by Lewis E. Thomas


We all have a Room of Darkness deep within our soul!
This Room is found in the young and found in the old!

Even the most devout Saint has that "base" nature that resides within this Room!
A nature that must remain locked away or it will bring us eternal doom!

You may think you have your Room of Darkness subdued and secure!
But think long and hard, are you really sure?

Who holds the key to that Dark Place in your mind?
Have you locked that door and given the keys to The Devine?

Or do you "keep the key" so you can slip in and slip out!
With "no one the wiser" as you pretend to be holy and devout!

The ROOM of DARKNESS can only be secured with the blood of the Lamb!
Then we must place the Keys on the Alter of THE GREAT I AM!

The ROOM of DARKNESS is disguised with an enticing look and appeal!
It becons unto your "flesh" and wants you to come inside and kneel!

Many of the MIGHTY have fallen because they never gave God the key! 
The ROOM of DARKNESS enslaved them and they were never able to get free!

A few moments in that Room for a sinful thrill!
Can destroy a reputation that took a lifetime to build!

Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 7/28/2016

This poem viewed 366 times  before reposting on 5/21/2019


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