by Lewis E. Thomas

The Bible tells us of King Agrippa who listened to the preaching of the Apostle Paul!
Paul told him of his conversion on the road to Damascus where he heard God's call!
A blinding bright LIGHT shined down from Heaven and caused Paul to fall to the ground!
Paul was a "Chosen Vessel" that would soon bring God and Jesus great renown!
As he spoke to King Agrippa about the ressurection of Christ and eternal salvation.
King Agrippa found himself gripped with holy conviction by Paul"s devine conversation!
The King said, " Paul, almost thou persuadeth me to be a Christian today"!
But, King Agrippa decided to put salvation off until tomorrow or another day.
As far as the Bible speaks, that day of salvation for King Agrippa never came!
For multitudes around the world it is the same!
King Agrippa "almost" became a Christian but he never followed through!
"ALMOST PURSUADED"... does that phrase correctly describe you?
Have you come "really close" to repenting and yielding to God?
Only to "back out" and return to that same old life of sin that you trod?
We can hit within a human hair of the eternal bullseye and still score a clean miss!
If we missed the mark, though we got close, we still scored a miss!
There are multitudes in hell today that were "almost pursuaded" to be "BORN AGAIN"!
They missed the mark/opportunity because they would not repent and let go of their Sin!
Almost married, almost graduated, almost saved, the list could go on and on!
Those who were "almost persuaded" to be saved will stand before God all alone!
"ALMOST PERSUADED", think about that little phrase hard and well!
Because, "ALMOST SAVED" will definitely keep you out of Heaven and put you in Hell!
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 7/28/2018
Acts 26:28


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