Ridding Life of Termites
by Jerry Ousley

            For the past couple of articles we have been talking about termites.   Termites are an insect related to the ant division and certain species can be very destructive.  I won’t go into the statistics again (I’ve done it the last two articles) but in a nutshell they are largely unseen and can’t be detected without a test from a professional or when it is too late and the damage has been done.  I suppose when your house comes crashing down on you for no apparent reason that would be a pretty good sign too.


            We have compared these pesky critters with sin in our lives.  With actual termites a call to your local exterminator is the first step to getting rid of them.  He or she will come in, run some tests and spray in just the right areas to kill the bugs and in a matter of days, if the exterminator has done their job well, you will be rid of termites.  But there are a couple of things we have to do to make this happen.  We are responsible for the call.  There are no termite police out there who routinely check the neighborhood for the pests.  If you don’t make the call then the exterminator will not come.  Also, you have to be willing and able to pay the bill.  Your good old neighborhood exterminator doesn’t work for free.  So you have to cough up whatever the cost is to get rid of them.  If they have done considerable damage once they are gone then you are responsible to fix what the critters have torn up.  And lastly you have to take measures to make sure they don’t come back.  So there is a lot you have to do to get rid of them.


            When it comes to our salvation there is only one thing we have to do to be forgiven of sin in our lives and that is to believe.  We must believe what the Lord has said.  We must believe that Christ’s death on Calvary was the one and only ultimate sacrifice to pay for our sin.  We must believe that He will do what He said.  We must believe that we aren’t such a good guy after all and that we are hopelessly and helplessly lost without Jesus Christ.  And we must believe these things to the point that we are willing to call out to Him, depend on Him for our forgiveness and believe to the point that we are willing to do something about it.


            We can’t live good enough.  No matter who we are, how pure our pedigree, what color our skin may be, how much money we have or don’t have, we are all in the same boat.  Our only escape is to believe in what Christ has done for us.  If we don’t believe then we can’t receive.  If we don’t receive then we can’t get rid of life’s termites.  There is no other way.  Jesus is the only way because only He was pure and sinless and His death paid the final penalty for sin and His resurrection became the first fruits of claiming victory over death.  Jesus is the reversal of the curse on our planet and upon mankind.  He is the only way to rid ourselves of the termites of life.


            The great thing about being saved (saved from the inescapable and inevitable penalty for sin – death physically, spiritually and eternally in hell) is that our Lord just doesn’t cleanse us of our sin and leave our lives empty.  Remember the parable Jesus told about the fellow who was delivered from demonic spirits?  (Read Luke 11:24-26).  Jesus said that after it left it would one day return and finding the hosts life swept and put in order.  Then, the Bible says, that he brings seven other evil spirits with him and re-enters the man making him worse than he was before.  The point of this parable is that if we are delivered and not filled up with something then the door has been left open for even worse consequences.


            Paul lists some anti-termites in Galatians 5:22-23.  We commonly call these the Fruit of the Spirit.  You see when we accept Christ as our Savior He gives us the tools to resist temptation and rid our lives of those pesky termites that eat away and erode our lives.  But He knows that if we are left empty that we could wind up in worse condition.  So by way of the Holy Spirit we can replace those evil destructive things in our lives with those things listed in this passage:  Namely, love, joy, peace, longsuffering (which is patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  These are positive things, positive emotions that will make our lives wholesome and good.  Paul concluded that passage of scripture in verse 23 with these words “against such there is no law.”  In other words, in the Jerry Ousley paraphrase, “who in their right mind would make these things illegal?”


            When we are filled up with these then there is no room for the demonic spirits to return.  They come back to a full house to which they cannot withstand.  And that’s the way to get rid of life’s termites!

Jerry D. Ousley is the author of ?Soul Challenge?, ?Soul Journey?, ?Ordeal?, ?The Spirit Bread Daily Devotional and his first novel ?The Shoe Tree.?  Visit our website at spiritbread.com to download these and more completely free of charge.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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