by Lewis E. Thomas

There was a little bird who had fallen from his lofty nest!
He tried to fly up to it but he couldn't, though he tried his best!
He was alone, starving, and sleeping alone on the cold ground!
He was lost in the "wilderness of sin" with predators lurking all around!
The chances of him surviving were "slim to none!"
But, he was saved by a Father and his only Son!
They rescued the little bird from Sin's cold, unholy ground!
The little bird that was lost had now been found! 
The Father and the Son took the little bird in and taught him about a Cross...
Where the Son had been crucified to secure salvation for the lost!
The Father and The Son fed the little bird daily with their Word and love!
And the little bird's heart became fixed on the Father and Son above!
The little bird grew spiritually strong and spiritually wise!
The Father and the Son taught the bird how to fly "high above" old Satan's lies!
The little bird was now, no longer little or weak!
He had grown into a powerful "EAGLE" with great wings and spiritual talons on his feet!
"The winds of a Storm did not frighten this bird of "Prayer" anymore!"
"The Greater the Storm's winds the higher this Eagle could soar!"
The Eagle learned to use the Stormy Winds of life to soar high up in the sky!
And what God did for this "Little Bird" God will do for you and I.
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 9/07/2018
but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
a structure or place made or chosen by a bird for laying eggs and sheltering its young.
a place where an insect or other animal breeds or shelters.
a person's snug or secluded retreat or shelter.


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