sabbath day or worship day
by Definite Dhliwayo

Over the years many people have struggled to point out which day to worship or to go to church. Across Christian groups all over the world people have debated on this subject longer than they have debated the second coming. Others say we should worship on Saturday because that is the original Sabbath day where God rested from his work so we should keep that day holy. Now some say it does not matter which day we worship we do it any day. Now on this chapter I am going to point out what the people in the old, new and early church did in the days of their worship and in the process I will be building my explanation. This is a very controversial topic but nonetheless should be addressed.

In the Old Testament where God gave the law to people, where people had to work in order to be righteous and holy God commanded people to keep the day holy. The day being the Sabbath. Where if we trace is to today it was on Saturday and not Sunday. That part is true. But you have to notice that in those days God never told them to worship him on Sabbath day, he only said keep it holy and keeping a day holy does not mean worshiping on that day. Now in the times of Jesus, people still did the same thing to worship and respect Saturday, but you have to know that Jesus to the eyes of the people he broke the Sabbath every Saturday by doing work on the Sabbath. He healed on the Sabbath evident in Matthew 12:10. Jesus even said I am Lord of the Sabbath in Matthew 12:8. Now if Jesus himself worked on the Sabbath what was he telling people? He was showing them that keeping a day holy is not as important as keeping yourselves holy, because people were now worshiping the day instead of the God of the day. People were now being holy for the sake of the day, not for the sake of God. So Jesus told them that he is the Lord over that Sabbath day you love so much. I will get back to this explanation.

Now in our generation people shifted the day of worship to Sunday, which is not bad at all but bear in mind that Sunday was never the Sabbath day. It was the day following the Sabbath day which is evident by Jesus waking up on Sunday and dying on Friday. So that is settled. But now you have to understand that Jesus showed people that it is more important to worship me instead of trying to keep a day holy. Now let me give my explanation. Worshiping on Saturday,

Sunday or any day of the week is not bad at all, in the new testament we worship God any day any time anywhere because we now live with him inside as his temple so we don’t have to meet him anywhere but we walk with him. We go to church to fellowship with others not with God because God lives in us we fellowship with him anytime we want. So keeping a day holy in the new covenant is not necessary in as much as going to offer a cow on an alter for thanksgiving is not necessary. In scripture the Apostle Paul helped us in Colossians 2:16-17,” let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days: which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.” So now you see, in other versions it ends with ‘the reality is Christ” we no longer worry about keeping a day holy or not eating anything because we now live in the body of Christ who fulfilled the law for us. These are just shadows of things to come. We are not affected by the Sabbath day because we now worship God in spirit and in truth. In the Old Testament people were forced, but now we live in the body of Christ where we were made whole. So do not trouble yourself in respect of a day, we are now the temple that should be kept holy, not a day, but you yourself be holy.

definite dhliwayo, male aged 23. 
Zimbabwean, born on 03 feb 1995
a Christian 

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