Manna From Heaven

I was musing over how God provided manna from heaven to the Israelites and the thought struck me that it came from above. Not only did God provide food for the physical body to survive the wanderings in the desert, but the important and vital lesson is that every good and perfect gift comes from above.

Reading the Holy scriptures I turned to the back and looked at the map where God took the Israelites for a very long walk! A 40 year walk! Some walk eh?! Why? Well because it wasn't just enough to save his people from the Egyptians grasp and leave them to themselves, but to being them out for Himself, to set them free not just from the physical slavery but to serve their loving Father in heaven. To worship Him in all aspects of their lives. The God of Abraham is the same God today!! He is living and active.

It has took me 20 years to overcome my fears, trials of fire and inbred church indoctrination and freely say to my Father in Heaven truthfully 'I boldly come to your throne'. The confidence I have been given has come from God's own work in me. His love, constancy and faithfulness to His Word and Character has worked this in me through my precious relationship with Jesus!

I love the old hymn verse where it says 'Well our feeble frame He knows'. I actually draw comfort from this because it is so true! In myself I am nothing. If I am not attached to the Vinedresser I can do nothing! These are now not just empty words but a living reality, because just like the Israelites who wandered far and wide, which must have seemed a very long way round, was in actual fact the path the Lord had ordained.

So if you are wondering where God is in your life full of trials and tribulations. Just remember He is the author and perfector of your faith and we cannot lean on our own understanding and control where God takes us. It's called trust. It is very hard and many lessons have to be learnt to realise that we truely cannot do anything without God being there.

God's Word is the only book in the world that is constant, consistent and truely Holy. It can be trusted beyond anything this world has to throw at us, and yes the devil will try every which way he can to distract, bombard, tempt anything to get you to keep your eyes off Jesus.

God's Kingdom is a Heavenly Kingdom and we are the meditate on His precepts day and night. Fill your mind with His loving word. It is a comfort, joy, anchor and eternal hope. The journey may be long, but we have Jesus, our advocator praying for us and He has promised a mansion ready for us. Just believe it! It's True

copyright to jacqui julyan 
@[email protected].

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