by Demilade Eni-O'fe Omoniyi

Two men were rated to be among the richest men of their time. Mr. A was worth 1 million and Mr. B had a net worth of 10 million. In the course of time however, Mr. A got so uncomfortable with the 9 million difference between his net worth and that of Mr. B. He was getting desperate for a change. "I should have more financial weight than Mr. B. How did he even accrue this much?....I must find out his secret", he often thought.
Mr. A expressed his dissatisfaction about the financial position to his wife one beautiful morning. To his surprise, the first reaction from his wife was a beautiful smile. He queried, "What is funny about this? It is not a laughing matter".
"I adore you my dear, and I'm so blessed to be with one of the wealthiest of all time." Mrs. A smiled as she responded. " How can you compare your riches to Mr. B? You are not on the same level. You are richer than him by far. Don't be blindfolded by the numerical value....don't you remember his worth is in Naira and yours in British pounds?"
As if just regaining consciousness, Mr. A's eyes widened and wondered how he never paid attention to that. He couldn't believe he had over worked his mind unnecessarily. He was unarguably the richer one. He kissed his wife and thanked her for reminding him about this undisputable truth.
The Lord was teaching me from this fiction that popped up in my head recently. The unfortunate fact is that many Christians today are like Mr. A. We are of a superior kingdom, yet we let ourselves get encumbered with the perishable treasures of this world.
Of a truth, this world has its glories, and is the reason why the enemy thought he could sway our Lord Jesus Christ with such treasures (Matt. 4:8-9). But as Christians, heirs of God's kingdom, we must always remember that our kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36a), and so we have no basis to compare ourselves with those in the world. Struggling to be better than an unbeliever in terms of physical wealth is an aberration and a loss of focus.
Should we not be wealthy? Should we not be successful? Is it okay to be a pauper? Definitely NO!!! But what is the motive of our heart? Let it never be that our driving force for success is to show off to others or unbelievers that we are better off.
Men and brethren, just like Mr. A, you are already better off, irrespective your physical net worth at the moment. You are in possession of a far more valuable currency not seen, treasures of eternal value that can never be destroyed (2 Cor. 4:18). Glory!

Demilade Omoniyi is a child of God dedicated to evangelism by writing. He is a medical doctor committed to missions and outreaches. He shares some of his thoughts also on First Love Media.

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