We Should Not Worry But Sometimes We do, So Let's Pray
by Tesse Wilson

Although we know we should not worry, we may find ourselves worrying. Little faith and wavering faith causes us to worry. To deal with worrying we must stand firmly on God’s promises written in the Bible. To stand firmly we must increase our faith in God’s word. Faith comes by hearing the word of God and faith will increase by hearing the word of God. Let us take heed how we hear. Let us receive God’s word with readiness of heart.

Let's Pray:
Abba Father, Your holy name be praised. Jesus said take no thought for tomorrow that you our Father knows what we need. The Apostle Paul speaking by the inspiration of your Spirit said be anxious for nothing but Father we sometimes find ourselves worrying, fretting, anxious and fearful. Help us to order our lives according to the principles and promises of your Word. Help us to come to the place where we can say like the Psalmist - The Lord is my light and my salvation whom or what shall I fear. The Lord is the strength of my life I will not be afraid or alarmed. We ask for more grace in the name of Jesus.

For perfect peace we need to keep our minds stayed on Him
To cast out all types of fear we need to have His love perfected in us
To have faith and increasing faith we must hear and believe His Word

Blessings of Shalom to you Reader!

By Tesse Wilson



All good gifts come from the Lord. Tesse is happy to be gifted by the Lord to write. It is her prayer that her writings will bless, encourage and inspire others. Thank God for his Spirit who gives inspiration and his grace which enables her. 

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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