by linzy bruno


Tamara squinted as the rays of the morning sun seemed to attack her work-strained eyes. She picked up her diary and got up from her desk. “I need a break," she mumbled; staring at her book of private thoughts, as though it understood her words. She tossed it onto the bed and made her way into the bathroom. It was 9a.m. and all was quiet in the house she shared with husband of 50 years. She took a quick shower and checked on her him to make sure he was still breathing, then went back to her writing. She finished her weekly devotional and emailed it out to the Churches of her employ and then reached across the bed for her diary. ‘One good thing about Marty sleeping in another bedroom is being able to work in peace,’ she thought, with a grin. ‘I have to keep seeing the funny, or I’ll go crazy watching my husband slowly die…….so helpless to do anything more than taking care of him,’ she thought. As she opened her diary to the days pages, Marty appeared in the doorway. Tamara quickly threw her thoughts behind her and remained seated on the bed.

“Whadaya do-in?” Marty asked, as he leaned on his Kane for leverage.

“Nothin’ much. You want somethin’ ta eat?”

“Not ye-t…… is there any cof-fee?”

“No, but I’ll be right down to make you some,” she replied, as he began to turn and head downstairs.

‘That was close!’ she thought. ‘I don’t want him to know that I’m writing about him, even if it is just for my eyes to see.’

Time passed slowly, as Marty’s conditioned worsened and the activities of daily living continued to grow increasingly more time consuming and all things fun became less and less tangible. Tamara continued diligently making daily entries into her diary. “I don’t know why I’m doing all this writing about Marty’s late stage MS; explaining why he’s gotta have his own bed and tons of other difficulties this disease creates. Maybe cuz without it I would have no place to record all my prayers for his healing and for my peace…….but certainly not because I’m trying to remember this terrible time!’ she thought.

Several years later, the expense of Marty’s condition got so high that Tamara had to face foreclosure. She focused her packing on the necessities because of the urgency and discovered that in all the chaos and small window of time allotted her, she left some things behind; including her diaries, but knew deep down inside that it would be better that way. Tamara lost Marty shortly after that and that’s when she felt the sting; there were 12 in total.

A few years later, Tamara died of old age; peacefully in her sleep. She went straight to Heaven. The first thing she noticed was the delightful shouts of joy coming from a multitude of angels. Tamara’s mind, then went to her carefully constructed work of remembrance. She asked God “Is Marty here? What ever happened to my diaries?”

God answered: “I will take you to him, but first Tamara, look over here,” He took her hand and pointed to a tiny spot on the earth.

Tamara looked in amazement and fell to her knees in pure joy because of what God had showed her. She looked up with the glow of deep love radiating across her whole old, but now, youthful face.

“You see my child, you left some of your things behind when you moved, among which were your books of remembrance. Well, the new owners of the house found these written treasures and have not been able to put them down! Your diaries have become a written memorial for your husband’s life and have glorified My Name! You are witnessing their transformation, for they are indeed  worshipping Me! They were lost, but now are found! Your writings of commitment to Me, of great hope and faithful preservation have made a great testimony before Me. So you see, Marty’s physical life was not spared, but your memorials brought 3 souls into the Kingdom: a father, a mother and their 7-year-old son, just came to Christ and have now been saved and that’s the reason for the rejoicing!”

“Oh WOW! Tamara screeched and leapt with joy and then she walked after the Lord, as He methodically led her to a young and healthy man; her beloved.

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Linzy has been writing for many years; seriously since her 3 kids were still young and inspirational. She has taken 2 courses in Bible studies and completed "Four Soils" Bible study course in a 26-month period; earning her certification in Bible Counselling.

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