Christ And The Feasts Of Israel - Part Two
by Rik Charbonneaux

"These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ." Col. 2:16-17 ESV

In Part 1 of "Christ And The Feasts Of Israel" we saw the correlation between the Messianic Prophecies that the Jews held as their hope of the day that "Messiah would come" and the occurrences during Christ's First Advent that we hold as our assured hope of His (the) resurrection. Now we will see how the prophesies from the Book of Revelations that we look forward to being fulfilled will be closely parallel to the events celebrated in the last three Feasts of Israel. But first we must go through that length of time that no one knows but the Father:

The Time between the Spring and Fall Feasts:

Just as there is a long length of time between the first four feasts (spring) and the last three (fall), there also is the unknown length of time between Christ's first and second avents. Also, just like the prophseies of the events surrounding the future second advent of Christ, the last three feasts have not been yet been fulfilled either.

For Israel, this is the time of their blindness in part and it is the tine of anticapation and expectation ("Come Lord Jesus, come!") for the believer.

The Last Three Feasts of Israel:

Let us move onto the similarities between the last three feasts of Israel and what many believe is to be seen in the prophseies concerning the second advent, and to see what many believe will be pictured as their being fulfilled through Jesus (Book of Revelation):

5. The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) - This feast is the beginning of the high holy days, the "days of awe". Just as the prophet Joel sternly warned Israel to blow trumpets because the Day of the Lord could happen at any moment, so too are we to listen for Trumpet of God that will sound when the dead in Christ will rise, and He will come to meet us in the air.

Just as observing that the Day of the Lord will bring total destruction to all evil, the feast of Trunpets is also related to the teaching that it is also the day that God records the fate of every human in the book of life.

When Paul spoke upon our meeting with Jesus in the air, he did so right ahead of speaking upon the Day of the Lord. No matter when one thinks the rapture will occur, it will be ahead of the second advent. This feast has many aspects that parallel the gathering of the saints that we should all be looking forward to as if it were to happen in the five minutes.

6. Feast of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) - This feast day is the most holy day for Israel, being the last of the high holy days ("days of awe") and also the last day of the year that sins can be confessed and made attonement for. This parallels between the Jews confessing sins and making atonement and all of humanity standing before the Judgement Seat of Christ is remarkable. When the Jews finally say "blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord", Our Lord will return and all will stand the final judgement. Phrosphy and feast will then have been fufulled by Jesus.

7. Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) - Sukkot - This feast commerates Israel living in tabernacles when the Lord brought them out of Egypt. Just as it is rememebered the God's protection and presence was with Israel as a cloumn of smoke during the day and a column fire at night, this feast looks forward to Messiah living (tabernacling) among men during the Messanic Age.

When Zechariah speaks of the Millennium (Messanic Age) he only mentions one feast being observed at that time, the Feast of Tabernacles, and its observace will be so imiportant that even non-believers during the Millennium are held accountable: "The Lord will bring on them the plague he inflicts on the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles." Zechariah 14:18 NIV

When Satan is bound and Jesus lives among men as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He will have fulfilled the Feast of Tabernacles (Rev. 20:1-7).

I hope you have enjoyed reading of how our Lord will fulfill the last three Feasts of Israel.

I really enjoy seeing how God provides for all the people He has gathered unto Himself for eternity, with every aspect unfolding according to His divine plan.

* "The Seven Feasts of Israel are Fulfilled in Jesus" by Matthew Ervin -, 3/24/2014

Rik Charbonneaux is a retired NE Iowan who loves all of God's Word and all of His creatures.

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