Silver Legacy
by Tonja Taylor

At a writers' worksho, we were told to choose a picture from the pile and write a short article within five minutes. My picture was of a casino. Personally, I don't like casinos and see no righteous purpose for them. But here is what I wrote:

Does anyone want to be incredibly rich?

Yes, playing the lottery is a sure thing—you are SURE to lose your money! Yes, some people win on occasion--just enough to entice them and others to keep coming for that "chance" of winning, but then what do they do? When people win money, they usually, turn around and spend it at the casino, or waste it otherwise—and they’re not better of, they are WORSE off than before.

The world and the enemy are deceitful, and only out to steal, NEVER to truly bless! The world tempts with false riches, and appeals to the flesh in every way. but the true wealth is the Kingdom of God!

God said, in Psalm 24:1The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof."

Adonai is the LORD. His nail-scarred hand is both beautiful and horrific.

Here is an example from my life: When I withheld and gave God '‘leftovers," there was never enough; things were often breaking down, and I was being a disobedient child. But then the LORD taught and strengthened me to start tithing and giving above that--in money, and service, and prayers. 

So here are three keys to receive the legacy of the riches--the "silver"--that we all seem to want, and that, indeed, our Father God has already provided!
       1. SEEK--Pursue the LORD our God, the Holy One, by reading His Word; speaking and memorizing Scriptures; obeying His Word and Voice; praising and worshiping Him; attending church regularly; and fellowshipping with other Believers. Jesus is both the Treasurer and THE Treasure of Heaven! Everything we need and want is in Him!
       2. SOW—Invest in the work of God, by bringing tithes (Mal. 3:8-10) into the storehouse, that there may be "meat"—truth, revelation—in the church; by giving money and other possessions into the work of your church and the Church at large that preaches the truth of Jesus Christ; by sowing your time and gifts and service into the work of advancing the Kingdom of God. Sow into HIS eternal Kingdom, for investment return that are OUT of this world! 
       3. SAVOR--Treasure the Word of God and His Presence. How amazing and PRICELESS that, if we just ask the LORD of Heaven and earth to forgive us of all we've done wrong, and speak out of our mouths that we believe Jesus is our LORD and Savior, that we are changed instantly from the doomed kingdom of darkness to the eternal Kingdom of Light! How precious that we will be able to be in Heaven forever with Jesus!

Jesus said in John 10:10I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”

God gives us not only all we need and more financially, but abundantly blesses our health and strength, our relationships, our satisfaction in discovering and fulfilling our life purposes, and more.  How exquisite and sublime is the sweet companionship of the LORD (Psalm 25:12-14; His wisdom, instruction, blessing, favor, protection, health, guidance, love, peace, joy, grace....Amen!

Silver is the color of redemption, and redeeming us from every curse so that we could live the above and beyond life (Ephesians 3:20) is what Jesus did for us on the cross (John 3:1617). He didn't have to rescue us from destruction, but He chose to sacrifice His life so we could be saved and have victory and true riches. 

The silver legacy of Jesus' blood shed for us on the cross is the truest treasure, and HE is what we should seek, sow, and savor!

To be truly rich, choose the Silver Legacy of the blood of Christ Jesus!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

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