12 Times to Talk to God
by Tonja Taylor

Prayer is really just talking to God. But in talking to God--the Creator and Sustainer of Heaven and earth--your prayers can actually change history!

From praying for the right person to be put in office in Presidential elections; to praying for your pastors, teachers, and other community leaders; to praying for your neighbors; to praying for your family, you can greatly affect the outcome of many lives around you, and thus affect your own!

There are formal prayers, and informal prayers. But this article is slanted toward approaching God as Father Who loves all people and wants their best.

 Paul says to “pray without ceasing,” and that means to be in continuous conversation—an attitude and readiness to pray, practically any time, any where, about anything you believe He is leading you to pray for. I prefer to “err” on the side of obedience instead of not pray just because it doesn’t make sense to my mind!

So prayer is, mostly, making respectful requests of the LORD, just as we would with our earthly father, or a supervisor, or even a good friend.

Also, we must teach our kids that they can talk to the Lord their Father any time, anywhere, about anything-just as we want them to be able to trust and talk to us. 

There are many opportunities throughout the day for prayer, such as:

  • Upon rising. While my little one bows her head, I pray that God will keep us safe from the enemy, and bless us with a good day.

  • Before every meal, even-and especially in-restaurants, and even if you cook.

  • Immediately if we learn of a concern, such as a loved one being ill, or my daughter bumping her knee or something. We stop right then and pray. There have been a few times I’ve asked her to pray for me because I didn’t feel very well, and I’ll never forget when she bowed her little head and prayed, “Oh, Jehovah Rapha! Please heal my mama……” How sweet to the spirit and soul!

  • Pray the Word of God. There are several books with prayers constructed with Scriptures, listed in categories for what to pray about. Ask the LORD first to lead you to the right Scriptures, or the right prayer. He is faithful!

  • Pray about everything, even the “smallest” concern-for our loving Heavenly Father is truly concerned with every detail of our lives. This was very hard for me to understand until I had my own child. I was concerned about every detail of her life, of course, and wanted to do all I could to give her the best life possible!

  • Pray in the Spirit (for those who are baptized in the Holy Spirit, which is a filling of the Spirit of God for greater service, including miracles!)

  • Pray daily for the peace and prosperity of Israel, and of the United States of America, and for wisdom for our leaders!

  • Pray for your pastors and the staff, and other ministers you support and believe in.

  • Pray for government leaders, including school boards.

  • Pray for wisdom and love and grace for school teachers, administration, and other staff.

  • Pray for a move of God in other countries, especially where the people have been oppressed and not able to freely worship the LORD or have the Word of God. You can research this, or just ask the LORD which countries He wants you to pray for. He will show you!

  • Pray otherwise as the LORD leads. You may not understand it, but go by faith and pray anyway. It’s not going to hurt anything! For a few years, often when I prayed at night with my husband, a certain first name of a person would rise up in my mind and I would pray for that person. I had no idea if it was a male or a female, nor anyone else. But I prayed for a few years anyway, and trust the LORD was using it. Heaven will tell!

Tonja and her husband live to exalt God. They lift Him up in books (P.O.W.E.R. Girl!; LEGACY; Visions of the King; Your Holy Health; more); presentations; service in church, community, and the world; and via the "River Rain Creative" (309 videos) and "POWERLight Learning" You Tube channels.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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