by Olawale Ogunsola

“He who covers his sins will not


     But whoever confesses and

     Forsakes them will have mercy. “Proverbs 28:13. New King James Version. [NKJV].

     One common thing difficult but necessary to do is to confess a sin. This can be either to God or man. None of human actions, good, bad or ugly, is hidden from God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Yet He wants everyone to confess their sins to Him.

     It is even more difficult to confess a sin to a fellow human being, most especially when a stipulated penalty is attached to such a wrong doing.

     A sure result of failure to confess a sin is inability to prosper. So, a covered sin is an aberration to the sinner.

    A notable fact is that it is even more difficult to disclose a sin to your son or  daughter-except a mother who brings up a child for the purpose of sustaining such bad habit.

     Let me now limit my discussion to a saved mother and her daughter(s). Many of believers in Christ who are mothers forget many (if not all) their past misdeed. The sufficient grace that saved them and subsequent benefits have pampered them to that extent.

     These mothers fall into two groups:

     One, there are those mothers who were born into true Christian homes and those who met Jesus Christ and received Him as their Lord and saviour early in their lives. This group of mothers also walk according to the Word of God, The Holy Bible. These mothers have the effrontery to tell any of their children. “I have never been engaged in such and such bad habits” or “Have you seen me engaging in such and such bad habits?” This comes up when a child exhibits any bad manner.

     Two, there are mothers whose ship of life was about to be wrecked when suddenly Jesus Christ appeared to save them. Such mothers were notorious for a certain way of life that was detrimental to their spiritual life. In a way or the other, they were dirty!

     Now that they are Christ’s enjoying all things freely in Him, if any of their children demonstrates a trait of their own old habit, they resist with “falsehood”.

     What do I mean?

    They will rather tell that child that they were saints when they were younger as their children take after them, the mothers.

     Whereas, it is a matter of “Like mother like daughter”

     Instead, they should resist the “errant child” with the truth, the Word of God and prayer.


     They should let their children know they are walking in the old path to destruction. Educate such children on the evil that befell them when they, the parents, were walking on such a way before Christ saved them.

     A little declaration of such truth can go a long way to rescue such children.

     Not only this, the Word of God must be employed and deployed to set them free. It is a “two-edge sword” that never fails.

     Coupled with the above, their cases must be reported to their heavenly father, God. Children are the heritage of God, so he will not want them to be destroyed by the arch-enemy of man, the Devil. So, discuss their matter with Him.

    Do not pretend, no matter how dirty your past might have been. Do not forget if other mothers forget.

     Stay blessed and prepared for the coming of the Lord.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

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