , 1 Peter 5:1;4 (to be good shepherds of God’s flock, so that when the Chief Shepherd , our Lord Jesus Christ appears he will reward us the Crown of Glory. This is also given to those who support the Body of Christ, His church)


  1. The Other Crowns

The first five crowns are promised to every believer who stand the test of time and trial.

  1. The Crown Incorruptible , 1 Corinthians 9:25

   The scripture says in 1 Corinthians 9:25 (NIV)

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”

Thereby our race here on this earth is a special race. The race of a believer in Christ is a special race. It is a race which assures blessings to be reaped and earned here on this earth as well as in heaven. Our final reward is in heaven.

That reward when won, will always seem glorious in the yes of our God. The glory of that reward never dies, never fades.

Let me give you a personal example. Iam a gold medalist in laws, both in my second degree in law, as well as in Master of laws. I was a topper throughout, while I pursued my law degrees. I still remember the joy and the thrill that filled my heart when I received a phone call that I topped and was ranked first in the university by 176 marks above the second State ranker.

Oh , what a thrill, what an inexplicable joy it was. I was like the “hero” of a thrilling story who defeated plenty and won victory. With press reports, and honors through the Governor’s palace, to the Gold medals, it was a wonderful experience. I was in the limelight. Very soon, reality dawned, and the victory anthem and the thrill died down. Yes, it died down. Then came the time for me to practice in the courts and again prove myself, and then life moved on. The noise died down, life passed on, years rolled by, and no one remembers today who the gold medalist of that particular year was. The glory of this world is for a short period, soon the fame dies down and you prove again in the next sphere. I won many victories thereafter, but there was this never ending peaceful calm after those cheers. But that is not the case with our reward in heaven. We are acknowledged permanently as citizens of heaven. We are acknowledged till eternity and forever and ever Amen as faithful beings of Christ Himself who stood the test of life and have won the corruptible race to win that which is incorruptible. The prize call is not for one, but to many, to all those who hear His voice and heed to His call; to all those who remain faithful till the end.

All that this world can offer is either cheers or jeers. His gift is a free gift for all those who call upon His name. What are you working for?

How blessed and beautiful it would be to receive that Crown from His hands so precious and worthy of our every kiss and of the love song that is hummed by our soul only for HIM, with every beat of our heart. Blessed are they who receive this crown. Are you ready? Are you ready to lay your crowns down and worship Him eternally in heaven , when we get there one day, and worship Him as the angels and the elders and host of heavenly being Cry Holy , Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lamb that was slain, Blessed is our Lord God Almighty. “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” Revelations 4:10

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen” Philemon 1:25

(to be continued …….)





©Henrietta Newton Martin 2017 The above text is subject to copyright. The material may be available on some other sites as well. The writer is a lay person, a legal professional who has experienced Christ intimately, as her personal Lord and Savior .

Henrietta Newton Martin (B.Com, LLB-Gold Medalist, LLM-Gold Medalist, MMS , etc.)
The author is a lay person, a legal professional who has experienced Christ intimately, as her personal Lord and Savior .

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