Any Loss for Christ?
by Olawale Ogunsola

“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the

Weakness of God is stronger than men.”     I Corinthians 1:25. KJV

     The above quoted verse says a lot about the wide difference between God and man. The two are different , yet are connected. God is the Creator while man is the creature of God.

     This wide gap notwithstanding, the Lord is the loving God and has the best thoughts and plans for the works of His hands; most especially mankind. During creation, He, in His infinite wisdom, had prepared all that man would need before he was created. Since then, He has been occupied with caring for the welfare of man.

     Do you know what? There is nothing you need now that has not been created. No correction in the plans and works of God. You only need to access it.

     Do you know the problem with man? Disobedience! Every man wants things in his own ways, time and place. Whereas, the Creator knows what is the best for him. He knows the best time, place, and way.

     In other words, it is inability of man to leave his “comfort -zone” according to God’s leading. This has been the undoing of man to attain to God’s set status for him.

     Do we have any example?

     The instruction given to Abraham is clear;

     “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from

Thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee.” Genesis 12:1.

     The question is “What will Abraham be left with?” do you have an answer different from mine? My answer is “Abraham will be left alone with God alone”

    Do you know what? Abraham made the best choice to follow his God.

Where was he going? The answer is “unto a land that I will shew thee.” He did not even know the land but he chose to follow the right Personality that knew the way, that is God.

     What was his reward for leaving his comfort zone? The Holy Bible records,

 “And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.” Gen 13:2. This is the physical reward of his obedience. What is the spiritual reward he received? The Holy bible reveals,

    “After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision,

Saying, “Fear not Abram: I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward.” Genesis 15:1.

     What else does Abram (Abraham) need? He owned everything because he walked with Him who owns everything. He lacked nothing. This God is the Personality who sent Jesus Christ into the World to rescue mankind from their sins, their wrongdoings.

     It is sad that this Jesus Christ who has been given “All power” in heaven and in earth, is not acceptable to many people.

     The Lord your God wants to move you to a higher level physically and spiritually. Are you ready to leave your comfort -zone, whatever this may be.

     Be wise!

     Apostle Paul, a former religious fanatic has this to say when he met and started walking with Jesus Christ,

     “But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.”   Philippians 3:7-8.

     Please go and do likewise!

Stay blessed and prepared for the coming of the Lord.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

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